Selling a bike on Craigslist is an interesting adventure

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I have sold 5 0r 6 vehicles on Graigslist and have only had one problem. It was like Blassoff''s PayPal experience. I turned it into Paypal and they said it was a fraud and they would purse the fraudulator.

Other than that I have sold the vehicles in less than an hour. Maybe I wasn't asking enough. I sold a Honda Odysey for $12,000 and the buyer showed up with cash. I asked if we cpuld go to my credit union to deposit the money and he said fine. It was real stack of 120 genuine $100 bills.

My luck with craigslist has actually been pretty good. Ya gotta weed out a few sometimes. "Scammers don't bother. Cash only in person." written in the ad has either dissuaded them or I've been lucky. Most of my viewers over the past few vehicles have been serious buyers.

This is what I put at the bottom of my C/List adds - it seems to weed out the scams for me.

"No help is needed to sell this; not interested in any trades. No test pilots, not going to ship it, cash in hand in my driveway when the deal is done, free and clear title.

If this add is up this bike is still available – no need to ask that question.


Like some of you, I have had some silly attempts at scams. After a few emails or texts and a price is agreed upon, I request the deal to be done in the parking lot of a police station. They always ask why and I respond with "Neither one of us knows each other and would likely do something stupid at the cop shop". All my transactions have taken place there and both of us feel good about handing over thousands of dollars in cash there. I know I am not getting robbed and neither does he.

Police parking lot is a good idea to weed out illegitimates. I like the suggestions of the last few posters.

I got a flaky $100 bill on one cash sale... my bank tested/inspected all the cash when I made the deposit, and one bill looked authentic to the eye (security features present), but their counting machine would reject it. After a half dozen inspections and retries (multiple bank officers inspecting both the bill and me), they accepted it but flagged it (put it in a drawer with a note). I was credited correctly and never heard back from the bank. Best technique to avoid that is to go with the buyer to their bank watch the buyer withdraw the cash from their bank, together go to your bank to complete the cash and title exchange. You can then deposit the cash with little worry about it being counterfeit.

If you want to get rid of anything, tire, old couch, dead lawnmowers, put it on there in the Free section, set it out by the road and it will be gone in an hour.
Twice I've put stuff on the curb without posting anything to craigslist and it didn't take long for a taker to come along.

The biggest surprise was both times they knocked on the door asking if they could have what I'd put out. I figured they'd barely stop long enough to toss it in the truck and move on. Kinda gave me the good feels for the human race that there's folks out there who will actually ask permission.
My dad and I were headed to the store to get stuff to grill burgers one day a few years ago. As we were rolling thru the neighborhood we saw this guy pushing a lawn mower out to the road next to his garbage cans and leave it sitting there. My dad stopped and rolled the window down and asked the guy if he was leaving it for the trash. The guy replied that he was that he couldn't get the thing to start so he was going to buy a new one.Dad asked if he would mind if he took it and the guy said to take it and good luck starting it. So, dad and I put it in the back of the van. Went on to the store and when we got back home we took a closer look at the mower as we had noticed it looked fairly new. Tried starting and it was a no go. Then we checked the fuel tank, BONE DRY. Put gas in it, primed and it started on the first pull. That was 15+ years ago and my dad still uses that mower.

The last paragraph made me spilled all my coffee! :)

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Bounce" data-cid="1315619" data-time="1465083360"><p>

Put out a perfectly good (fill in the blank) on more than one occasion with a FREE sign on it.<br />

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It set there.<br />

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Put a $50 sign on it and it was gone before the end of the day.<br />

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Had a neighbor of my folks with a FREE sign on his old lawn mower. It set. I told him to remove the sign and put it up by the tree to make it look like he'd left it out. It was gone in 2 days.</p></blockquote>
