Well-known member
I can hardly wait to buy that KaToom off yah!

I can't wait to be finished with school. We have so much off roading to catch up onI had a chance to test the traction control this morning. I was headed out for a short 50 mile ride out in the hills, and had a quick freeway jaunt to get to the trail head. As I got onto the onramp, I rolled on the throttle a bit heavy to stay ahead of traffic, right about where two lanes merge into one (Hwy 18 merging eastbound on I90 for those that know it). I was over on one side and the rear tire hit a stretch of the dotted painted line where the two lanes merge, and instantly the bike lost traction. I can guess this was a combination of:
1. Me rolling on the throttle too hard
2. The painted lines were in the shade and probably had a bit of dew
3. Rear knobbies not providing the best of traction.
You know that dreaded feeling when you feel the rear end of the bike begin to get loose and slip out from behind you? Any other bike would have either slid out and dumped me, or slid out then caught and then launched me.
It was probably less than a 1/2 second from when I felt the rear break begin loose to when the KTM's computer intervened to chop the rear throttle and bring the rear back in line before it slid too far out. So fast I could barely register, but enough to know it happened. So quick I doubt anyone but me noticed. I made a mental note to chill it, then had a perfectly fine rest of my ride out to Middlefork.
This bike totally rocks.
Shots from the ride today"
Go for the regular version with the 19 inch front wheel Bug. Unless you're going to get it dirty, it'll work better on the street anyway.<snip>Might just throw a leg over the 1190 this week when the KTM demo truck comes to town. Was thinking about upgrading from my 990 but I would only use it for street duty (quite happy with my 350 lb KLR in the dirt) so not sure about a 21 inch front wheel and a heavier bike for canyon carving.
Better leave my check book home this week.