Scratched up my Rifle windscreen

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2011
Reaction score
Greensboro NC
Just got back from a week long road trip, great time and a great trip, but unfortunately I had two casualties. The first was my itouch, managed to get wet inside my rain suit somehow, and second is my Rifle windscreen.

Long story short, I got stuck between two mine dump trucks during a flash rain. Got completely covered in some kind of mud coming off the truck in front of me, really uncool, I couldn't see anything, fortunately a gas station came up and I was able to get off the road. Cleaned my visor with a camera lens wipe, but used the gas station squeegee to clean my windscreen. I have done this in the past with no ill effect but whatever was in that mud caused a bunch of fine scratches on the windscreen.

I'm hoping I can buff them out or something. I plan on contacting Rifle as well but anybody have any success in a similar situation with any product or procedure?

You will find Novus sold on Ebay at a pretty low rate. McGuires PlastX also works, but IMO, not quite as well.

You could try some of this stuff.. has worked well for me


Novus 3 is for fairly deep scratches - note I said scratches, not gouges. I used #2 for the haze-like fine scratches from using soft sponges or other not-so-fine-fiber towels. That Plexus is very good for cleaning, but it won't do anything for your scratches.

As I get older I don't worry so much about how clear my Cal-Sci windscreen is; I am not a shiny bike club member. When my windscreens are new and on long trips I don't use anything to clean the windscreen, I look over it anyway. But when I come back from a long trip I lay some wet paper towels on it - bug juice IS water soluble - then hit it with a hose, then use Plexus or the Cal-Sci secret formula to clean it. If I see bits of tar, I get some tar and bug cleaner, wet a paper towel, let it soak a while, then clean with Plexus or the Cal-Sci secret formula again, and I ALWAYS use a microfiber towel.

I carry a 2 oz spritz bottle of Cal-Sci secret formula in my tank bag, and a small microfiber towel, for cleaning helmet windscreens. Our helmet shields are several years old and have no scratches from cleaning.

There is also some sort of airline special plastic polishing stuff, supposed to work wonders on airplane plexiglass windows, but I forget the name.

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I've had good luck with Cee Baileys cream that they ship out with every new windshield. Goes on easy and does an excellent job removing scratches and swirls on the shields. Didn't find where the cream can be purchased separately, but it's worth a phone call.

Good Luck!

