Seat Height and Corbin Close

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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2005
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I am interested in hearing from you Corbin Close owners if your reach to the ground was actually improved with this seat compared to the stock seat. Even though it claims a lower seat height I am aware that the construction and shape of a seat can affect reach. I had a Russell on an RT, and even though it was supposed to be built with a better reach to the ground, the width of the seat made it higher than my GS!

I am thinking of purchasing one in the next month or so and could use your input. I am not interested in seat comparisons as I have already owned Russell and Mayer seats. So far an Alaska Leather Butt Pad has been my best remedy for any bike or seat I have owned. I can tolerate the FJR seat, but with the Alaska sheepskin it is just a little taller than I would like. Thanks for any thoughts.


Yes, it does in fact drop you about an inch and it does put you closer to the bars. I got the seat because I needed to be closer to the bars and I didn't like any of the handlebar risers that I saw.


Thanks. Although I do not really feel a need to be closer to the bars, it would not hurt either. Thanks again.


I also have a "close" version and it does help in getting more of your foot on the ground. And for me, it helped keep from sliding back as I did on the stock seat as the "pocket" is closer to the front-which means a bit more room for your passenger as well.

I had a chance to sit on a new '06 in Minneapolis with the seat adjusted to "low" and it felt about what my "close" does for height.

I am interested in hearing from you Corbin Close owners if your reach to the ground was actually improved with this seat compared to the stock seat. Even though it claims a lower seat height I am aware that the construction and shape of a seat can affect reach. I had a Russell on an RT, and even though it was supposed to be built with a better reach to the ground, the width of the seat made it higher than my GS!
I am thinking of purchasing one in the next month or so and could use your input. I am not interested in seat comparisons as I have already owned Russell and Mayer seats. So far an Alaska Leather Butt Pad has been my best remedy for any bike or seat I have owned. I can tolerate the FJR seat, but with the Alaska sheepskin it is just a little taller than I would like. Thanks for any thoughts.

Shep, I thought you sold your FJR?

Most feed back I've read about the Close, is that unless you are thin and short, and your nuts are always on the tank anyway, you probably don't want the close. Don't know that from personal experience myself.

Also, don't know what effect adding your Alaska thingie over the Close seat would do. If it's not particularly contoured, it may end up causing you to be way up in front.

Ever consider just opening your stock seat and shaving it down a bit? It's not that hard to do, and you won't be out much if you don't like it. You can replace the front saddle for about $100.

Wonder if any of the Indy gang has a Close that you might be able to check out? My stock seat is lowered, and you are certainly welcome to throw your saddle cover over my seat and see if it's any better. My stock seat is lowered a good inch, and somewhat contoured. I can ride a WHOLE lot farther with it than I ever could the stock stock saddle. :D

Just trying to help...

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Thanks for all the input. I appreciate it.


I never did sell the bike. It has been a constant battle with common sense to keep it. I only sold the GS because I got all worked up when I spent the day riding a Ducati ST3. I should have bought the Duc, but did not want to drive to Louisville for maintenance...nor did I want to pay the price of some of the Ducati maintenance! So, for now I still have the bike. I enjoy riding it, but for some reason I have just not fallen in love with it...I am trying though. I put about 5,200 miles on it since July, which is low compared to my normal riding.

Anyway, back to the seat. Just tonight I met a local upholsterer while helping my sister move some furniture. He is also a Gold Wing rider. He told me that he can work on the seat for me, so I believe I will go that route. Thanks again.

By the way, I am planning to ride the FJR to Naples and Key West in April. Maybe that will help me solidify my relationship with this bike.



Glad to hear you're still trying to make your FJR marriage work.

Please let us know how it goes with the upholsterer. That might be a good contact to have. If he does a good job on your seat, maybe he can dress mine up.

Pics would be great!

Sounds like a nice trip to Florida. Was thinking about doing similar in April or May as well. Maybe do a saddle sore 1K down there for that Iron Butt plate.

Good luck!

I will keep you posted and take pics when it is done. I am looking at early March. I want to do it before I go to Florida. The guy has done several Gold Wing seats and seems confident that he can make me happy. It is worth a try.

My wife and I vacation in Naples every year. Her father owns a beachfront condo there. She does not like to ride, so she is going to fly down and I am going to do just as you mentioned, ride one 1150 mile day. She did say she would ride to Key West with me, so I am looking forward to that. She has not ridden with me since about 98 when she followed me to Greensburg on my Ducati ST2 and imformed me that she would "never get on that bike with me!" Some people tell me that I am lucky because she does not care if I go off on trips by myself but she never wants to go. I suppose it is nice to not have a pillion, but I usually miss her when I find an interesting site to explore.

