R.I.P. Our Motorcycling Friend
Er, reading comprehension running a little low there, Skooter, or are your trifocals due for an upgrade?Those numbers for 03 and 04 is what I have always heard reported. As for 05, remember, he gave the numbers for the "first" production run. How many did they do for the 2nd PDP. That would put the numbers in your 5000-6000 range.:eh: ???? Have you seen the cost of gas lately?! There's your market right there!I guess I don't understand the market for them.
Those numbers for '05 are way low. H Marc's site has a page for posting the arrival of your FJR (I can't find the link otherwise I'd post it). Last time I checked, first order '05's highest SN posted was xxxx3864, IIRC. And that was before all the first rounders were delivered AND only a small percentage of owners posted their info. I would put money on the total '05 count would be somewhere between 5 and 6,000. Heck the two closest dealers to me, and they ain't big dealers, prolly moved 40 '05s between the two of them alone.told me that there were (about) 1800 2003 FJRs, 2400 2004's, and 2600 2005's (first production run).
TWN - you need to stick to what you do well - being a smartass. Leave the factual information and posts to those who know what the hell they are talking about.
That puts my ASSumed initial count 1200 ahead of the other fella's count. And I don't think there were as many 2nd rounders ordered.
Oh, yeah, and I got yer 'smart ass' righcheer, big fella!

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