Should I buy 09 or wait?

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Mar 9, 2009
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Hello All,

I previous FJR owner (actually bought one of the first rounds of the remodel) however I sold it b/c of the intense heat the engine blasted on my ankles. I've heard that problem was fixed.

Anyway, I'm debating getting another FJR but I've been read a few posts about a possible 2010 model redesign (possibly with a bigger engine). Does anyone know anything about any re-design plans?

Also, I remember my old FJR to be pretty perfect except for the heat issue. Is that problem really fixed? Does anyone find anything else about their FJR annoying.

Thank for any advice.


Some thoughts in no particular order...

Do you have another bike or bikes already that you enjoy a good bit?

The new model bikes and their changes wont be made known until late in the year - Sept-Oct-Nov-Dec. If you dont already have a great bike that you really enjoy - dont waste a whole summer waiting to see what the heck is going to change for 2010.

The FJR is a great motorcycle and is really dialed in now. In all fairness, it also has some great competition with the Concours 14. Both are fantastic bikes with their own strenghts and "less than strenghts".

If you already own a nice bike, then it is probably worth waiting until the end of the year to see what comes out. You can still ride all spring, summer and fall. If nothing really changes for 2010, you can get a great deal on a 2009. If there are major changes, you are sitting pretty to get one.

Bottom line, life is short and this time next year you will be one year older. Todays bikes are fantastic and if you dont already have a bike dont waste a year of your life and a whole spring/summer/fall to see what 2010 brings.

Random thoughts..

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I've heard that problem was fixed.
From what I understand, it has been. If nothing else, I've had no undue heat issues with my 08 all last summer.

I've been read a few posts about a possible 2010 model redesign (possibly with a bigger engine). Does anyone know anything about any re-design plans?
All you've read is rumor and guessing. No one knows anything about the 2010 model.

Does anyone find anything else about their FJR annoying.
There are a few fairly minor issues (the seat sucks) but no bike is perfect. That being said, the FJR is damn near perfect *for me*. :)

I would wait

If they don't do the upgrade what do you loose

Nothing you just by the 10 modle

Oh crap they may be redoing it in 11

Now what


and Double Crap

If you always want the newest you will never ever get anything

Go by a scooter

I really liked the 2006 Blue FJR ,,, Then they changed to cherry in 2007 ,, and I wasn't wild about the color...

Then in 2008 they came out with black ,,, and I Really didn't think I would like a black bike,

So I started looking for a left over cherry 2007 ,,,

Long story shorter ,,, ended up ordering a Black 2008 sight unseen,,, And I Love it.......

I had a nice 99 Concours that was paid for and doing me just fine,,,

and I thought ,, I don't Really need a new bike ,,, (and a payment)

But I get a big woody every time I get on the FJR ,,, and the Black is beautiful....

Glad I got off the fence and did it....... :yahoo:

,, just my 2 cents... So do what you think is best ,,

I might liken this issue to Honda autos. Let me explain: Honda changes the Accord well, really all their models every four years. So, If you want the most refined model you wait for the forth year. Of course you have to be ok with the fact next year all will change and you may feel like ****.

So, are you ok with the '09 styling? If so, you probably will be very happy. I am personally with my '08 but I"m sure I will have bike-envy if I really like the 2010 model better. Just the way the ball bounces really. For me, I would wait because you never know what they'll do. Could be really cool, could look like dog ****. Who knows? If it looks like Doo, you could buy an '09 left over - likely but not guaranteed.

Good luck with your decision.

Happy with my '08 and looking forward to getting rid of the F#$#@* Snow!


Hello All,
I previous FJR owner (actually bought one of the first rounds of the remodel) however I sold it b/c of the intense heat the engine blasted on my ankles. I've heard that problem was fixed.

Anyway, I'm debating getting another FJR but I've been read a few posts about a possible 2010 model redesign (possibly with a bigger engine). Does anyone know anything about any re-design plans?

Also, I remember my old FJR to be pretty perfect except for the heat issue. Is that problem really fixed? Does anyone find anything else about their FJR annoying.

Thank for any advice.

I wouldn't waste money on a 2009 model when you could get the same thing cheaper (2006-2008). If you buy one of those earlier models and the FJR is changed, you can sell it for about what you paid for it and by the Gen III if you want. The only thing you'd be giving up on is a warranty, which you probably wouldn't use anyway. ;)

I just picked up an 04 and the heat on that is nothing compared to the heat on the Harley.

Get an FJR as soon as possible, whatever model you get, you will be reaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllly happy with it.

(unless you are a Pu^^% and complain about everything anyway) :D
