Shop manual on DVD from eBay?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Active member
Nov 23, 2007
Reaction score
Baden, ON
I was browsing eBay and came across a few sellers selling FJR shop manuals on CD/DVD... They're much cheaper than a hard copy of the manual from Yamaha... anyone buy one? Are they worth it or just an eBay scam?



They're a scam, but not in the "take your money for nothing in return" style. They're illegal copies of a scanned document, thus, they are illegal and a scam in that sense.

And specifically have their very own forum guideline #9 about them.
That's why I asked first... not interested a pirated copy, now that you mention it might be. I should of realized that the FJR is on it's 5th year here in North America that pretty much every topic has beed covered and beaten to death... I kinda' like talking to you guys here for your opinion and current twists on things. I realize I should go straight for the search function first. I am not lazy... but I would rather intereact with the people here than to just google everything and bypass the site completely.

Thanks again everyone.

But it sure would be nice if Yamaha put their service manuals on DVD (searchable of course...)! There's obviously a market for them or otherwise you wouldn't see them advertised on Ebay. (As an aside, their printed manuals aren't so hot from a quality standpoint; they need to fire their printing/binding company. Pages are falling out all over the place in mine and are being held in with Scotch tape... :angry: )

I thought the Gen II Service Manuals came with DVD or CD Roms, based on what one of my favorite people, Dallara had made such a fuss about...

I thought the Gen II Service Manuals came with DVD or CD Roms, based on what one of my favorite people, Dallara had made such a fuss about...
Nope, all we get is a cheaply bound, 1 1/2" thick book for our $60.00. I'm tempted to take mine to FedExKinkos and have them cut the binding off and put it into either a 3 ring binder or have it spiral bound. (Truth be told, a printed manual is handier than a DVD. Balancing a laptop on the seat of my bike while I'm working on it - like I do with the manual - is a catastrophe waiting to happen..)

I took a table saw to my book and shaved the binding off. Took it to work ran it though the double sided scanner that just auto-fed the pages. When the scanner was complete about 20 minutes later I got a email from the scanner with the manual in PDF form. Then, I took the paper copy to a friends house and used a drill press to make it ready for a 3-ring binder. We used a blank piece of 3 hold paper as a guide where to drill.

Now, I have my paper manual for home and a copy on a USB drive and PC for when I am on the road. Since I have Adobe Writer at work I added the quick links to the table of contents.

Recently I screwed up a page to my paper copy. No worries, I just re-printed it and put it back in the book.

No, I won't email a copy out.
