SFO Website Launched!!

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I'm in and have reservations for a single room. BTW, I'm picking up the bill for dinner the first night for all assembled if someone else provides the adult refreshements after dinner that evening. :rolleyes: I'm STILL recovering from a bottle of Talisker before the ride back to Dallas..........

As the appointed meeting date approches, might I ask Bounce or Fjrchik to confirm if there will be a group ride up to Arkansas from DFW area as we enjoyed last year and if we plan to meet at the same location? Great riding, dining and.......I don't know if I could find my way to Russellville without Bounce's GPS.........there were so many circles of the block in so many small towns.........

Those of you who were there last year remember the great time had by all, and those of you who missed, now's the opportunity!


In. just made room res.

Any other Okies in for this ride ?

oops just read attendees list, I see Petey from Stillwater.

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I'm in and have reservations for a single room. BTW, I'm picking up the bill for dinner the first night for all assembled if someone else provides the adult refreshements after dinner that evening. :rolleyes: I'm STILL recovering from a bottle of Talisker before the ride back to Dallas..........
Wow Tim!! Thats very generous of you! I've got a new tail bag for this year - more room for booze!!

As the appointed meeting date approches, might I ask Bounce or Fjrchik to confirm if there will be a group ride up to Arkansas from DFW area as we enjoyed last year and if we plan to meet at the same location? Great riding, dining and.......I don't know if I could find my way to Russellville without Bounce's GPS.........there were so many circles of the block in so many small towns.........
Hahaha! Now that's hilarious, my friend! :lol: And yeah, no doubt there will be a meeting spot in North Dallas again for anyone wanting to ride in a group out there. We had 8 last year. Was alot of fun and not all that hard to stay together. We may wanna alter the route though since we got in so late last year. More discussion will come on that topic.

Those of you who were there last year remember the great time had by all, and those of you who missed, now's the opportunity!
He's got it right guys! And this year - we have way better prizes! :clapping:

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I don't know if I could find my way to Russellville without Bounce's GPS.........there were so many circles of the block in so many small towns.........
HEY! We got there. Didn't we? Pipe down there, buster! All that stuff down by Dallas wasn't important anyway. It's the curvy stuff farther north that I got right.

Might I suggest that everyone fill up when we stop for gas? That one run of "concern" isn't something I want to repeat.

Chikie, Baby... we can take the same route and get there faster. I can make sure of that. :devil:

Well, not the EXACT same route. Some of those scenic loops would be hard to get exactly the same. :blush:

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Fjrchik, I have res. and will be bringing another rider. I sent you an e-mail through the SFO site. What else do I need to do????

Fjrchik, I have res. and will be bringing another rider. I sent you an e-mail through the SFO site. What else do I need to do????
That's it for now! Welcome to SFO!! Bounce will get you guys on the list asap.

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I'm in :yahoo:

No singles left

I've got a double and will share if i'm not 2 up. I will not know for sure untill a few days before.

Nathan aint to sure about a FJR group but he knows Michelle.s group

Fencer is coming to SFO?? :eek: I can't believe my eyes!! Sweet!! :drinks: Now we're gonna have some fun yo!

Are the rides going to start on Friday or Saturday? Want to see if I need to arrive Thursday or Friday. :rolleyes:

Are the rides going to start on Friday or Saturday? Want to see if I need to arrive Thursday or Friday. :rolleyes:
Hey borrec,

most will ride saturday and sunday. friday and monday are travel days. but there maybe some who show up early or stay late if they don't have as far to go to get there.


Last year we had a 10-12 person group that rode on Friday. I plan on being there Thursday P.M. and I'm sure there will be others as well. So, if you can be there come on, you'll enjoy the ride!

Got reservation and registration taken care of today, and I'm really looking forward to this. Anybody coming from Florida, South Carolina or lower Georgia who wants to meet somewhere on the way?



Latest numbers: 36 bikes, 42 attendees!! Pretty sweet! Less than 6 weeks to go! :clapping:

Latest numbers: 36 bikes, 42 attendees!! Pretty sweet! Less than 6 weeks to go! :clapping:
Any IBA riders coming? Thinking about doing my first on the way home. Looking for tips and hints and someone to get up at 4 AM and sign the form for me.

Apologies in advance for jacking the thread!


Bounce and Fjrchik, with less than four weeks away, let us out of towners know where we plan to congregate north of Dallas for the DFW area ride to SFO Spring Thing. I have reservations south of our meeting spot in Plano last year, but with this many attendees, we may have a much larger group leaving from DFW area. BTW, I take COMPLETE responsibility for the big turnout this year. All you have to do is pay for dinner the first night, and they will come! 42 and counting.........hope they take AMEX............ Just don't pick Ruth's Cris for the dinner that night. :rolleyes:


Any IBA riders coming? Thinking about doing my first on the way home. Looking for tips and hints and someone to get up at 4 AM and sign the form for me.
i suspect there will be a few there.

congregating for the trip up
i think that place last year worked out okay. i just need to get my rear in gear earlier this time.

one question: is someone going wait until it's an hour until dark and we have 2 hours left to the ride before springing the idea that they don't want to ride after dark? :(

for planning purposes: it's 400 miles (about)

1. IF we average 50 mph, that's an 8 hour trip.

2. To average 50 mph we need to minimize our stops and keep what stops we make as short as possible (making time and group rides are mutually exclusive).

3. EVERYONE needs to top off at EVERY gas stop so we don't end up in a situation where we're worried about someone running out. Last year was unexpected but now we know that some towns don't have gas and some that used to don't any more.

4. I heard comments that my riding got faster as the day wore on. Is the general concensus that we pace according to the early part of the day or the latter part? ;)

5. EVERYONE needs to bring their own maps and their planned route in case we get sepparated or in case someone doesn't like the pace. This year, as last, ride your own ride is paramount.

6. If anyone is askeert of the dark, then they need to plan to leave early enough for it not to be an issue (even if the main body of the group wants to dawdle and not leave until 10am).

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congregating for the trip up
i think that place last year worked out okay. i just need to get my rear in gear earlier this time.

one question: is someone going wait until it's an hour until dark and we have 2 hours left to the ride before springing the idea that they don't want to ride after dark? :(

for planning purposes: it's 400 miles (about)

1. IF we average 50 mph, that's an 8 hour trip.

2. To average 50 mph we need to minimize our stops and keep what stops we make as short as possible (making time and group rides are mutually exclusive).

3. EVERYONE needs to top off at EVERY gas stop so we don't end up in a situation where we're worried about someone running out. Last year was unexpected but now we know that some towns don't have gas and some that used to don't any more.

4. I heard comments that my riding got faster as the day wore on. Is the general concensus that we pace according to the early part of the day or the latter part? ;)

5. EVERYONE needs to bring their own maps and their planned route in case we get sepparated or in case someone doesn't like the pace. This year, as last, ride your own ride is paramount.

6. If anyone is askeert of the dark, then they need to plan to leave early enough for it not to be an issue (even if the main body of the group wants to dawdle and not leave until 10am).
Everyone please see the separate thread I started on this subject about a group ride to SFO starting in DFW (Plano). Its time to start hammering out the details! :yahoo:

Bounce and Fjrchik, with less than four weeks away, let us out of towners know where we plan to congregate north of Dallas for the DFW area ride to SFO Spring Thing. I have reservations south of our meeting spot in Plano last year, but with this many attendees, we may have a much larger group leaving from DFW area. BTW, I take COMPLETE responsibility for the big turnout this year. All you have to do is pay for dinner the first night, and they will come! 42 and counting.........hope they take AMEX............ Just don't pick Ruth's Cris for the dinner that night. :rolleyes:
Yep Tim - its all you! ;)

I'll be contacting the restaurant this week to give them a heads up and make the Saturday night reservation. I'll post up the details soon as they are complete so everyone can make their dinners plans for the weekend! Tim - keep in mind most all of the No Mo Sno riders won't be there Friday night. They are arriving Saturday, so I'm pretty sure you won't be feeding 42 - unless you just start pickin up tabs of the other patrons! :lol:
