scuba advice?

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Buy mask, fins, snorkle ONLY. I live in Virginia, but have been posted in Australia, Indonesia and Philippines. Some of the best diving in the world. EVERY dive shop I've ever used (even in the 3rd world) had decent, newish equipment. If you're a bit squeamish about wearing used clothing (as my wife is), you might consider some sort of LIGHT wetsuit. I forget the term (skin?), but it looks more like fleece than neoprene, about 3 mil equivalent. It basically keeps one from getting scratched on rocks and stung from jelly fish, and is a good liner when putting on old, wet rental wet suits.

You live in IL, which means you'll be carrying any stuff you have with you. It's heavy, and especially with all the fees we're being charged by airlines, you're much better off renting. THEY clean it, THEY maintain it, THEY store it. and you don't have to carry it.

You need to understand your dive tables, but until you get pretty hardcore, you don't need a computer. The dive masters will have them and as long as you stick with the group, you'll be plenty safe. Diving with the group allows you to spend less time figuring out where you are, and more time looking at fish, coral, etc.

I'm not a professional, but I've been doing this on and off for 30 years almost world wide.

If you get the bug and this becomes you're only habit, then ignore all of the above.

I'm a NAUI registered diver and will predict that you will get completely hooked like the rest of us! FUN!

I would suggest completing your dive course before you go on your vacation. Get all the experience you can so your basics are solid and you make your mistakes among instructors you know and trust. I did my first 5 dives in Maui, Hawaiian Islands. Nothing bad happened and I got hooked on Diving. When I got back home and took the complete dive course I was shocked at how many corners the "resort dive" cut and the bad risks I took just because I trusted them and I didnt know any better. Lets face it, You can kill yourself from making a mistake that you didnt even know about.

Ever hear of Boyles law, Bends, safety stop, Nitrogen Narcosis, O-ring cracks, integrated BC, Equalizing, Man-o-war first aid, Divers Alert Network/ DAN, Terminal depth, SEABAG, Sit time, hand signals for low on air and need to share air. These are some of the things I never knew about and they let me dive from the Beach and Boat, thru caves and depths up to 78 feet. Boy was I stupid. Dont do what I did! Take the whole course before you go, its very fun and you will have solid skills that could save you.

And by the way, NAUI and PADI both have great instructional DVD's for the Basic course and Advanced Open Water. This way YOU know what skills and gear you will need and how to use them.


Thank you all for the great tips. I expected a response, but not this much good advice!

I think I will be hooked, was after the resort course a couple of years ago, and snorkeling in Belize just made me wish I had a tank on my back.

I'm going to take the suggestion re: fins, booties, mask and snorkel (everybody seems to agree on that...), and do the course here, so I can spend my time in Cozumel on actual dives, not instruction. Hopefully it will be as amazing as I remember it...and if I get organized enough, I'll post some pics when I get them.

Thanks again, you guys are amazing!

**can we have a ride n dive?**

the rental rates they sent me via email seem reasonable, form what I've heard and read:

Dive Rates -Include tanks, weights and belts.

2 Tank Dive: $ 72.00 US

1 Tank Dive: $ 45.00 US

Night Dive: $ 45.00 US

Non-Diver or Snorkeler: $ 25.00 US

Special Sites: (Weather & experience permitting)

Punta Sur: $ 82.00 US

Maracaibo: $ 82.00 US

Equipment rental

Mask: $ 3.00 US Wetsuit: $ 5.00 US

Snorkel: $ 1.00 US Dive Light: $ 8.00 US

Fins: $ 3.00 US Dive Computer: $ 5.00 US

BC Jacket: $ 10.00 US Air Tank: $ 6.00 US

Regulator: $ 6.00 US Nitrox Tank: $ 10.00 US

The entrance fee for the Cozumel Marine Park is $ 21 pesos per person per day.

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There was a lot of good advice here for you rnees.

The only thing i can add is:

Read up on "drift diving"!!!! That is what you will be doing on Cozumel. No anchor, everyone jumps in.... drifts along the bottom.. or wall.. and the boat drifts along with you topside.

Stay with your group! Make friends every time you get on a boat. You want someone to say... HEY WAIT! Where is rnee? Before the locals haul everyone back to shore. (Yes, it has happened)

The only thing I can disagree with is... Get a computer! Buy one here and read the manual and learn all about it. Or, if you rent one, find out which make and model and get the manual and read all about it BEFORE you leave home. A good computer will give you longer bottom times and more dives on vacation. And if you have a plan for computer failure will be perfectly safe.

Good Luck and have fun.


hi, read some on my phone but not all. I've been to fiesta Americana and liked it all right. Unless you plan a bunch of diving; rent first and learn what you like and what not before you buy; there's so much out there of gear and it depends if you dive in cold or warm water too.

I'll gladly join you to Cozumel in the new year if you want company.

Agree do the Full PADI Course not the quickie resort things. I did it before a trip to the US Virgin Islands over 20 years ago. Never regretted it. I also did the underwater navagation thing as well. I seem to recall that it wasn't much extra work. I still recommend getting a local guide when you go to new places as they know the best places to dive & the local conditions. I have only encountered one idiot doing that in all those years. Best of luck & be careful.

hi, read some on my phone but not all. I've been to fiesta Americana and liked it all right. Unless you plan a bunch of diving; rent first and learn what you like and what not before you buy; there's so much out there of gear and it depends if you dive in cold or warm water too.
I'll gladly join you to Cozumel in the new year if you want company.

c'mon down...I'll be there after between xmas and the new year...

and thanks to all for the great advice. Starting class on Monday!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

I am at awe with all the responses. I guess you guys know everything. Absolutely amazing.

Not to jump the thread, but what is the Forum's opinion about the best Foot Bag shoe? Are the Adidas Rod Laver's the best bang for the buck? Or do you buy that Euro shoe specifically designed for foot bags?

As for bags, are you using steel, steel and plastic, sand, dirt or what?

Us 50+ year old guys need to stay in shape.

Any suggestions about how to play Tanks on the Wii Play disk? I started playing with my 9 year old boy and I am the backup guy and occasionally I am the only guy left. 67 tanks is our best score to date.

No need to respond unless you are ABC or XYZ Certified in Foot Bagging, or one of the Gold / Silver / Bronze medal winners of the Wii Tanks games.


I have made pizza for 40 years, but no one asks that question. Really, really good pizza.

I can make a top quality hamburger bun as well as a cheeseteak bun. Nobody asks those questions.

I can actually make a bagel that you can be proud of. Also, no topics on that subject either.

Jambalaya, Red Bean Gumbo, Chicken ala Creole, spegetti sauce, etc. No posts on these subjects.


I am just amazed at you guys (and gals). Carry on.

