Side Case loose

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Hello Kitty

Well-known member
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
I've heard before that folks have lost side cases and I'm afraid I could be next if I don't do something.

When I was getting my stuff on the bike for the Cape Fear rally this weekend, I noticed that the left case is not secure. So much so, that with very little effort, I can wiggle it off without any key or anything. I was paranoid all weekend that I was going to lose it when I hit a bump. Thankfully that did not happen.

I tried a little search here, but I'm not finding the info I'm after. Is there something that commonly deteriorates? Is there some kind of fastener folks have fabricated, or bought, to help keep the cases on the bike?

The little thing that slides up when you mount the bags appears to be working normally, I'm not sure what the issue is - maybe I've had too much weight it in and something is stretched?

any assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Are you sure it's seated properly on the piece of the frame below? The one with the rubber cover on it? There are a total of 4 points of security for each of these things.

Aside from the sliding tab that engages with the mechanism, there are only three mount points: The two top 'hooks' that fit into the rails along the seat, and the lower bracket. Check all of 'em for damage/cracks etc. Also check that the tab mechanism is sturdy, ie, not cracked or excessively loose.

If there are any cracked/broken parts, they can be repaired. There are some very good epoxy type materials available

Locking Pins. Very easy mod to address your concern. Used by many here.



Keep going!

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That rear tab can get jammed up and skip a tooth. Then it doesn't engage all the way. That is the theory of some that have had bags do funny things.

Before anything else, I would check all the suggestions above. Make sure you didn't lose the rubber cover that goes over the lower tab.

As long as you have all the mounting points in their proper places, I wouldn't worry about it wiggiling a little. There has to be some play in the system. Mine wiggle too. Otherwise the mounts would frature with normal shocks. WBill

Check that "the little thing that slides up" is coming out far enough, it should protrude about 40mm (around 1 and 3/8 inches).

(Click on image for larger view)

Much less than this and it has skipped a tooth in its mechanism.

When latched, there should be some resistance to finally closing the bag's handle so that the bag is tight. Sometimes when new, it can be difficult to close the handle because it is too tight, my '06 was like this. I suppose this could lead to a skipped tooth.

My '10's bags were a little loose, I cut a piece of rubber sheet (old inner tube) and glued it into the recess that the peg goes up in to (not to be confused with the rubber on the lower mounting point) so that they were tight.

Make sure that lower rubber is in place, item 2 in the diagram below. Note they are chamfered, I bet about half are on the wrong way

If the bag is loose, not only can it come off, but the bag, its mountings and its contents will take much more punishment as it rattles going over road irregularities.

If your peg doesn't come out far enough, you can read a bit about it here. There are probably other topics.

And do check that the lock screws are Loctited, the lock can fall out if they are not (this is the supplying dealer's operation, he fits the locks, and many skip the Loctite).

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If/when you do the locking pin mod, make sure that you mark and drill the holes with the bag pushed all the way down and all the way forward. That will keep your bag from wiggling around on the the mounting points as much as it does without any pins.

My right side bag is real good, the left side one not so much. :rolleyes:

I bought the pins years ago,but never felt the need to install as I remove the bags often. 57K with a fair amount on goat trails and no issues. As long as all points of contact are adjusted properly you should be fine. Pin it if it makes you feel better, but the stock mounting system has been proven to be pretty bulletproof, just double check everything when mounting them.

Lots of good suggestions of things to check. If that stupid rubber thing is on backwards.... I know exactly what you're talking about. Yes, both are there. I will measure the tab thing to see if it's the length stated above. This bag is way too loose. This is definitely not a very secure situation. I do think that handle got tighter at some point. So I wonder if the skipped tooth is the problem. Can road junk get in there?

Seems just what I experienced on my 09. Luckily under warranty and no cost to me. The mechanisim inside the side case can easily strip a gear tooth that raises the stud to lock the bag in place. When you lock the bag in place with the carry handle you are raising that stud and there should be some resistance when it locks in place. However, no worries the lock pin solution will keep the bag on the bike. I wouldn't ride with the bag installed untill you secure it. Best wishes. Bill

You can get the teeth back where they belong with a flat screwdriver and some gentle pressure. There's a link up above in Mcatrophy's post... scroll down to post #20 in the link, there's pictures of how I did it. Done it with mine, and a few others, and so far (4 years later) no repeat issues.

The safety pins in the lower mounting tabs do work, but I found that with the teeth not engaged properly the bag moved around even with the pin in, and it ground up the top mounting hole - since I've done the screwdriver fix, I haven't used the safety pins again.


I learned something. I had the same problem with left bag and remember the paranoia of losing the bag. Did a similar jury rig for some added security. Never thought of the tab not extending enough. Good stuff

I think we'll try and fix the teeth with the link here, thanks for that. But I'm definitely installing the security of the locking pins. I'm on the road too much and don't want to have problems on a long ride on my own. This way, if the issue reappears, I can still hold onto my stuff.

Thanks for all the tips and info.
