Screwed by a screw?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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El Choclo

Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Indianapolis, IN
Hi everyone.

I've had my 06 FJR for about a month and a half now and have put 6200 fun miles on it so far. This is hands down the best bike I've ever owned. It is my 4th bike in 15 years, and my first ever with plastic pieces to mess with.

I'm having trouble putting panel C back on correctly after checking the battery. Both the top and bottom screws are stuck in place and will not loosen or tighten any further. The top one will spin, then make a clunking sound, then spin again. These rogue screws are holding my battery hostage. Is this a common rookie mistake, or have I just firmly secured my place in the FJR Hall of Dipshits?

All tips and suggestions would be welcome.


Is this a common rookie mistake, or have I just firmly secured my place in the FJR Hall of Dipshits?

Must. . . resist. . . temptation . . .

OK, I'm fine now. It's common indeed. Sometimes I'm tempted to just leave the damn panels off, except that's where I now have switches mounted for my lights and hand grips, as well as a cigarette lighter socket. Yes, they're a PITA (so is taking off the fairing, changing a headlight, and lots of things you still can look forward to).

I'd say the solution is to keep wiggling and jiggling and giggling until it--somehow, magically--pops into the right place and you can finish it off--taking it out or putting it in. Then you'll be as expert on it as most of the rest of us.
