On Thursday, my pillion and I were flying (slowly) between St Joe and Kansas City, MO when I happened to see a lone tail light waaaaay up in the distance. Once we caught up I noticed the license plate wasn't from the lower 48. Some woman named "Alberta" put a stamp on the back of this fast-looking blue FJR. We managed to catch the elusive Bearly Flying. From that point on it was my duty to escort the "Alberta Premium" and it's primary drinker, so that the local/county/state LEOs would not confiscate the good stuff.
It's a good thing his handle isn't "Barely Flying" - I'd call ********. He has a noise-making-LEO-advance-warning-system but he let me lead. I don't think my speedometer needle went below 80...even through downtown KC. Somewhere along US71 south, we were trying to get around this car who kept messing with our speed. At one point Bearly Flying was in the right lane and I was behind the car...I shot into the right lane and just ripped back on the throttle. I looked in my mirror and notice that Bearly Flying had dropped waaaaay back...I looked up to see a MO State Partrol car across the nice wide green median...the car noticed as well, but by then we were 1/4 mile ahead and leaving it in the dust. The patrol officer must have been texting because we weren't followed.
The last hour we rode in the rain. Horrible timing for bad weather because that's the curviest and funnerest part of the ride.
I don't have many pics, but when I get to them I'll post the appropriate ones...