Screwed the Pooch (seat lock and powerlet issue)

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Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
Cape Cod, MA
Bought a two outlet rear set from powerlet, which mounts around the seat release key. Installation kit included one long bolt, to be used to stabilize one of the two screw holes mounting the lock, while the bracket is attached to the other screw, and then returns to replace the long positioning screw.

Instruction caution that loosing purchase with the long screw creates a problem, as the holes in the lock assembly are hard to align (not impossible, the instructions read, but difficult..)

The positioning screw provided, so important to the reassembly process, was provided in the wrong size - 6mm instead of 8mm. As a result, it failed to hold, leaving me with the (not impossible, but difficult) task of figuring out how to align the parts and receiver within the lock to fit a screw in and get purchase.

Anyone have any experience here or any suggestions? Getting the lock box out looks pretty close to impossible. My last resort may be an oversized tapered metal screw that could get purchase and pull the lock elements forward and together. I can hear the FJR whimpering with the pain...

I have tried to get any suggestions from Powerlet - but no response so far. Any help appreciated.



I went through the same thing, I had too fiddle around with it, bought new screw, kept working it and it finally took hold, seems like I lined it all up with a awl, held it tight with the lock and got the new screw too catch,

Sorry no magic just persistence,

I also notified powerlett, might as well talked too the wall!!


in route too Barber museum, Al.

I did the same thing - ended up with a disassembly/reassembly project because i wanted to do a quick install, and reading the directions just required too much time.

I fooled around with realignment for too long before someone much wiser suggested a disassembly . Have fun!

Can you provide any link on directions for disassembly - reassembly? The lock box seems pretty contained and I could not see an easy way to detach it. Thanks.

It does seem contained. I was completely focused on alignment, then I was enlightened by Jim (fljab on the forum) I can't remember the specifics now,, and the FJR that has the duel set is 160 miles away. PM fljab and send him this link. He will recall the solution. Seems like a screw on the backside or underside is the key. I am at work now, but I will be in touch with him tomorrow.

I will repost ASAP.

I hate to say it, but I forget now too how we did it. But it wasn't that bad IIRC; I have T's bike in my garage now; I'll go take a look and report back -

I had a long day today - it was wifey & I's 17 yr anniversary so we drove an hour to Orlando, had a fancy dinner, then went to Ikea (I can usually get out of that particular hell). Orlando HD is nearby so I got to go over there long enough to know I don't want one of those (they did have a nice '04 FJR on the used lot tho!).

So, back home now on my 3rd Murphy's stout - point being it may be the morning before I can get much figgered out on the powerlets and how we got them in there...

I had the same issue with the stupid M5 that they provided. It's really diabolical because the M5 is big enough to feel like it is engaging but not big enough to actually catch.

Here is how I fixed it - I got the correct M6 x 50 SHCS and used it to thread the lock mechanism back in place. It is pretty easy if you turn the M6 while pulling on the tumbler (or maybe I just got lucky). Once i caught some threads, I went back and resintalled the other stock bolt and then started again from scratch.

Here is how I fixed it - I got the correct M6 x 50 SHCS and used it to thread the lock mechanism back in place. It is pretty easy if you turn the M6 while pulling on the tumbler (or maybe I just got lucky). Once i caught some threads, I went back and resintalled the other stock bolt and then started again from scratch.
This was very helpful to me! Thank you. I cannot believe that Powerlet provided an M5 screw to assist with the installation. I wasted a few hours fiddling around trying to install the dual socket bracket onto the seat lock mechanism using the M5 long screw provided in the kit. Once I stumbled onto this thread I picked-up an M6 screw and got everything sorted, although it still took me a while to get that pesky bracket installed. Now I can move-on to the rest of the hookup. Cheers!
