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It been awhile since I grace those floors. I wonder if the "house band" (Big Dick and the Extenders) is still there.

Their rendition of that old ditty "The Big Bamboo" was a classic.

Just don't drop the soap or wear anything pink!

If you like to fight, then don't miss "Woody's" Not everyone in the Middle Keys packs fudge. :blink:
Too true....the ones that don't pack fudge go to Woody's to confront the president....

.....or lick Bush, as the case may be.


Just don't drop the soap or wear anything pink!
Geez I wanted to mention that but, I didn't want to answer questions on how I knew this :dntknw: So Howie, do tell. :haha:

See, if a query floats out there long enough, this **** starts flowing in. Seriously, thanks all so much for the "input." I love you *******s.

Even you dickwee..... er, :jester: ! Pysche!!! :rofl:

Just don't drop the soap or wear anything pink!
Geez I wanted to mention that but, I didn't want to answer questions on how I knew this :dntknw: So Howie, do tell. :haha:

Went down to Key West bike week on the Feejer last year. VERY hot day and I was cookin' in my black helmet, not to mention the sunburned arms I got on the 350 mile trip down from Cen. Fla.

Thought i'd take a risk and go helmetless for a few miles once I hit the 45mph speed limits on U.S. 1 in the Keys.

Well, my head was gettin' sunburned too, so I stopped at a T-shirt shop to buy a doo-rag. "When in Rome" right?

Wanting to colormatch my '04 Cerulean battlecruiser, I looked for a bandana I "thought" was silvery-blue, or bluish-silver. Being a seriously color blind MoFo, what I actually selected was pink! Not hot-flamingo-Harvey Fiierstein pink, mind you, but a "pinky" silvery blue.

Not knowing it was pink, as I was checking out at the register, the rather hot young Southern Belle at the counter asked me if I was headed south, the Key West.

"YEP!" I replied.

"You swing from the other side?" she queried?

Took me a minute to realize what she meant. "No...why?" I asked stupidly...

"Key West is NO place to wear a pink bandana if you aren't a Friend of Dorothy" she replied.

SO THERE! Happy? :)

:haha: :haha: Friend of Dorothy :lol2: Hey! a new term I can use to appear to be a little more sensitive towards those types.



My buddy and I go to Key West every March around St. Patty's day for our annual fishing trip (that is our story and we are sticking to it). Good weekend to go if you don't mind crowds - lots of spring breakers and the festive pub crawl. As touristy as Sloppy Joes is, we always have a great time there and meet characters that have a life story that you couldn't make up if you tried. Pete and Wayne (stage act) are a must see. Also, check out Schooner Warfs - just a couple of blocks off of Duval at the marina. Plenty of tourists but seems to have more of a local flavor.

Have not done the trip on the bike, but always enjoyed the drive when I towed my boat down years back. Now we just fly into Key West and declare victory if we are have our first Planters Punch before noon.



Well I'll be sure to clean out the shed....err, Guest room fer ya.

Just don't go out after dark, Owosso folks don't take to kindly to yer kind :lol:


FWIW, They have a Poker Run the third week in September from Miami to Key West. 30,000 or so bikes. A fun time if you enjoy drinking and partying non stop. One thing I did not see mentioned. When going down on US 1 you have the Atlantic on the left and the Gulf on the right. Very nice views.

How could I miss this thread? Goddamnit, bust.....ya gotta lemme know. Meanwhile....I'm gonna go check out
