Seneca Rocks and VA

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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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Louisville, KY
Got off work friday at 4, shot home and pulled the front tire off. Ran over to cycle gear, got a new front tire. Headed back home, ate dinner, got the front tire mounted, and headed out of Louisville at about 7:00.

Made it over to Spklbuk (Jim's) at about 12:00 AM. 363 miles.

(Imagine pictures of Jim's house in the country, and his dog shadow.)

Headed out and less than about 5 miles from Jim's house, the twisties already begin.

We stopped at a park (I think BearCamp or something like that) and took some pictures.

(Imagine cool pictures of rock formations, tree covered canopy, and the loaded up FJR's)

We shot up Big Bad Road, which dumped us out in a beautiful valley. Stopped and took some pics.

(Imagine cool pictures of Jim with the mountains behind him, endless field of view, and cows grazing in the valley).

Met up with Luvtoride, (Heidi) and had some lunch in Monterey, VA. 250 is a great road. Too bad we got rained on just as we hit 250 North. Took it real easy, since we were all weighed down with camping gear.

We got the camp site by Seneca Rocks with just enough break to set camp. SloRide (Chuck) had already secured a campsite for us.

(Imagine cool pics of campground.)

Then it rained. and rained..... and then thunderstorms, and more rain. Did I mention it rained........

Next morning, we all worshipped the sun, as we weren't sure it would ever return!

We hit smokehole road, which is a little scary, but quiet fun. It get's kinda narrow, and there were a lot of wet spots. Along smokehole, we saw 2 other FJR's and 04 and 08.

Stopped at the river on an old stone bridge. Absolutely stuinning view.

(Imagine pictures of beautiful view)

I took 220 down to 39 West, and stayed on 39 all the way out to 19 to hit New River Gorge.

Don't speed on 39 in Nicholas WV! They have instant on Radar. No warning, then blamo, full signal KA band....

Clocked at 76 in a 55, but the cop was a nice guy and only wrote me up for 64. Probably plead no contest, maybe they'll let me off with some court fees.

Now, why have I been putting in imagine pictures????

4 miles from New River Gorge, something looks like a shredded tire in my rear view mirror. What's that???? I pull over to see my saddle bag hanging open! My camera (Cannon DSLR and 4 lenses) all sliding down the road at about 70 miles per hour. About $2000 in camera equpiment, mostly ruined. I might be able to salvage some stuff. The CF card, gone.... All my pics.... gone.... The strap from my backpack somehow got under the locking mechanism, and it felt locked, but it wasn't. It stayed closed for about 200 miles, then only 4 miles from where I was going to stop and take pictures, out spills my stuff!!!!

So, lessons, don't speed in Nicholas, WV. Make sure your saddle bags are securely locked.

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Sorry about the camera equipment Keith, I hope you can salvage some of it.

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Sorry to hear about your expensive weekend. Still, I'd rather read about damaged photo equipment than damaged bikes and riders.


Did you happen to climb Seneca Rocks? What a view, best pics ever...with a camera of course. Also did you ride to the top of Spruce Knob? Nothing like it east of the Mississippi! Sounds like a great ride, sorry for the loss of the camera.


Did Keith mention that it rained? We are talking rivers in the campground, lakes in camping spots, standin' in the car wash bay kinda rain...friggin MONSOONS!!

Chuck (Slow Ride) told me that we were lucky. Just north of us folks had house windows broken and vehicles dinged from hail.

Yep, Keith had quite a welcome to WV/VA. Hopefully he will come back soon and give the place another looksee.

Though no where near the quality that Keith's would have been, here's a few pics:

Keith cruisin' the boardwalk at Beartown State Park


Keith jaywalking in Monterey, Heidi (luvtoride) awaiting departure in the background to the right and other bikes in front of Highs Restaurant. Lots of bikes out this weekend.


Sun worshippers at camp the morning after. L to R, Chuck, Keith and Heidi


The view that prompted worship


Breakfast at the 4U Restaurant. Clockwise, Heidi @ 8, the owner of the 4U @ 10, Keith @ 2, Chuck @ 5


Heidi's blanket statement to Mother Nature


Head em up and move em out


A pit stop (literally) before departing for home. Damn that's a good lookin' bike...clean too...Mother Nature did an excellent job


At the entrance to Smokehole Road. South Branch of the Potomac running a lil' thick


The aftermath in my backyard this morning


Not a ride we will soon forget! Did anyone mention that it rained??

Major suckage on the camera Keith.

I will keep Spruce Nob in mind for next time! That area really is beautiful.

Major suckage on the camera Keith.
Oh well, I was about equally as pissed that I lost the pictures as I was to loose the camera equipment.

My stupid mistake though.

I will be back!!!!!

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Wow, that was kinda kewl for the imagination side of my brain....which side is that? Suckage bout the "lose" camera.

you might check your home owners... bummer total bummer!

Wish I would have known you guys were campin out down at senica I might have shot down to say hi.

you might check your home owners... bummer total bummer!
By the time I file the claim, my insurance will probably go up and it will cost more than replacing and fixing what's left.

Wish I would have known you guys were campin out down at senica I might have shot down to say hi.
Oh, do you own a boat!? :D

Keith sorry about your bad luck, it was still nice

to meet you and Heidi.

Hopefully the next trip will be a little dryer.

My pic of Jim taking Heidi's picture.


View from the camp ground


Another view


Setting up camp ======= and picking the wrong site!! Where Jim is standing water got

about 1-2" deep and under the tables it was 2-3"


A good camp fire thanks to Heidi's fire starters.


Sorry to hear about the camera and the rain. It will get better, some day we will really have nice weather. Looks like y'all had some good riding any way.

Setting up camp ======= and picking the wrong site!! Where Jim is standing water got about 1-2" deep and under the tables it was 2-3"

Now let's tell the whole story. After you 3 set up your humongous individual taj mahals, how many camp spots remained short of shelling out another 12 bucks? The water pooled on the front right corner only and all else inside was dry but the other 3 slept between the leaks!

Now let's tell the whole story. After you 3 set up your humongous individual taj mahals, how many camp spots remained short of shelling out another 12 bucks? The water pooled on the front right corner only and all else inside was dry but the other 3 slept between the leaks!
No I was meaning I picked the wrong site to start with. <_<

And it was only 1 small drip. :blink:

Used to climb Seneca Rocks a lot. I had always wanted to stay at the 4 U, but opted for the cheap route. Do a google search for Gun Sight, Gendarme and Seneca Rocks and you will see a feature that used to be there. All kind of tales about folks who tried to get rid of it because it looked 'dirty'. B) It did eventually fall.


Looks like a good trip despite the rain.

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Heidi's blanket statement to Mother Nature

I have the feeling this will be costly Jim. :D
Wow, what a weekend.

Tom, I knew what would happen with this picture. Remember... pics add 10 lbs!

So... like... I'm not sure if it has been talked about... but it rained. I mean like not just rain, either. I've never been that close to drastic thunderstorms & major deluge... one after another after another. Oh, I forgot about my ride home on Sunday... cars were pulling over, Harleys were pulling under overpasses. I waved at them as I passed them all.

Got lost while route scouting. Well, as lost as you can get w/ a GPS.

Keith, I am terribly, terribly sorry about your camera... the camera that you were so careful about not getting wet all weekend. That was definitely not poetic justice.

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