Shinkos for WOOFOO

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
You may have seen my other thread questioning what to do for tires when starting a trip. We'll I still like the Pirelli Strada E for the rear and the Avon Storm for the front. There's lots of good choices out there.

I read a couple threads about the Shinko Raven 009s and decided to give them a try. The original plan was to throw them on my AE for the ride from Indiana "the long way" to WFO and back. After having a run out/flat/plugged rear Storm changed out in Colorado just 1500 miles ago, I was contemplating leaving the Dunlop D220ST on the rear. Well, I didn't. I decided to strip the tires and go for fresh shoes to start what may end up being a 6K run over 9 days.


I just got back in from a nice little test jaunt. Not a hardcore test, just a 10 mile or so easy ride to see what they were like. As with all fresh tires, these feel great. However, no bar shake, no wobble and they track straight as an arrow. I must have done a good job balancing, too, because all the way up under a buck, they're like rolling on a billiard table. SWEET! The front seems easy to turn in and the bike seems pretty sweet laying over in a turn.

Almost time for the big ROAD TEST!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO WOOOOFOOOOO!

Better pic of the tread design:


Cool. I bet you'll get more than a few questions about them in Park City. Be sure to take copious notes about their performance and feel so you can share your findings w/ all of us.

Good luck, be safe, and enjoy the ride. See you in PC.

I'm still very interested in your results. I have a set of the Shinkos waiting in the "man room." I had seriously considered wearing them to WFO. This was, of course, before my crash that canceled my trip. :blink: I am still interested in the performance of these tires. Please keep us informed on all the little details. And good luck!

3000 miles of riding with the wobble from the Avon Storms was enough.

Finished rebuilding my sons 850 turbo Volvo and had some time, so I also pulled of the junk Storms and put on a set of Shinko 009s.

I guess from this forum, the Storms are like Budweiser Beer, get a good batch you can't beat them. Get a bad batch and it leaves a bad taste that you never forget.

First impression of the Shinkos also no 45 mph wobble, tested the front tire change only, to see if the wobble was from front tire or back as the A-hole Avon factory rep tried to insinuate.

Then I replaced the rear.

First time I am getting rid of a set of tires with about 2000 miles left on them. Never More will I get the Storms.

As for the Shinkos we will see how they are.


I'm 3000 miles into the WOOFOO trip and the Shinkos are doing very well. They ride fine, wear well, and stick about as well as anything... as much as I've pushed them. Couldn't even tell the road here in Stanley Idaho was wet last night when we rode in.

No pics yet, but after we get outta this soaker and get to PC,I'll take snaps of the tread wear.

So far so GOOD!!!

you get 6k out of the rear, let us know.
I got a shade over 8k on my 009's. I expect to get another 1500-2k before I reach wear bars. This is consistant withevery tire I've mounted in 63k miles.

I am, however, likely going to spoon on a new rear here very soon so that my front and 2nd rear are burnt up around the same time. The new rear is a Raven, and I haven't ruled them out as the replacement pair come spring. I got no complaints with this tire.

Last edited by a moderator: has them.

55 for the front, 80 for the rear in FJR sizes. they do add a 10$ per tire shipping fee because, well, they're tires. This price still pretty much destroys anybody else's pricing. I've see the rear on the net for as muuch as 120.

How much for the pair delivered, and from where, if I may ask?
are they rated for the weight of the FJR? And what is the speed rating?
They are SPORT TOURING tires and ZR rated tires. And I "ZR" tested them. And weight tested them.

6K is probably all I'll get out of the rear. After "ZR Testing" and another 500 miles of fairly hard riding, they are starting to sqaure off a little.

The tire is pretty stiff. It's a hard, heavy tire... but a GOOD cheap tire so far. Lots of tread left, but I plan on using a LOT of it the next tow days here at WFO.

Well, no pics of the tread yet (not that it matters much, everyone will wear them differently), but the tires held up well. After over 6K of slab, sweepers and 2 lane highways at a spirited pace, the tires held up very well. There might be a couple grand left in them, too.

Lemme tell you that they are hard as a rock and I was constantly trying to find a soft/sweet spot in my suspension (Penske rear). Never did quite get as nice a ride as the other sport touring tires I've ridden (Storm, Strada E, OEM Metzlers all rode better).

The grip on this tire is pretty good. I never did break it loose, but again, I am not a peg dragger, burnout kinda guy. I did take them hard over in steady moderate rain and never felt them budge, either. That road NE of Stanley Idaho was pretty fun, even in the rain!

I'm giving these tires one thumb up over all. Two thumbs for wear and grip (wet and dry), two for price. None for ride quality. For the money, these are really decent tires. If you plan to go burn them up on chip and seal, and you have an iron butt, these may be the tires for you. I'm pleased with the performance, but I'm going back to the Strada E for the rear and the Storm for the front. After those are toast, who knows, maybe I'll go back to another pair of Shinkos!

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I appreciate that info. I still have my set waiting to get mounted. Different bike now, but the same size shoes.

Here's the Shinko 009 Raven after 6K of spirited touring:


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"Spirited?" Bullshit! You still have Nipples* on the edges! :****:

*Trademark, Don Carver Enterprises, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

"Spirited?" Bullshit! You still have Nipples™* on the edges! :****:
Yep, I'm a pussy. I left about 4 mm of chicken strip.... the tits are at about 3 mm, so they are still in tact. :****:

(Isn't that Carver guy a candy ass association charter member or something? :lol: )

BTW, the operative word there is spirited TOURING. Not peg dragging balls to the wall hooliganizing.

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Looking pretty good. I'm still patiently waiting to get to mine. Haven't been getting a whole bunch of miles lately. :angry2:
