Should I Buy An 06?

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And immediately got another one. Let's not forget that little detail.
And had that one ticked at 14,000 miles like the first one, you said you would leave the platform for good.
I lied. And since I'm closing in at 30,000 miles, it's not an issue now, is it?

You should sell your FJR anyway, deagle. For over a year now, everywhere I see you post - here, the old forum, FJROwners, ST.N, etc. - you are wringing your hands over this ticking issue. It seems to consume you.... can't be much fun owning a bike that worries you so. Has yours EVER ticked? If so, did you have it repaired?

If I were you and agonized over this the way you do, I'd sell that piece of **** and get a reliable Honda.

First, a question, have ANY 2005's experienced the ticking problem?  Some us have only had ours a couple months, but maybe there are some early delivery '05 owners who have racked up the big miles would like to report back.
I don't own an '05, but I believe there are confirmed tickers in the '05 release.

FWIW, neither my '03 nor my '04 tick, though I only put ~4000 on the '03 before I sold it to make way for the '04.

I'm on the fence for an '06, and whether the tick is "fixed" is not an issue for me- it's whether the new features are worth spending a good riding weekend in the garage installing farkles. A lot of that depends on what "unified" means, and if the ABS is upgraded to something like what I hear the current H**** is like.

Buy the bike. Buy the YES warranty. Go ride.

you are wringing your hands over this ticking issue. It seems to consume you.... can't be much fun owning a bike that worries you so.
I love the bike, hate the thought of having the engine torn apart for a temp fix. I also appreciate what you and others have done on FJRtech. This is the first bike I've been able to work on myself (besides oil changes). It's a huge plus to do a few of the things myself now.

Yes, it's not fun owning a bike that worries me, and perhaps I do worry too much.

One of these days I'll have kids growing up and have other things to worry about, and maybe this won't seem so important.

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dcaver... I also sought Warchilds advice on this quest. well over a year now all I can say is thank you again warchild and all others picked up on aug of 04 and have not stopped smilin since GET IT ASAP bluejag 05FJR

Remember deagle, everyone has a service drive. EVERYONE. Every model has an issue of some sort. EVERY MODEL. Check their forums. I don't think a change of bike is going to solve your issues. Change them perhaps, not eliminate them. And, am I missing a post here, or are you still whining about a problem you DON'T EVEN HAVE YET? The YES warranty is money well spent in case of any problem, not just ticking. If the average dealer 600 mile service is about $250, how much do you think it will cost to fix something major? The first guy to buy an 03 with a YES policy is STILL under warranty.

So please, just go ride the damn thing. If it starts ticking, punch out the exhaust so you can't hear it anymore, and then sell it. Then go buy a BMW. I hear they finally fixed that surging problem they've always had. Or go buy a Harley. Then you don't even really have to ride.

Remember deagle, everyone has a service drive. EVERYONE. Every model has an issue of some sort. EVERY MODEL. Check their forums. I don't think a change of bike is going to solve your issues. Change them perhaps, not eliminate them. And, am I missing a post here, or are you still whining about a problem you DON'T EVEN HAVE YET? The YES warranty is money well spent in case of any problem, not just ticking. If the average dealer 600 mile service is about $250, how much do you think it will cost to fix something major? The first guy to buy an 03 with a YES policy is STILL under warranty.So please, just go ride the damn thing. If it starts ticking, punch out the exhaust so you can't hear it anymore, and then sell it. Then go buy a BMW. I hear they finally fixed that surging problem they've always had. Or go buy a Harley. Then you don't even really have to ride.
Sorry bud.

Got an FZ1 with no problems whatsoever. It is rock solid reliable.

I don't get why someone posts a concern they have about the ticking issue and many take the high road and try to play it down like it doesn't bother them. Yea right.


The reality is that this ******* engine still has some issues that need to be sorted out and there isn't a single one of us who hasn't thought to themselves how big of a pain in the ass it will be if their bike starts to tick.

It's going to suck some major ass to have some monkey fisted $5 per hour ******** who doesn't care about anything but the next time he gets laid, pull the engine out of my FJR and "fix the tick". You see, it's not the tick so much as it is having to go through piles of BS at the dealer to get it resolved. The tick is minor compared to the possible **** service and work most dealerships offer. :****:

So yes you can put my name down on a list of whiners because as I said in another thread I think it's total ******** that this ticking issue has not yet been resolved and that customers are purchasing extended warranties just in case their bike starts ticking. If nobody is worried, then why buy an extended warranty?


And for the record, I think people that whine about the heat of the FJR are *******.


Ahh jeeez, after a nights rest I don't feel as insensitve and I edit the above ******* like statement to say:

And for the record, I think people that whine about the heat of the FJR an 06 and maybe it will be better? There.


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Holy ****...WC. This is the first time I have read where you shot someone down for complaining about the tick. Thank you!

The tick is an issue, but man has it ever been killed over and over and over again on these forums. I really thank you for puting someone's consistent complaining about it to rest.

:aacute: :clap: :chicka:

It's going to suck some major ass to have some monkey fisted $5 per hour ******** who doesn't care about anything but the next time he gets laid, pull the engine out of my FJR and "fix the tick". You see, it's not the tick so much as it is having to go through piles of BS at the dealer to get it resolved. The tick is minor compared to the possible **** service and work most dealerships offer.
Man, are you an ******* in real life or just sound like one here?

I happen to know of few of those professionals you call "fucktards" an did a few mechanical thingees once or twice myself in the dealership that I grew up in. If you could even regurgitate an ounce of what mechanics know, I would be impressed. If you ever put your sorry excuse for a dick on the line to own and operate a dealership, I may consider taking you seriously. But you can't and you haven't. So...**** you Pussy!

That has nothing to do with the tick issue. There is a tick issue. There is also a heat issue. There really is an issue with the ********'s attitude quoted above.

It's going to suck some major ass to have some monkey fisted $5 per hour ******** who doesn't care about anything but the next time he gets laid, pull the engine out of my FJR and "fix the tick". You see, it's not the tick so much as it is having to go through piles of BS at the dealer to get it resolved. The tick is minor compared to the possible **** service and work most dealerships offer.
Man, are you an ******* in real life or just sound like one here?

I happen to know of few of those professionals you call "fucktards" an did a few mechanical thingees once or twice myself in the dealership that I grew up in. If you could even regurgitate an ounce of what mechanics know, I would be impressed. If you ever put your sorry excuse for a dick on the line to own and operate a dealership, I may consider taking you seriously. But you can't and you haven't. So...**** you Pussy!

That has nothing to do with the tick issue. There is a tick issue. There is also a heat issue. There really is an issue with the ********'s attitude quoted above.
Man, are you an ******* in real life or just sound like one here?
I happen to know of few of those professionals you call "fucktards" an did a few mechanical thingees once or twice myself in the dealership that I grew up in. If you could even regurgitate an ounce of what mechanics know, I would be impressed. If you ever put your sorry excuse for a dick on the line to own and operate a dealership, I may consider taking you seriously. But you can't and you haven't. So...**** you Pussy!

That has nothing to do with the tick issue. There is a tick issue. There is also a heat issue. There really is an issue with the ********'s attitude quoted above.
Actually I'm a pretty nice guy in real life until people screw me over or do ****** work on my stuff. After that I can be a huge *******.

Please read my post again. I didn't refer to all mechanics as fucktards just the ones that are plain ass lazy and do ****** work. And there are plenty of them. If someone is good and cares about what they are doing I have a huge respect for that. That was the jist of my post and I think it's a valid concern and why so many people do their own work.

You don't know me or anything about me so going off on me like that is pretty ridiculous. I wouldn't do it to you. Take it a little easier.


Sounds good XLR8. Honestly, that was the post I was hoping to get.

On my side of the fence, the number of fucktards that come into the dealership is amazing. Good to hear you are not one of them. Good to hear the positive tone in your post.

One last thing, I went off on you based on your post. Sorry for that.

:mellow: ...mellow now.

Sent email to Sunnyside wondering if the 06' FJRs had been 'fixed' of valve train problems.

John of Sunnyside left vmail stating that-

'Yes, they have changed the valve seats which will allow more oil to pass through to keep the valve train lubricated so they don't have that problem anymore so they have been redesigned and redone.'

I called back but John had just left for lunch so I will try later and post the results.

Does anyone know John personally? Sales guy? Service guy? Would he really know for sure?

I'm going to call my local dealer, Powerhouse, in Paso Robles CA to see what they say.

Not giving up on my dream bike yet -


Got on the phone and called some of the busier dealers in CA. Here are the results.

1. LA Yamaha - 0 failures ~12 bikes

2. Pacific Yamaha - 0 failures. Only seen oil weepage on pumpkin / drive shaft seal.

3. North Hollywood - 0 failures - Lots sold and serviced.

4. Kolbe Cycle - 0 failures, many serviced. Two customers had > 70k, 1 > 85k

5. Lompoc Cycles - 0 failures, 2 regular customers, low mileage bikes.

6. Long Beach - 0 failures. Some complaints of heat, ~ 4 bikes.

7. Motoworld El Cajon - 0 problems, only a few bikes.

8. Northy County Yamaha - 0 failures, > 24 regular bikes serviced.

9. Local dealer Powerhouse is doing research for me.

I'm buying with YES insurance and going riding.

dcarver :thumbup:

XLr8- My points were these:

All dealers have a service dept for a reason. Mechanical things break down. YOUR FZ1

may not have a problem, but I'm sure there are others out there that have an issue of some sort. Just like all other makes and models. Pick a model, check the forum. I'll bet there is a tech or problem section with endemic issues that worry those owners.

The YES warranty is cheap insurance for ANY major issue, not just a tick. Since the OLDEST model FJR is only about three years old, who's to say there won't be something down the road that might cost more than the four hundred bucks I paid for yes. It just makes sense to have it. As far as the tick goes, I know it is a legitimate concern for some, but like your FZ1, my FJR so far is "rock solid reliable". So I am not "taking the high road", I am just not worried about a tick that so far I don't have. I am just riding the bike and enjoying it. IF it ticks, I'll deal with it then. I'll find a dealer good dealer(yes they are out there), and I'll have it fixed. Free. A little research is all it takes. Call BBB, or Consumer Affairs, youre regional Yamaha rep, etc., and ask. Yamaha will point you to a good dealer. They may not tell you about a bad dealer(liability issues), but they can recommend the good shops.

I don't know what line of work you are in, but is there perhaps someone out there somewhere that thinks you are a"monkey fisted $5 per hour ******** who doesn't care about anything but the next time he gets laid"? Perhaps. By the way, if your FZ1 is so perfect, what do you whine about on THAT forum?

Anyway, if I've offended you-Sorry bud. :****:

I met some guy in Tiburon just before my daughter's soccer team played in a tournament final (please notice my smooth addition of an idle brag).

Anyway, he owns a BMW K1200GT. For those that haven't taken a ride on that bike it is nice. Not as powerful as the FJR, but really a wonderul powerplant with exceedingly smooth delivery of power. I really like the bike except for one thing...the bike did NOT like to lean into a turn. The R1200RT goes into a turn as easily, and maybe even easier than the's so close I can't call it, but the K1200GT is sluggish to lean over.

That said, the guy comes up to look at the bike. He likes it. He asks me questions that indicate to me that he already knows something about the FJR. I hear he has the K GT and I compliment the bike for its smoothness and say nothing about it wanting to ride straight up and down so much. Then he asks about the tick.

I look at him and say, well mine isn't, but some do and I bought the YES so I should be okay. Then I asked if he took group rides with Beemer owners. He smiled and said yes. I asked, "What's it like having a sporty looking bike like the GT that can't keep up to a touring bike like the RT in a turn?"

Go ahead...ask me about the tick. I know about your bike too. :agent:

What's this mean? Every bike has some issue. Maybe it's just that the BMW K1200GT is slow into the turns...maybe it's the 18k price tag with stupid expensive serivice visits. tick, if I ever get one...will be free to fix due to YES. Cost of ownership Yamaha wins...excitement of ownership...Yamaha wins. You should always go for a win win.

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John of Sunnyside left vmail stating that-
'Yes, they have changed the valve seats which will allow more oil to pass through to keep the valve train lubricated so they don't have that problem anymore so they have been redesigned and redone.'
Has anyone been able confirm / deny this?

John of Sunnyside left vmail stating that-
'Yes, they have changed the valve seats which will allow more oil to pass through to keep the valve train lubricated so they don't have that problem anymore so they have been redesigned and redone.'
Has anyone been able confirm / deny this?
That sounds mighty fishy to me. The valve seat is located on the downstream side of the valve guide/stem, and there is a gap between the head and the valve seat every time the valve opens. How in the heck is changing the valve seat supposed to allow more oil to flow by the valve train? Look at the picture in the TSB on the preceding page and you'll see what I mean.

John of Sunnyside left vmail stating that-
'Yes, they have changed the valve seats which will allow more oil to pass through to keep the valve train lubricated so they don't have that problem anymore so they have been redesigned and redone.'
Has anyone been able confirm / deny this?
Does what that says even make sense to anyone?

For the record, I replayed the vmail multiple times while transribing to this board. The quote is accurate... perhaps not valid, but accurately reported.

I have not been able to contact Jon @ Sunnyside nor do I wish to put him personally on the spot..

Rather, I'd prefer to see another knowledgeable source verify/deny this statement. I've called a host of other shops, they have either not even heard of the tick problem, and therefore could not confirm/deny the statement.

Maybe I'll get some time today to call Sside.
