Secret recon photos. Indy airshow this weekend.

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Towing the Short Bus
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
North Salem, IN
This is the F-22 the newest fighter we have. Radar reflective paint and stealth capable. I went over at night when they first came in. They had the airport police guarding them and a plastic police strip around them. I knew the guys and asked if I could walk around and take some pictures and they said that it was fine. So i got some not so good pics in the dark that night. Then I told one of the guys I work with and he went over the next day with his boys and got some better pics in the day.


You can see all the pics here F-22 and F-16 pics

Nice plane, thanks for sharing! I wonder if Is as fast as an FJR tho :unsure:

Holeeeee crap! That's just too sweet. So far none of the airshows have done any sort of static display, just the F-22 waaaaaay up there for a couple minutes and that's it. It doesn't help that it's Navy territory here in Florida, so we get the Blue Angels, but rarely the Thunderbirds or other Air Force planes. If the F-22 was a motorbike, it would be a YZF-M1 with Rossi on it :)

We've got an F-22 squadron, and guys are just about knifing other guys to get into it. And yes, I'd love to have an FJR that color, too!

Nice plane, thanks for sharing! I wonder if Is as fast as an FJR tho :unsure:
Yes, but there's a heat problem when the afterburners kick in.
They're kinda top-heavy as well, so you gotta be careful when you're fueling - make sure you are on the center stand on level pavement...


Seriously - that's one bad-ass aircraft. I haven't seen one in person. Yet.

I've gotta say that 2 of my personal favorite aircraft are the A-10 (who doesn't like an airplane built around a big-ass gun!!!) and the B-1B.

Wait'll they do a show and as you're captivated by something like one or two of these bad boys at airshow center, a B-2 suddenly sneaks into the scene from directly behind you at low level! I've seen it done twice, at Wright-Patt and at Sun-N-Fun. Very cool!

Wait'll they do a show and as you're captivated by something like one or two of these bad boys at airshow center, a B-2 suddenly sneaks into the scene from directly behind you at low level! I've seen it done twice, at Wright-Patt and at Sun-N-Fun. Very cool!
A B-2? They're a little slow and quiet, impressive nonetheless, but slow and quiet. Did you mean a B-1? Big,loud and FAST!

Not being an *******,just making sure you got the right aircraft. ;)






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Good to hear from you, Evil - Hope that you're keeping the rubber side down!

I meant the B-2 and the point is that it is just so quiet, that it's just suddenly THERE, taking up airshow center. The Blue Angels and Thunderbirds do a similar surprise move by bringing the solo in from behind, but you kind of expect it with them. With the B-2, it's just fun to see people suddenly realize it's on top of them and say "where did he come from?"

And isn't that the mission? ;)

Good to hear from you, Evil - Hope that you're keeping the rubber side down!
I meant the B-2 and the point is that it is just so quiet, that it's just suddenly THERE, taking up airshow center. The Blue Angels and Thunderbirds do a similar surprise move by bringing the solo in from behind, but you kind of expect it with them. With the B-2, it's just fun to see people suddenly realize it's on top of them and say "where did he come from?"

And isn't that the mission? ;)
Thanks Checks, and yes, no new crash club stickers so far this year.

Now that you've xplained it, I completely understand. That is one monster wingspan to be oerhead, too bad I missed those shows.That would be a nice shot!

Pretty spiffy plane. I have to admit though that we're pretty proud of those F-22s at LockMart. MSRP is about $137 million IIRC and that's without floor mats and under body rust coating. That would buy about 9800 FJRs as a completely useless, but very entertaining comparison. ;)

If one can hold out the Gen II's are coming out....although we like to call them F-35 Lightning II. They'll be a steal at $83 million and have had both the sidestands and tick fixed. Buy one of those and you'd still have enough leftover to pick up 3800 '08 FJRs. :rolleyes:

Pretty spiffy plane. I have to admit though that we're pretty proud of those F-22s at LockMart. MSRP is about $137 million IIRC and that's without floor mats and under body rust coating. That would buy about 9800 FJRs as a completely useless, but very entertaining comparison. ;)
If one can hold out the Gen II's are coming out....although we like to call them F-35 Lightning II. They'll be a steal at $83 million and have had both the sidestands and tick fixed. Buy one of those and you'd still have enough leftover to pick up 3800 '08 FJRs. :rolleyes:
Its even got a shaft drive:

