SFO 2007 was a healing opportunity.

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Active member
Nov 25, 2006
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Denton, TX
I really had a great time. :clapping: I had been looking forward to Russellville to see if there was still a joy in the ride. :yahoo: I spent the weekend riding alone. I didn't want to hold anyone up or end up riding above my skill level. I also wanted to be able to test myself at my own pace and time. I was in Russellville last November and had a really great weekend until the wreck. I ended up traveling home via U-Haul with a totalled Concours in back and a broken rib up front. :blink:

Friday night Tim had graciously treated everyone to a meal at Colton's Steakhouse.


They have some really neat wall art.


Saturday morning was full of anticipation.


I did my best to load the GPS with the posted routes but I think this was the wrong AR27. :rolleyes:


I pressed on regardless.


After about 8 miles....a paved intersect appears.


A scenic stop on AR16


I could not get over the beautiful views.


That durned GPS found this road too. I wondered why I met so many Dual Sports running up this road.


Because I declined the last route, the GPS chose another. I had to pass a sleeping dog in the middle of the road and cross a small puddle to get here.


The GPS told me to proceed about 400' and turn RIGHT


Right across this........


That is the road on the other side.


I parked here while I looked for the road.


My small water crossing. Just a mudhole if you will..........


I'm through will FJR dual sporting.

Found a nice place to hydrate. (My water, not theirs)


Some comforts and ammenities.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch.


Another view........


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Thanks for the pictures. It was a great weekend and I hope the hills of Arkansas have brought you some peace.

Chunk that GPS in the trash or let me help you understand how to use it.

Let me know if you get back in the area. You're always welcome.

Sunday. My Crash site revisited.

Southbound AR123 north of Lurton.

My first view of "the corner".


Bike is parked about where I left the road. The bike took out the sign.


November memories........


I rode this relic 47 miles back to the Russellville Days Inn.... It wasn't fun.


They put up a new sign......


I ended up down the ditch by the reddish sign on the fence.


Alls well that ends well. That's how I came by the FJR. :yahoo:

Still more.......

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Later that same day in Golden, MO I spied a lunch stop.


Then again. I hadn't had dessert all weekend.......... So


Sundays they serve only a couple of "Specials" or any breakfast item. I chose the Navy bean soup and Grilled Cheese.


Dessert was perfect for me. Can't grow rhubarb in Texas. A nice Rhubarb Crisp and Coffee.


When I arrived, I took the last parking place.


On the road again...........

I had never been to Eureka Springs before. They say it is a tourist trap but I could spend a little time there.

The first bed and breakfast I spotted.


The adjacent building...


It was much too crowded for any more photos in town so I headed out once more....

My last rest stop for the day......


I could barely wait to hit the road........


Do I look like a Thug or What?


A few shots on the way home Monday.

Bucolic, Arkansas off AR96 south of Fort Smith.....


A very serene pasture.........


The view from US259 at the Talimena Drive turnoff.


The view to the north from the Three Sticks rest area...


Safely home at last.......


Trip tally......


Had a really great time and have already scheduled off in October........ :yahoo:

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Thanks for the pictures. It was a great weekend and I hope the hills of Arkansas have brought you some peace.
Chunk that GPS in the trash or let me help you understand how to use it.

Let me know if you get back in the area. You're always welcome.
Thanks for the Great time.

The Old AR27 was my fault.

The others were the "auto-routing" feature.

I turned that off for the rest of the weekend and did fine...... :rolleyes:

Well Don, it is good to see you have photos to go with the dual sport stories you brought to dinner. I hope that you managed to find some comfort in Arkansas this year, maybe even some confidence that inspires future adventures.

Hopefully, you peeled off from us on Monday only because you wanted to visit the grand kids and not because of anything else. We were just trying to make some time on the way home. fjrchik seems to think she has somebody special to come home to and was in a hurry....... LOL (kidding chik) I guess that 124 on the GPS display seems vaguely familiar..................

Take care Don,


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Well Don, it is good to see you have photos to go with the dual sport stories you brought to dinner.....
Hopefully, you peeled off from us on Monday only because you wanted to visit the grand kids and not because of anything else. We were just trying to make some time on the way home. fjrchik seems to think she has somebody special to come home to and was in a hurry....... LOL (kidding chik) I guess that 124 on the GPS display seems vaguely familiar..................

Take care Don,

I've been told repeatedly that "this thread is useless without pictures".

You have to be able to "show" your stories.

I definately left to see my Grandkids. The speed wasn't the problem.

(I made it from Broken Bow to Denton in 2hours and 20 minutes.) :rolleyes:

Have a good week. I have to rest for Junction this weekend. Going to CheapSTOC to ride the Three Sisters again. :yahoo:

hey! yo! i never said let's do 125 on the way home! :lol: that was all u dude!

it was great having you there and getting to know you better Don!

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I knew that would get a comment...........................................I did say I was kidding Michelle........................

Oi, back to work for me tomorrow. Three days and then Vegas, so I have something to look forward to as well.........


Excellent photos and some of those hard-packed gravel roads sure made for great photo ops. The right turn across the river made me smile a bit though. Glad you washed away your demons.

We'll wait a couple of weeks before kicking off the October activities. Several people expressed interest in getting some Spring Thing swag before it was replaced with Fall Freakout stuff.

You folks are great! All reports have been exciting and, as always, it's the attendees that make it special.

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......We'll wait a couple of weeks before kicking off the October activities. Several people expressed interest in getting some Spring Thing swag before it was replaced with Fall Freakout stuff.....
You folks are great! All reports have been exciting and, as always, it's the attendees that make it special.
Thanks Mark. Looking forward to meeting you. Thanks also for all the hard work putting this together. :clapping:

Great Pics!

Nice to meet you, Don.

A little dirt never hurt anybody. (but that river crossing might've been a bit much) :D

I'm with you on the Autorouting. Garmin doesn't seem to have an algorithm for 'good sport-touring roads.' (yet)


Sometimes getting lost is the best part of the journey. Though, in this case, I would say the gps just misled you a bit. The water was up from all the rain earlier in the week, but I couldn't see any signs of a washed out bridge in the photo. In my experience, great scenery doesn't care if the road is paved or not . I'm glad you came and enjoyed the weekend.


"Sometimes getting lost is the best part of the journey. "

I agree, found some interesting roads in south western MO on my way home monday.

I've been told repeatedly that "this thread is useless without pictures".

You have to be able to "show" your stories.

I definately left to see my Grandkids. The speed wasn't the problem.

(I made it from Broken Bow to Denton in 2hours and 20 minutes.) :rolleyes:

Have a good week. I have to rest for Junction this weekend. Going to CheapSTOC to ride the Three Sisters again. :yahoo:

Thanks for the photos and stories. I pretty much travel like you, alone, or with someone that is like-minded. One thing I do seem to worry about is the what ifs. Did you have phone service in those areas?

What is the Cheap STOC thing? Are you staying in Junction then riding out to the Leakey area?

Thanks for the photos and stories. I pretty much travel like you, alone, or with someone that is like-minded. One thing I do seem to worry about is the what ifs. Did you have phone service in those areas? What is the Cheap STOC thing? Are you staying in Junction then riding out to the Leakey area?
I have a Tri-Mode phone so if there is phone service at all, I have a phone. Sometimes a little sketchy.

CheapSTOC is a "Honda ST Owners Club" gathering in Junction, TX this coming weekend.

It has been posted on Two Wheeled Texans forum. CheapSTOC

I am certain that the "Leader" will have some group or suggested routes but I am hoping that they will include RR335, RR336 and RR337.

If not, then I may strike out on my own again.
