Securing the Saddlebags

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2005
Reaction score
Boise, Idaho
I vaguely recall seeing something about installing locking pins for the saddlebags to make sure they don't fall off. I couldn't find the thread. It sounded like a good idea. Does anyone recall the thread or how to do this? :detect:

Mogan, the only thing I recall being mentioned was to ensure that there is some blue Loctite on the screws that secure the lock and latchbar.

The problems with some have been the locks have vibrated loose, popped out and the locking lever lifts up and ....hey where did my sidecase go? Pretty rare, but I has happened to a couple from the board, at least a couple of years ago. Any new technique is news to me.

They were drilling through the lower flanges and bracketry and installing locking pins (similar to the latch pins for R.V. awnings or trailer hitches) that are available at your local home center or hardware store.

IIRC the final gathered wisdom was that while this is a great safety idea, no owner who has properly secured his sidecases has ever lost a bag. I always double-check my locked latches to make sure the sidecases are secure, but others feel safer with the pins.

If you can't find a thread by searching here, you might try asking on The Euro Board or this board, the latter not having a very good search function.

I believe that Toecutter BOUGHT such a setup somewhere. I know he has them on his bike, and Mike, like you, I had recalled reading about a drill it yourself and buy the pins mod somewhere. But I'd swear Bob said he bought the setup, presumably only requiring him to drill the plastic flanges on each bag. OTOH, I never quite figured out how that would work unless a template (to match the drilled steel and rubber flange that attaches to the bike) was also provided, so I'm probably mistaken. I should have asked him, because I want to do that on my bike, too.**

Bob (Toecutter) -- you be the man that can answer this one.

** But Hell, with as hard on saddle bags as I am, before long I'm going to be protecting something from falling off that is worth very little. :D

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I saw a bike with this mod done... was it TWILK, or someone else. Basically they put a PIP pin through the two plastic tangs on the lower front of the sidecase, and the mating tab on the bike. You drill through all 3, and put the locking pin through. Looked very secure, but as was said a couple posts ago... if the bags are locked in properly, they shouldn't go anywhere... this basically makes them idiot-proof.

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this basically makes them idiot-proof.
Which is exactly how mine needed to be :dribble: , so I got a couple of 1/4" x 2" wire lock hitch pins (available at any good hardware store)



and drilled the bag brackets and frame tabs all at once. I didn't have a real long 1/4" drill bit so I drilled it from inside while the back wheel was off getting a new tire mounted. Then pop 'em in place and no worries about losing bags. :D

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While I've never lost a bag, I have had one of them "jump" off the lower mount on a couple occasions. I seldom use my side cases but I do have a modified side case that I use to carry my laptop and it will jump out of the upper rear mount sometimes when hitting those curb sized expansion joints we get around here. I was planning on doing that mod sometime before the season starts. Good insurance for the paranoid.

While I've never lost a bag, I have had one of them "jump" off the lower mount on a couple occasions. I seldom use my side cases but I do have a modified side case that I use to carry my laptop and it will jump out of the upper rear mount sometimes when hitting those curb sized expansion joints we get around here. I was planning on doing that mod sometime before the season starts. Good insurance for the paranoid.
Yo Rambly Boy, there is definitely something wrong with your set-up if they are jumping out of the mounts. I have approximately 40,000 miles + riding in all kinds of conditions with the sidebags on with no issues whatsoever.

SkooterG says that if everything is working as it should, and you pay the F*** attention to what you are doing, you won't have any problems. Kinda like the sidestand. :eek:

The one issue I have with the pin locking system that people are fabricating is what happens on those very rare occasions you want the bag to come off - as in some kind of collision. It's happened. Ask Vectervp1 about his deer strike during last year's Utah1088. Friggin forest rat knocked off his right bag. (Unfortunately said forrest rat did not knock any sense into said rider)

I've seen other examples on this board too.

So what happens when something hits the bag hard enough to shear the plastic mounts, but your pin is keeping it kinda on there? I don't know, maybe no problemo, but I wonder.

By the way, it was forum member awryders that first came up with the pin mounting failsafe. Groovy Kat he is, and his woman be fiiiiiiine!

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@ Mogan

IIRC, the "no bag left behind" mod was originally posted on EZBoard. I did a quick search over there and couldn't find it...figures. It may have been lost when EZBoard was hacked.

However, I did find that I saved the original article in a Word document on my computer. If you'll PM me w/ your e-mail address, I'll forward it to you. It also has pictures.

Well Skooter my boy, I guess I just ride a little more agressively than you do :p

Its only happened a couple times with the stock bags and those were bone jarring conditions. I'm talking speed bump at 70 mph. And I didn't loose the bag, it was just able to cock itslef out a little.

My laptop bag is grafted to the mounting portion of a side case that went through low side (not by me) and is cracked in a few places and I have most of it cut away to keep the whole package as small as possible. That lets it flex a lot more than a regular hard case. That is the one I want to do this mod to.

Like I said, for someone paranoid about losing his bags it would be a good option. I don't think you could mess up both the upper and lower mount and get a pin in there.

On the other hand, I can't disagree with the point you made. about breakaway.

So as a happy medium, I will make my pin out of plastic. Just for you buddy, because your opinion means that much to me. :D

Make sure the rubber cover on the forward mounting tab is in tact and not broken. If all the components are in tact and not badly worn, there is no reason for the bag to be so loose you can lift it off when the grip handle is properly latched. To the one who is hitting speed bumps at 70 mph, you will do more damage to the bike than nearly losing a bag!!!

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I think dudeckp here deserves at least 6 beers an a high five!

13 posts under his belt, and he beat the ball sucking search engine and posted the link I was looking for.

This has to be a forum first.

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I think dudeckp here deserves at least 6 beers an a high five!
13 posts under his belt, and he beat the ball sucking search engine and posted the link I was looking for.

This has to be a forum first.
I'm impressed with the 2 shades of green in this post. ^^^^

And italics and font mod too!



Please send beer to...

NP, glad to help, I had that bookmarked to do myself before I ended up posting a sob story.

Agree on search engine's stupid 4+ letter requirement, almost as bad as googling "spot" AND "GPS"!

Does this get me closer to losing the FNG title?
