Okay, A couple of snow days kept me from getting to my computer.
As Promised before a Roadside Strip Tease. Cue the Music Gerald, Fred, and Top Speed....... Zilla will certainly say that Beemerdon has a private collection of these photos.
In all seriousness, I am so thankful that the guys let me jump into their ride. I learned a lot, had a great time and made some new friends along the way. Complete Success ..........................regardless of what happens later..
Back to the real report.
Here is the Ice Cream Shop that O-Face had a laser lock on for the day!!!
It is not much to look at, but as Top Speed said, "we had ice cream" While riding some great roads and great company.
After crossing the Bridge into Iowa, we headed south along the Mississippi.
Some of the pictures are not the greatest. (none of mine really are with an I-phone) but you get the idea of the great time we were having.
Here is that Antique look that you like Doc!! Artistic for sure. Maybe accident.
After a few awesome miles heading south on the River Road.
My screen is getting a little buggy. But that is OKAY. A buggy screen doesn't get that way by sitting still. And we were moving at times.
Check the leaves out in this one.
I think it was somewhere around here that we may have been slightly above the limit and a radar detector went off and we slowed down right in time to wave and roll by the Po-Po.
We crossed back into Wisconsin across this newer version of a bridge. The structure and surface compared to the last one made me feel much more confident.
Nevermind the distortion of the screen, The bridge stays are really not that wavy.
I think this was just coming off the bridge. Gramps and Griff back there.
We rode up to a park, I do not recall the name. My phone has it marked as Hovie Island.......We did not pull a Top Speed and ford the Mississippi....but it was close to Prairie du Chien.
The parking lot had a few leaves built up Gramps has the right bike for off roading too.
The owner of the Jag took our picture later.
Griff with his now Cannibalized beauty.
After a short walk over to the lookout area we got a nice view.
Then the view was completely ruined.
Time to head back towards the Dells. Some apple orchard traffic here. I also recall it being a little windy and cooler up at this elevation.
That was the best of the ride report. Then next narrative is about the accident.
I won't bore you all with the details, but the quick version is this. Firstly, no one was physically injured. I was emotionally bruised for sure. ( I expected to be physically injured after Rider #1 got up and slapped me for hitting him.)
We were about 25 miles from home and making a left hand sweeper. I was riding 2nd in the group in the right hand half of the lane and a guy jumps out from by his car and walks out in front of the #1 rider who is riding in his half of the lane. That causes the #1 rider to move to the right side of the road, I start to go around while braking on the curve. When I start to go around to the left of Rider #1 who was in the right side of the road now, Crazy,Old, Delirious dude thinks he should now step out in front of me. I can't go into the oncoming traffic lane or hit the guy, so I wind up trying to squeeze past in between Rider #1 and Old guy who is standing on the centerline trying to take a "charge" --Basketball style from me. Well, I don't squeeze by and hit/bump/graze Rider #1 my right bag to his left bag. It was a hard glancing blow that knocks over a stationary Rider #1. My bag falls off and I look in my mirror to see Rider #1 Slow mo falling over. I turn it around and get stopped. By the time I am stopped, Rider #1 already has his bike picked up and is surveying damage. I am ready to puke at what just happened. All the riders sprung into action and got the scene under control. To make matters worse, Rider #1 has a small nail in his tire that we notice as we try to get his bike started and squared away.
The old guy was trying to warn us of an accident up the road on top of the hill. We eventually went up there after and the accident was not even on the road, but up into the woods. There was a fire truck and police car visible for at least a quarter mile on top of the hill. The guy is still trying to stop cars.
We make some repairs to my broken bag, got re-set and rode to the hotel. There are not other pictures on the way back because I was too busy cussing myself out in my helmet. All 3 other guys never beat me up and I was thankful for that. I am just so glad no one was hurt.
The Insurance saga is still ongoing because Dudes insurance and he are not even communicating with mine. He also now claims that the fire department was asking him to "warn" traffic of the accident. We know that is a lie, because we asked him exactly that.
Okay, Rant over.
Back to the report in a few.