Sighting: MORON on January 21 1:30 pm I-40W RTP NC - Cerrulean Silver

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Occasionally trying to get work done
Dec 29, 2009
Reaction score
Chapel Hill, NC
I spotted a Cerrulean Silver (maybe an '06 or '07?) on I-40W around 1:30 pm in RTP on Monday 1/21. Whoever it was was riding like a complete moron in moderately heavy traffic.

If you're a forum member here, remember - we're everywhere and we're watching.

Must have been going (or at least trying to go) 10 - 15 over the speed limit, weaving in and out between cars, and even moving into the ON-RAMP to pass on the right.

Total dick riding dude. You're one of the ones giving the rest of us a bad name. I didn't get a chance to find out if you had loud pipes too, but I have a hunch.

"LKLD""total dick riding"? Hmmm....who here would do that?
You want a comprehensive list, or something less complete??

As a teaser, that list starts with our Forum Irish. Juss sayin' nuff said.

One genius adding fuel to fire for motorists to hate "those idiot bikers". Thank yous to him...

Oh! And like your latest shenanigans didn't add some ROCKET FUEL to the fire?????? Freaking jarhead.



"LKLD""total dick riding"? Hmmm....who here would do that?
You want a comprehensive list, or something less complete??
As a teaser, that list starts with our Forum Irish. Juss sayin' nuff said.
We FJR Forum Irish only wish that we could claim the title to "King of the Total Dick Riders"!

Sadly the situation is that this Crown is held by the English: Sir Fairlaner, All Hail to the King!


If he don't hurt me I could care less how he rides it's none of my business maybe he had a emergency at home who knows.Let him ride his ride.

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If he don't hurt me I could care less how he rides it's none of my business maybe he had a emergency at home who knows.Let him ride his ride.
Now THAT'S a healthy attitude.

Riding like an idiot is no big deal, just because YOU didn't get hurt? It is my business if he's on the road with me, or anyone else for that matter. I think I just lumped you in with him.

So, is twenty over post okay? I mean....if I wanted to turn my cruise control on and coast at eighty two....would that be alright? Maybe his throttle was stuck and he couldn't slow down.....I mean.....I'm just sayin', n-stuff. My cruise control usually does 20 plus over post. Is that bad?

This type of behavior is normal where dickhead cagers are going too slow in the passing lane.
+1, Gunny; John d that was my very first thought when I read Post Number One, I get so sick and tired of the "Left Hand Larry's" I just want to shoot them: But instead, I blast past their sorry asses muy rapido!

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I don't someone else's behavior (such as driving "too slow" in the left lane should cause you to totally dick-out. It means the dick is just bubbling below the surface waiting for any excuse to rear it's ugly head. Wait that sounds weird.

If there was a cop around they would have busted him for moving into the on-ramp to pass on the right.
