scala Q2

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Pat C

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Thomaston, CT
Is there anything I can do to improve the sound quality, and when using my Iphone as a mp3 player it doesn't seem like there is much volume?

Gunny that, the Scala has a ways to go to match the Autocom performance. I found the intercom had great clarity but the music quality was poor and I hated the length of the mute when the intercom was used. It seemed like it was forever before the music came back up.


I'm about to put my Scala Q2 multiset up for sale. It works fantastic for intercom & telephone but tunes, not so much.

The clincher is this afternoon, I bought a Nuvi 765T, which has a built in MP3 player but I can't pair the Q2 to it, even though the 0000 pairing code is brought up on screen.

If anyone knows any tips or tricks to pair up a Nuvi / Q2, I'm all ears! I read that the earlier issue about the 0000 pairing code was resolved. But not for me :(

You can't pair the Scala to the Nuvi. You can only pair a cell phone to the Nuvi for "handsfree" (aka speakerphone).

Just use the BT from the phone and pair direct to the Scala. Yeah you won't be able to see who's calling. For what you want to do, you need a (much costlier) Zumo 550/660 or the old SP2820.

And if you want better sound, consider a speakerectomy (replace the included speakers with something nicer).

Me? I'm happy with what the Q2 provides stock.

Just use the BT from the phone and pair direct to the Scala. Yeah you won't be able to see who's calling. For what you want to do, you need a (much costlier) Zumo 550/660 or the old SP2820.
I used my blackberry & Q2 all summer along with the helmet-helmet. It's great but no spoken directions from the nuvi and worse.... no tunes from the nuvi

And if you want better sound, consider a speakerectomy (replace the included speakers with something nicer).
my thoughts exactly click

but the 3rd post from tbwrench put that idea to rest.

I like my Q2 too but now I need A2DP the get the most out of my gps.

farkleitis is a slippery slope

It would appear the new Scala G4 is about to become available. It is already in Europe, but not North America yet (according to the reply to my note, received from Cardo Systems today) and no firm release date.

The G4 looks to me to have the same crappy speakers (no info available, I will ask them).

I am still wondering if any brave souls want to go further with the speakerectomy?

This Is really frustrating alls i want is to get gps commands and listen to music with a bit of quality is that to

much to ask for? With bluetooth

A couple of things..... 1) ensure your Scala Q2 speakers are placed for maximum volume. A little bit off and you lose a lot, so experiment a little. 2) some mp3's aren't as loud as others, and while I have not experimented, apparently there is third party software to modify your mp3's. 3) I'm making an assumption you have toyed with the iPhone and Scala volume settings, and are not wearing more than about 25db earplugs. I find 33 db earplugs will cause volume loss. Hope that helps a bit.

Welcome to the frustrating world of bluetooth.

As others said, you can't get commands from your Nuvi to your Q2 via Bluetooth. I confirmed this with both Garmin and Cardio awhile back. I've resorted to listening to MP3s on the Garmin and getting my spoken directions from the Nuvi via a cord to the Q2. Sounds fine to me then - I just stick the Nuvi in my jacket pocket. Works better anyway, because I couldn't see the screen if there was any light whatsoever outside.

This Is really frustrating alls i want is to get gps commands and listen to music with a bit of quality is that tomuch to ask for? With bluetooth

I think across the board folks are not super happy with the included helmet speakers, whether it be Autocomm, Starcomm, etc.

To get GPS and (stereo) Music via Bluetooth, you are gonna need a capable GPS (such as the aforementioned Zumo 550/660 or SP2820), and a headset capable of A2DP.

The Q2 is not A2DP capable. The G4 is, as is Chatterbox X1 and XBi2 and I am sure some others (like Collett).

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This Is really frustrating alls i want is to get gps commands and listen to music with a bit of quality is that tomuch to ask for? With bluetooth

I think across the board folks are not super happy with the included helmet speakers, whether it be Autocomm, Starcomm, etc.

To get GPS and (stereo) Music via Bluetooth, you are gonna need a capable GPS (such as the aforementioned Zumo 550/660 or SP2820), and a headset capable of A2DP.

The Q2 is not A2DP capable. The G4 is, as is Chatterbox X1 and XBi2 and I am sure some others (like Collett).
I'm not to concerned about getting music via Bluetooth,I just want better sounding music from my scala. Has anyone succesfully replaced the speakers?

This Is really frustrating alls i want is to get gps commands and listen to music with a bit of quality is that tomuch to ask for? With bluetooth gave The Bikercom system a very good review. It sounds like it would meet all your specs. I would have bought one for Christmas if I could have convinced "Santa" that I really need it. MSRP is $749 for basic system, but I emailed and they are shipping the system with optional noise filter and free fedex for $699.

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This Is really frustrating alls i want is to get gps commands and listen to music with a bit of quality is that tomuch to ask for? With bluetooth gave The Bikercom system a very good review. It sounds like it would meet all your specs. I would have bought one for Christmas if I could have convinced "Santa" that I really need it. MSRP is $749 for basic system, but I emailed and they are shipping the system with optional noise filter and free fedex for $699.
Looks like a nice unit but it doesn't appear to use A2DP bluetooth. While you could get good sound if you wire-in an MP3 player, you couldn't get your money's worth out of the MP3 player in newer Nuvis, which transmit A2DP for this reason. You could always plug-in via the headphone jack on the Nuvi but that kind of defeats the point

This Is really frustrating alls i want is to get gps commands and listen to music with a bit of quality is that tomuch to ask for? With bluetooth
Not too much at all. I still prefer the wire and earbuds for quality in music. But the Chatterbox XBi2 works fine.


Got mine used for $100 and use it for music from a Blackberry, but the phone works fine and also have a BT adapter to get music from an AM/FM radio on the bike. (EBay: "a2dp dongle" $21.95 shipped) My only bitch is that my Arai Corsair is so noisy it'll drown out the little speakers if they are the SLIGHTEST bit away from a perfect location. The Shoei RF-1000 is a little warmer in summer but MUCH better about noise.

One of the nicer features of the XBi and XBi2 series is that you can replace just the headset with a style of your choosing. In the back, a lower plug goes to the helmet headset and an upper is for either charging or for a hardwired aux audio input from non-BT devices like an older mp3 or radio. (The one in the photo has no headset.) Chatterbox has an adapter to use their boom mike with any regular pair of earbuds. I want to try Radio Shack for one of these headsets to try.

I'll have to tuck in more wire but like that the microphone isn't as big as the ones from Chatterbox:

One thing that Autocom has over the BT devices is battery life. For riding to Florida this year (solo) I'll just swap the XBi2 unit with my son's at a gas stop when the battery runs out. Still have the old earbuds and am/fm/wx radio if I run both batteries out. (shouldn't)

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This Is really frustrating alls i want is to get gps commands and listen to music with a bit of quality is that tomuch to ask for? With bluetooth gave The Bikercom system a very good review. It sounds like it would meet all your specs. I would have bought one for Christmas if I could have convinced "Santa" that I really need it. MSRP is $749 for basic system, but I emailed and they are shipping the system with optional noise filter and free fedex for $699.
Looks like a nice unit but it doesn't appear to use A2DP bluetooth. While you could get good sound if you wire-in an MP3 player, you couldn't get your money's worth out of the MP3 player in newer Nuvis, which transmit A2DP for this reason. You could always plug-in via the headphone jack on the Nuvi but that kind of defeats the point
It is actually A2DP, even though they don't specifically mention that abreviation on their website. It does say "listen to music in stereo" which is only possible with A2DP. The review also confirms A2DP.

I have the Scala Rider teamset. It has the same speakers, but it clearly states that it is two speaker mono. The Q2 is probably the same. It seems to me the Scala was designed for communication not entertainment. I love mine. Thanks to Nate(Bluebullet) for the recommendation!

Updated info.....

The Q2's are mono only and speakers are lacking in bass response for music transmitted via bluetooth (from a Zumo 550 e.g.). Cardo has confirmed to me that the G4 speakers are improved, and not the same as Q2 speakers.

Some Q2 mounting bases have a jack to plug your MP3 player into. You might be able to modify your mp3 player's equalizer settings to get more bass.

If you want to do a speakerectomy, I found some threads..... the second one gives detailed instructions.

I am going to try a G4 unit when I can get one. The supply is starting to stream into North America. Will post in due time.
