SFO Fall Freakout Registration is Open!

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Hey Foggy or DonRoger1, I noticed DonRoger1 is from Denton which I will be driving through on 380 from Decatur and Foggy is in North Texas (but where?) maybe we can get together or are all of you going the Lone Ranger Route as Bounce is?
Hi Scott, just noticed your post (haven't been on in a while). I'm in Flower Mound so if you wanted to ride up together maybe we could meet somewhere around 380 and 75.
:blink: Hello Foggy,

Sounds good to me. We can finalize a gas station to meet (Shell Gas Station again?) at in a couple of days.

My question to you is do we interstate slab it for speed and time or do we take a more scenic and leisurely route?

Just wondering so I can begin to research routes and start programing the Garmin GPS unit. I'm home the next couple of days, but will be running about getting the motorcycle in for scheduled maintenance and new pair of tires. Friday I start another stretch of flights.

:blink: If anyone else from the DFW wants to meet Foggy and I, feel free to chime in. Foggy if you get a chance send a reply and we can finalize the meeting time, place and kind of route you would like to go on.


Hey Foggy or DonRoger1, I noticed DonRoger1 is from Denton which I will be driving through on 380 from Decatur and Foggy is in North Texas (but where?) maybe we can get together or are all of you going the Lone Ranger Route as Bounce is?
Hi Scott, just noticed your post (haven't been on in a while). I'm in Flower Mound so if you wanted to ride up together maybe we could meet somewhere around 380 and 75.
:blink: Hello Foggy,

Sounds good to me. We can finalize a gas station to meet (Shell Gas Station again?) at in a couple of days.

My question to you is do we interstate slab it for speed and time or do we take a more scenic and leisurely route?

Just wondering so I can begin to research routes and start programing the Garmin GPS unit. I'm home the next couple of days, but will be running about getting the motorcycle in for scheduled maintenance and new pair of tires. Friday I start another stretch of flights.

:blink: If anyone else from the DFW wants to meet Foggy and I, feel free to chime in. Foggy if you get a chance send a reply and we can finalize the meeting time, place and kind of route you would like to go on.


:blink: Hello Foggy,

Hope your doing OK, what time and where do you want to meet to drive up to Russelville, does meeting @ 0830 sound good to you?

:blink: Hello Foggy,
Hope your doing OK, what time and where do you want to meet to drive up to Russelville, does meeting @ 0830 sound good to you?
Scott, I'm sorry to have to cancel but after looking at the weather forecasts (rain saturday and sunday in Russellville) I'm gonna pass on going this year. Done too many rides where rain came in and came down the whole weekend. Call me a fair weather rider if you want but I do not feel comfortable riding in that stuff. Hope you have a safe ride and enjoy some of those roads for me!

:blink: Hello Foggy,
Hope your doing OK, what time and where do you want to meet to drive up to Russelville, does meeting @ 0830 sound good to you?
Scott, I'm sorry to have to cancel but after looking at the weather forecasts (rain saturday and sunday in Russellville) I'm gonna pass on going this year. Done too many rides where rain came in and came down the whole weekend. Call me a fair weather rider if you want but I do not feel comfortable riding in that stuff. Hope you have a safe ride and enjoy some of those roads for me!
:blink: Sorry to hear that Foggy, I was looking forward to riding with you and your wife. I have been following the weather forcast via www.acuweather.com and actual real time satellite imagery of weather systems as we get that stuff being in the airlines and the only mention of any possible percipitation is Saturday night and that is a "possibility" not even a "likelihood".

Will miss you and your significant other...hoping you change your mind, but if not, hope to see you next year!

Just in case you continue to check the weather and see that it will be good, don't hesistate to send a message. I'll be flying a New York turnaround tomorrow and then setting aside Thursday to get ready for the ride.

If anyone else wants to get together for the ride up from the DFW area to Russellville don't hesistate to send a message...otherwise I guess it's a Lone Ranger ride for time and speed just like Bounce.


Sorry to hear you're bugging out, Foggy. I've not seen anything yet that would make it a high likelihood of bad weather for the weekend. Cool nights and nice days seem to be the trend.

gonna have to back out too, work as outside contractor at univ. of ms. med. center, been there 20 years, and they kinda "own" me. not a total loss,,,, got to go up there last month for triumph rally. went all thru quachita forest,,,very nice. oh well,, maybe my schedule will work out in spring,,yall have fun..

I am cancelling as well. I am fighting a mean cold, and don't feel much like riding (or doing anything else for that matter). I had a great time at the spring SFO, and was looking forward to this one as well. Oh well, next year.

Hmmm, I guess a few late cancellations are to be expected, but darn it I'm still going! The bike is running great, the tires have tread and are holding air, my wife is expecting me to be gone for the weekend, my girlfriend thinks I have family obligations, and I have a room reserved. What else is there to do but ride! :D


can't make it. caught some kind of crud in Seattle.

hopefully it's just a cold and not strep :angry:

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wow! sorry to hear all you guys have to bail out! strep has going around here in big D since september, hopefully that's now what you have.

plan on the spring thing! we are gonna have blow out event!

hopefully that's now what you have.

so you want me to have strep ?
oops. typo! :D

see you have been working too hard!
yeah. 71 hours this week. can't wait for sunday. at least i get one day off. the color team is doing 7 days a week, 10 hours a day. at least i'm not in that hell. my extra freelance gig just ended today so my hours will go down to 60+ somethin now. easy squeezy!

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gonna have to back out too, work as outside contractor at univ. of ms. med. center, been there 20 years, and they kinda "own" me. not a total loss,,,, got to go up there last month for triumph rally. went all thru quachita forest,,,very nice. oh well,, maybe my schedule will work out in spring,,yall have fun..
You ride an FJR? Do you realize how close we are most days? I'm at Sardis Lake four days a week at the field office.
