Save $ on Gerbings??

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2006
Reaction score
Princeton, NJ
I wore the Gerbings inner jack at the NYC show. I love it, but can not find anyone that sells it at a discount? Can anybody help me? Thanks

I had some friends that have been puchasing some Gerbings equipment and they told me they couldn't find it discounted anywhere either. Even on internet sites. Hope you find some.


I kinda cheated. Harley Davidson sells Gerbings gear, but, not under the Gerbings name. So, since it isn't under the Gerbings name, they don't have to abide by the same rules (no discount). I got my jacket liner and heat controller at a '20% off clothing' sale at a local Harley shop. Now, mind you, it isn't EXACTLY like a Gerbings liner you would buy off of a Gerbings rack. Instead of all of the custom chest/sleeve measurements, it's just s, m, l, xl, etc. And, it has a Harley emblem on it, but, it's just a liner and you never see it anyway. But, the material and function is exactly the same.

Thanks Randy, I thought I was finished looking for qualilty items at a harley dealer in the eary 70s. Now if I can find some ripped pants and tattos to go in.

I bought some windshield cleaner/protectant from the local H.D. shop a couple of Sundays ago. I got some funny looks when I pulled into the lot. You would've thought I was riding a U.F.O. Anyway, I asked the parts guy if the stuff worked on Yamaha's... he said "yes", like I was serious. :dribble:

Now if I can find some ripped pants and tattos to go in.
Obviously you haven't been in a Harley Boutique, I mean shop, lately. Full of lawyers/doctors/professionals pulling up on their $20K Harleys with $10k in useless accessories (along with very few old-school hard asses). You know the type - wearing a $400 jacket and a $25 helmet.
