Sending Routes to GPS

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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2010
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Fredericton, NB
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but... I just purchased a refurbished Garmin 765T. Specs are here:

It seems to have all of the features I want (other than not being waterproof). One of the main reasons I bought this unit is so I could use it for a complex route rather than the simple point-to-point cabability of lower-end devices. (It also has Bluetooth A2DP, MP3 player, FM traffic, multiple routes, tracklogging, etc) I can create a multipoint route on the 765 but it is cumbersome and time-consuming - especially when I want to "play" with the routing.

I can create a route using MS S&T 2010 and download the route to the GPS but all that downloads is the individual waypoints into the "Favorites"; it does not create the custom route. I could re-create the route from the favorites but it is extremely laborious for a complex route that might have 20-30 waypoints defined. Haven't been able to make any use of the 2010 S&T "export GPX" utility either. I understand that many people use Mapsource to get the routes to the GPS, even if the routes are created using other software. Mapsource does not come with the 765 and it appears that I have to buy some sort of mapping product from Garmin in order to get it. The GPS only cost $150 so I don't really want to spend another $100 to get Mapsource unless I have no other choice (not even sure how it would work with the 765).

I have done a fair bit of reading on this site and elsewhere and haven't come up with anything so far. Anyone have any experience with downloading routes from anything other than Mapsource to a similar sort of automotive GPS? I had a quick look at the Garmin "Trip and Waypoint Manager but I haven't heard of anyone using it. Price isn't too bad and if it would work with a S&T file, it might be the ticket.



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Not sure if this is the right place to post this but... I just purchased a refurbished Garmin 765T. Specs are here:

It seems to have all of the features I want (other than not being waterproof). One of the main reasons I bought this unit is so I could use it for a complex route rather than the simple point-to-point cabability of lower-end devices. (It also has Bluetooth A2DP, MP3 player, FM traffic, multiple routes, tracklogging, etc) I can create a multipoint route on the 765 but it is cumbersome and time-consuming - especially when I want to "play" with the routing.

I can create a route using MS S&T 2010 and download the route to the GPS but all that downloads is the individual waypoints into the "Favorites"; it does not create the custom route. I could re-create the route from the favorites but it is extremely laborious for a complex route that might have 20-30 waypoints defined. Haven't been able to make any use of the 2010 S&T "export GPX" utility either. I understand that many people use Mapsource to get the routes to the GPS, even if the routes are created using other software. Mapsource does not come with the 765 and it appears that I have to buy some sort of mapping product from Garmin in order to get it. The GPS only cost $150 so I don't really want to spend another $100 to get Mapsource unless I have no other choice (not even sure how it would work with the 765).

I have done a fair bit of reading on this site and elsewhere and haven't come up with anything so far. Anyone have any experience with downloading routes from anything other than Mapsource to a similar sort of automotive GPS? I had a quick look at the Garmin "Trip and Waypoint Manager but I haven't heard of anyone using it. Price isn't too bad and if it would work with a S&T file, it might be the ticket.


First you need to download and install a free program called Tyre from;

Once you've installed Tyre, open it and click on the Tools menu, choose Preferences and under the General tab, set the Default to suit the device you have, i.e. Garmin.

You can use google maps or Tyre to create the routes, but for files created and posted by other people, copy the link (known as the URL and starts with https://)..., then in Tyre, select File/Import from Website. Paste the URL into the address bar at the top, (it’ll already have https://... highlighted in blue, but just paste over it), then click on Import. Google Maps will open, (in Tyre), then click on Import again.

Tyre will reappear with a list of Waypoints in the main window. Click on File/Save As and save the file in either *.itn (TomTom) or *.gpx format (Garmin, although the .itn will work on the Garmin.It automatically converts the file type)

To access the maps in your device you need to do the following;

Assuming you have the file already open in Tyre, connect your Garmin to your computer, then, from the menu bar in Tyre select Garmin, then Copy to Garmin, and the file will be copied across.

To enable the route in your Garmin, select Tools/My Data/Import Route From File. Select the route that you have just copied across and select Import. Click Back to return to the main menu screen.

To access the route select Where To?/Custom Routes and select the route you require.

Should you wish to delete the route, select Tools/Custom Routes and choose the route you wish to delete. Select Edit/Delete and confirm that you wish to delete the route.

the route as it is displayed on Google maps and Tyre sometimes is not exactly the same once it is transferred to your Garmin. What my Garmin GPS seems to do to navigate a route from a GPX file is calculate what it thinks is the best way to get from way point to way point. Often google maps and Garmin will not agree on the best route to go from one way point to another. Fortunately this is very easy to deal with.

Open up the GPX file with Tyre, then click on the Show Route button. You should see the map open up in what is essentially the google maps editor inside the Tyre application. There will be a bunch of red dots representing waypoints along your route. To force your Garman to take exactly the route you want you need to add a bunch more waypoints. This is easy to do in Tyre. Just left click on the route where you want to add a waypoint. Make sure you have enough way points and have them strategically placed so the Garmin has no choice but to do exactly what you want when calculating its route from way point to the next.

One other thing I do is turn off "Avoid dirt roads" on the Garmin. I've found that sometimes Garman thinks a road is dirt that I know is not. If your Google map route includes a road that Garmin thinks is dirt, you can put a million way points every 2 feet on the road, but the Garmin will still not have it's route take that road if it is set to avoid dirt roads.

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To enable the route in your Garmin, select Tools/My Data/Import Route From File. Select the route that you have just copied across and select Import. Click Back to return to the main menu screen.
I will give it a try tonight but I don't recall the above option to import a route from a file on the Garmin 765T.

Thank you for the detailed response. I'll let you know if it works for me.



You have everything you need to put the complete route into your GPS.

I use S&T 2010 to create routes for my 765T. I do not use the feature to download them to the GPS. Instead, drag and drop the route from your computer to the GPX folder(inside the Garmin folder) in your garmin. Then once your 765 is fired up, go to Tools, My Data, Import Route from file. Select and then import your route into the GPS. Then you can go to "Where To" in the GPS, scroll down to Custom Routes, select it and you're off.

This is how I've been doing it since I got my 765t for rallies, trips, etc.

Hope this helps,



You should be able to get Mapsource for free. IIRC, I think you can get it when you download your free map update. I know it can be gotten for free, because I have it and I didn't pay for it. I hate it and never use it as I like S&T much better, but I know I got it for free... I'm sure someone else will chime in with details.


I forgot to mention, after you create your route in S&T, you need to go to DATA/Export to GPX file. It is the GPX file that you drag and drop to the GPX folder in your garmin.



You have everything you need to put the complete route into your GPS.

I use S&T 2010 to create routes for my 765T. I do not use the feature to download them to the GPS. Instead, drag and drop the route from your computer to the GPX folder(inside the Garmin folder) in your garmin. Then once your 765 is fired up, go to Tools, My Data, Import Route from file. Select and then import your route into the GPS. Then you can go to "Where To" in the GPS, scroll down to Custom Routes, select it and you're off.

This is how I've been doing it since I got my 765t for rallies, trips, etc.

Hope this helps,


Do you export as a GPX file and transfer to the Garmin GPX folder in the unit? In base memory or SD card memory?

I don't recall the menu option (Import Route from file) but will check when I get home.



Do you export as a GPX file and transfer to the Garmin GPX folder in the unit? In base memory or SD card memory?

I don't recall the menu option (Import Route from file) but will check when I get home.



I added a post after I realized I left that part out. Yes, export your route to a GPX file. The GPX folder is located inside the Garmin Folder in the base memory of the GPS. On mine, it shows up as Garmin nuvi(E:)\Garmin\GPX


Do you export as a GPX file and transfer to the Garmin GPX folder in the unit? In base memory or SD card memory?

I don't recall the menu option (Import Route from file) but will check when I get home.



I added a post after I realized I left that part out. Yes, export your route to a GPX file. The GPX folder is located inside the Garmin Folder in the base memory of the GPS. On mine, it shows up as Garmin nuvi(E:)\Garmin\GPX

I seem to have a few options now. I'll check them out tonight and report back tomorrow.




You should be able to get Mapsource for free. IIRC, I think you can get it when you download your free map update. I know it can be gotten for free, because I have it and I didn't pay for it. I hate it and never use it as I like S&T much better, but I know I got it for free... I'm sure someone else will chime in with details.

At one time you could go to Garmin and download the Training Center, then download Mapsource. Now I think you can do a direct download. BUT, this only allows you to view maps and routes, and transfer to your Garmin device. If you want to create routes, you need an unlock code, which only comes when you buy a GPS that supports routing. So, create in Streets, view in Mapsource and transfer..... or other creative solutions some have posted.

the nice thing about using TYRE is that you can draw any route you like in google maps (which in MHO is really the best) and then cut and paste the URL for that map into TYRE.

The only trick is that when the GPX file gets transferred to the Garmin, it might choose slightly different routing. Thus, I make sure to put the waypoints on spots on the route that make it difficult for the Garmin to choose some alternative routing.

I hate the Garmin software for mapping :glare:

and the Garmin is a free download. Obviously you have to have their map to use it. If you register your nuvi, they'll let you download the map to your computer.

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the nice thing about using TYRE is that you can draw any route you like in google maps (which in MHO is really the best) and then cut and paste the URL for that map into TYRE.

The only trick is that when the GPX file gets transferred to the Garmin, it might choose slightly different routing. Thus, I make sure to put the waypoints on spots on the route that make it difficult for the Garmin to choose some alternative routing.

I hate the Garmin software for mapping :glare:

and the Garmin is a free download. Obviously you have to have their map to use it. If you register your nuvi, they'll let you download the map to your computer.
I discovered (this morning) that I can download Mapsource. I have found some limitations with Google maps. When creating a long/complex route, it is VERY slow to update changes. Also, I had one route I set up with a lot of waypoints and Google maps crapped out and started drawing straight lines between the points. this was a year or so ago and maybe they have fixed that in the interim.

Not sure if this is the right place to post this but... I just purchased a refurbished Garmin 765T. Specs are here:

It seems to have all of the features I want (other than not being waterproof). One of the main reasons I bought this unit is so I could use it for a complex route rather than the simple point-to-point cabability of lower-end devices. (It also has Bluetooth A2DP, MP3 player, FM traffic, multiple routes, tracklogging, etc) I can create a multipoint route on the 765 but it is cumbersome and time-consuming - especially when I want to "play" with the routing.

I can create a route using MS S&T 2010 and download the route to the GPS but all that downloads is the individual waypoints into the "Favorites"; it does not create the custom route. I could re-create the route from the favorites but it is extremely laborious for a complex route that might have 20-30 waypoints defined. Haven't been able to make any use of the 2010 S&T "export GPX" utility either. I understand that many people use Mapsource to get the routes to the GPS, even if the routes are created using other software. Mapsource does not come with the 765 and it appears that I have to buy some sort of mapping product from Garmin in order to get it. The GPS only cost $150 so I don't really want to spend another $100 to get Mapsource unless I have no other choice (not even sure how it would work with the 765).

I have done a fair bit of reading on this site and elsewhere and haven't come up with anything so far. Anyone have any experience with downloading routes from anything other than Mapsource to a similar sort of automotive GPS? I had a quick look at the Garmin "Trip and Waypoint Manager but I haven't heard of anyone using it. Price isn't too bad and if it would work with a S&T file, it might be the ticket.


First you need to download and install a free program called Tyre from;

Once you've installed Tyre, open it and click on the Tools menu, choose Preferences and under the General tab, set the Default to suit the device you have, i.e. Garmin.

You can use google maps or Tyre to create the routes, but for files created and posted by other people, copy the link (known as the URL and starts with https://)..., then in Tyre, select File/Import from Website. Paste the URL into the address bar at the top, (it’ll already have https://... highlighted in blue, but just paste over it), then click on Import. Google Maps will open, (in Tyre), then click on Import again.

Tyre will reappear with a list of Waypoints in the main window. Click on File/Save As and save the file in either *.itn (TomTom) or *.gpx format (Garmin, although the .itn will work on the Garmin.It automatically converts the file type)

To access the maps in your device you need to do the following;

Assuming you have the file already open in Tyre, connect your Garmin to your computer, then, from the menu bar in Tyre select Garmin, then Copy to Garmin, and the file will be copied across.

To enable the route in your Garmin, select Tools/My Data/Import Route From File. Select the route that you have just copied across and select Import. Click Back to return to the main menu screen.

To access the route select Where To?/Custom Routes and select the route you require.

Should you wish to delete the route, select Tools/Custom Routes and choose the route you wish to delete. Select Edit/Delete and confirm that you wish to delete the route.

the route as it is displayed on Google maps and Tyre sometimes is not exactly the same once it is transferred to your Garmin. What my Garmin GPS seems to do to navigate a route from a GPX file is calculate what it thinks is the best way to get from way point to way point. Often google maps and Garmin will not agree on the best route to go from one way point to another. Fortunately this is very easy to deal with.

Open up the GPX file with Tyre, then click on the Show Route button. You should see the map open up in what is essentially the google maps editor inside the Tyre application. There will be a bunch of red dots representing waypoints along your route. To force your Garman to take exactly the route you want you need to add a bunch more waypoints. This is easy to do in Tyre. Just left click on the route where you want to add a waypoint. Make sure you have enough way points and have them strategically placed so the Garmin has no choice but to do exactly what you want when calculating its route from way point to the next.

One other thing I do is turn off "Avoid dirt roads" on the Garmin. I've found that sometimes Garman thinks a road is dirt that I know is not. If your Google map route includes a road that Garmin thinks is dirt, you can put a million way points every 2 feet on the road, but the Garmin will still not have it's route take that road if it is set to avoid dirt roads.
I have the Garmin 1350...I downloaded Tyre, made a route, downloaded to the 1350 and tried to find it in My Data...nothing. Does that mean I can't import to my Garmin? ***EDIT*** My Data has the waypoints there, but in Where to, no Custom routes...???

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Import route from file should get you there, I think. Not having ever seen a 765T, keep in mind.

It may be that this only works for Mapsource-generated routes, but I can't say.

But create the route in S&T, export it as GPX, copy the GPX to your GPS device, which appears as an external drive while attached to your PC. You should be able to find that file with the "Import route" command on the GPS, but it will have to calculate it, so it may have differences from what you built in S&T. more waypoints, fewer differences, basically.

This is a reply (and many thanks) to all of those who helped!

I emailed Garmin and they told me to download the map update again but install it to my computer rather than to the GPS. It worked and I now have Mapsource. Upon initial examination, I have to say I am not impressed! Looks like software out of the '90's. I will use it if I have to.

Google maps probably is the easiest to use if the routing isn't too complicated and software exists to create a .gpx file from the Google "link". The downside is that GM bogs way down when the route begins to get complicated. In addition, you have to have an internet connection so it becomes a poor candidate while on the road.

I also did a little more playing with S&T 2010 and found I could create a route in my GPS by manually placing a S&T exported GPX file into the GPX directory on the GPS. From there I could create a route from the "My Data" menu. When I originally tried this, it did not seem to work - apparently it took several seconds for the GPS to find the file??? I will still have to check the route out for accuracy; it might be a problem if Garmin and S&T coordinates are not in complete agreement. S&T is (to me) pretty good for creating routes and I will probably use it as long as I don't run into issues relating to coordinate accuracy.

It seems to be working for now.



Mapsource needs a facelift, but it has some hidden tricks for creating routes. Try right clicking a route you want to move, and drag the segment to another road. There are shortcuts for zooming and creating waypoints as well. The help files are not extensive, but if you read them, you will have better luck. Also, Mapsource does pretty good at importing a GPX file from other sources. Once you get used to it, the program won't seem like quite such a kludge. Keep in mind Garmin doesn't really invest much in the mapping program as most of their profits are from selling units. Very few people have routing GPS units, and fewer know how to use this program well. Just my $.02.

Keep in mind Garmin doesn't really invest much in the mapping program as most of their profits are from selling units.
Silly wabbits... don't they realize their mapping software sells (or doesn't) their units? Mapsource is why I have a TomTom now, and probably won't ever buy another Garmin. Ah, just had to vent about what seems a silly attitude from hardware manufacturers.

Keep in mind Garmin doesn't really invest much in the mapping program as most of their profits are from selling units.
Silly wabbits... don't they realize their mapping software sells (or doesn't) their units? Mapsource is why I have a TomTom now, and probably won't ever buy another Garmin. Ah, just had to vent about what seems a silly attitude from hardware manufacturers.
What I noticed about Mapsource is they're missing most of the roads in South Texas
