Should I install a Power Commander 3

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The PCIII I put on my 06 made a world of difference in throttle response and virtually eliminated the throttle surge. I also added a Holeshot full system(no catalytic converters) and that roasting feeling on my legs diminished. Is it "street legal" HELL NO .... but I enjoy it :-D

And as a postscript, I would just observe that folks fool themselves into thinking that stuff they've done has lead to big time improvements, even when a dyno would show that they lost power rather than gained it. I've seen this on our dyno many times. When you make changes, you have the hope that they will lead to your intended result, and barring immediate and catastrophic failure, most folks see improvements, whether they're real or not.
El Toro, I have to disagree with you on this one. I've been rideing for over 30 years and have never been uncomfortable on a bike in corners before. The on/off throttle jerkyness on the 06 fej is real and after 10k miles, as much as I love everything else about the bike, I was seriously considering getting rid of her. I just bought the PCIII (reluctantly mind you) as a last ditch effort to keep the bike. The bike is now a dream to ride, I tried 3 different maps and wallys smoothness map saved the bike from being sold. I'M NOT BEING FOOLED INTO THINKING ANYTHING. PCIII fixed my issue.

I have 145 horses with this bike. I am definitely happy to loose a few ponies for the smoother throttle response if that is actually the case. I was apart of the group buy and it has probably been one of the best mods $$$ wise that I have spent on my bike and I have definitely spent $$$ on the "Thing" (Damn it :dribble: ).

Underlying question is has "anyone" on the forum with a Power Commander unit been denied warranty work because it was installed? This is not a new mod is it?

I have 145 horses with this bike. I am definitely happy to loose a few ponies for the smoother throttle response if that is actually the case. I was apart of the group buy and it has probably been one of the best mods $$$ wise that I have spent on my bike and I have definitely spent $$$ on the "Thing" (Damn it :dribble: ).
Underlying question is has "anyone" on the forum with a Power Commander unit been denied warranty work because it was installed? This is not a new mod is it?
I mentioned it to my dealer that I was buying the PCIII to fix the crappy throttle response and they actually offered to install it! I was surprised and of course did it myself but I dont know how they could have denied me warrentee coverage later if they were willing to install the thing.

As far as warranty is concerned, it all really depends on the dealer. Is it one that is cooperative, or one that is going to jerk you around any chance they get?

To deny a warranty, Yamaha is required to show that the item you modified CAUSED the problem. Where does Yamaha get most of their info from? THE DEALER.

Many around here have recommended that if you ever take your FJR in for warranty work to simply remove the PCIII just to avoid any problems. Not bad advice. Me however, I am not good at following it. On all my warranty repairs, I left my PCIII in with no issues. If you have a reasonable and knowledgeable dealer, than they *SHOULD* know better than to make an issue out of piece of equipment that is not causing any harm.

I have 145 horses with this bike. I am definitely happy to loose a few ponies for the smoother throttle response if that is actually the case. I was apart of the group buy and it has probably been one of the best mods $$$ wise that I have spent on my bike and I have definitely spent $$$ on the "Thing" (Damn it :dribble: ).
Underlying question is has "anyone" on the forum with a Power Commander unit been denied warranty work because it was installed? This is not a new mod is it?
I mentioned it to my dealer that I was buying the PCIII to fix the crappy throttle response and they actually offered to install it! I was surprised and of course did it myself but I dont know how they could have denied me warrentee coverage later if they were willing to install the thing.

I bet they would overbore the cylinders and put larger pistons it too if you wanted. But, now they have a record of one on your bike so if it shows up for warranty work without a PCIII.??

In my meager existence on the planet earth, it has been my experience and understanding, engine mods void warranties. Yeah you might find a dealer that will let it slide but if they are looking at an expensive repair, you gave them a way out if they so desire.

To each his own.

the mods are illegal under US law for street use.
Oh no. How does breaking that law compare with breaking the speed limit? This bike gets between 40 and 45 mpg and you're saying the the PCIII might let it put out a little more pollution? Oh no. Someone contact the EPA. :rolleyes:

I commute 100 miles per day and get 50 mpg on my 06. Will the power commander hurt my mpg? Or are there alternate maps to increase them. I don't mind losing a few ponies. Thanks

well im jumping in and ordered the PC III. I 've been riding for 20yrs, and stalling a bike on take off, is probably the rarest thing in the world for me. LOL Piked up my new 08, I left the dealer it happened, they thought i need to get use to the hydro clutch, coming from a HD. So i believed, next stop light happened again, next coming out of a turn same thing(stumbling). So first i thought it was the TPS had a dead spot 5-15%. So i get on here, and read,read, read....explains all the problems its the correction i need. So i order it. Granted i like more performance so i would of done it anyway. But when people start commenting on who is smarter yamaha or dynojet, i could not give a damn. I trust the forum, the riders, the owners like me that spends there money to enjoy there ride. If you dont like what people say dont start quoting green peace and all, I do my share, my bike is my therapy, i want to enjoy!

Oh sorry for the rant.

+1 buy the PC III

This is the one and only mod to do to your FJR if you do any.

I installed the PC-III on my 06. I have tried several maps but the 01 map from Dynojet is my favorite.

It is a very easy installation. (1 hour maybe) It gets rid of all throttle snatchyness, and with the map I have feels like a few extra ponies on the top end. I can still get 50 mpg (Imperial gallons) with mine if I stay out of the throttle. It really does improve on the feel of the bike. Once installed you think that the stock FJR was a weezy little lump.

If I bought a new FJR tomorrow, The 1st thing I would buy is a PC-III

I have 145 horses with this bike. I am definitely happy to loose a few ponies for the smoother throttle response if that is actually the case. I was apart of the group buy and it has probably been one of the best mods $$$ wise that I have spent on my bike and I have definitely spent $$$ on the "Thing" (Damn it :dribble: ).
Underlying question is has "anyone" on the forum with a Power Commander unit been denied warranty work because it was installed? This is not a new mod is it?
I mentioned it to my dealer that I was buying the PCIII to fix the crappy throttle response and they actually offered to install it! I was surprised and of course did it myself but I dont know how they could have denied me warrentee coverage later if they were willing to install the thing.

I bet they would overbore the cylinders and put larger pistons it too if you wanted. But, now they have a record of one on your bike so if it shows up for warranty work without a PCIII.??

In my meager existence on the planet earth, it has been my experience and understanding, engine mods void warranties. Yeah you might find a dealer that will let it slide but if they are looking at an expensive repair, you gave them a way out if they so desire.

To each his own.
I told him I was getting it, never told him I had it and it was already installed. I believe I would remove it if I had to go for warrenty service, not worth the possiblility of a hassle and if by some chance they remember me mentioning it I'd just say it was too expensive and changed my mind. seriously though, this dealership cant put on tire on correctly, I really doubt they would rember me mentionion wanting to get a PCIII :)
