Sighting: MORON on January 21 1:30 pm I-40W RTP NC - Cerrulean Silver

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This type of behavior is normal where dickhead cagers are going too slow in the passing lane.
+1, Gunny; John d that was my very first thought when I read Post Number One, I get so sick and tired of the "Left Hand Larry's" I just want to shoot them: But instead, I blast past their sorry asses muy rapido!
Why not shoot them? I mean if you could get away with it right? And they're obviously doing something horribly wrong that's just totally ruining your day.

This type of behavior is normal where dickhead cagers are going too slow in the passing lane.
+1, Gunny; John d that was my very first thought when I read Post Number One, I get so sick and tired of the "Left Hand Larry's" I just want to shoot them: But instead, I blast past their sorry asses muy rapido!
Why not shoot them? I mean if you could get away with it right? And they're obviously doing something horribly wrong that's just totally ruining your day.
Point very well taken, since I live and ride in Arizona I CAN DO THAT! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!


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This type of behavior is normal where dickhead cagers are going too slow in the passing lane.
+1, Gunny; John d that was my very first thought when I read Post Number One, I get so sick and tired of the "Left Hand Larry's" I just want to shoot them: But instead, I blast past their sorry asses muy rapido!
Why not shoot them? I mean if you could get away with it right? And they're obviously doing something horribly wrong that's just totally ruining your day.
Point very well taken, since I live and ride in Arizona I CAN DO THAT! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

Shoot them? Ok, but I prefer.....

Hang 'em, hang 'em high, hang from the light standards in the centre medium to serve as a reminder to the rest of the dickheads not hung yet.

I'm in the middle on this one. When traffic is heavy and the cagers are hogging up the left lane just because they are too lazy to move over, then I will work my way through traffic by switching lanes and passing as often as I feel safe doing. But splitting lanes in a place where it is illegal and totally unexpected is very dangerous and I don't do it.

Regarding moving to the on-ramp to make a pass, I have to admit that I have done that once or twice, but only if there is clear road ahead that makes it worth the risk.

This type of behavior is normal where dickhead cagers are going too slow in the passing lane.
+1, Gunny; John d that was my very first thought when I read Post Number One, I get so sick and tired of the "Left Hand Larry's" I just want to shoot them: But instead, I blast past their sorry asses muy rapido!
Why not shoot them? I mean if you could get away with it right? And they're obviously doing something horribly wrong that's just totally ruining your day.
Point very well taken, since I live and ride in Arizona I CAN DO THAT! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

Shoot them? Ok, but I prefer.....

Hang 'em, hang 'em high, hang from the light standards in the centre medium to serve as a reminder to the rest of the dickheads not hung yet.
John d you're my kind of Fellow FJR Rider, you are welcome in Zonieland any damn time! Hanging the "Left Hand Larry's" is brilliant, ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!

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Regarding moving to the on-ramp to make a pass, I have to admit that I have done that once or twice, but only if there is clear road ahead that makes it worth the risk.
Greg, just wait until you come out West for the Colorado Rockies FJR Rolling Clusterfuck Ride! HotRodZilla and patch308 will teach you how to make a pass on the sidewalk, median strips are fair game for those Vato Locos also!

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John is just messin' with ya. Apparently he has been on a hwy, but he just rode normally, which is to say, dickish, just to get to a secondary road as quickly as possible.

Ask John about his 3 second rule.

As for passing on a ramp on the right. Typical Northern Ontario move. Usually done in a clapped out Ford pickup because you were only doing 40 over.

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I'm almost sorry I started this. I didn't realize I was almost alone in trying to not be a total squid-wannabe-dick while riding. I guess I was wrong.

I take back my original posting. Apparently this is totally normal and expected behavior.

Cagers have come to expect it of us and probably are disappointed when we ride in a safe manner since it reduces the number of gory and fatal motorcycle crashes they get to rubberneck while driving by.

I've never really ridden or driven like an a**hole on public roads, so this will be a real learning experience for me.

I'm glad you started this thread. Just goes to show you how us fjr brethren are a bunch of douchebag squids on geritol tablets....

complaining about cruise control and head lights and batteries and leaking stators and bad abs brakes and etc, etc, etc.

I would never think of riding squiddly.


Capt. Impatient.

Seriously, I just stay away from commuting on the FJR because I get so angry at those around me...that I found myself performing maneuvers to separate myself from the mob of tailgating, cellphone yacking, left lane blocking...idjuts. Those maneuvers may have, if witnessed by other FJR riders, been considered asshatish.

Therefore, I try to leave my riding for the less congested roads like SE Ohio, Missouri and Arkansas...where I can be an asshat by myself.


Capt. Impatient.

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I'm glad you started this thread. Just goes to show you how us fjr brethren are a bunch of douchebag squids on geritol tablets....complaining about cruise control and head lights and batteries and leaking stators and bad abs brakes and etc, etc, etc.
Hey, we are not all on Geritol......

I'm glad you started this thread. Just goes to show you how us fjr brethren are a bunch of douchebag squids on geritol tablets....complaining about cruise control and head lights and batteries and leaking stators and bad abs brakes and etc, etc, etc.
Hey, we are not all on Geritol......
Just wait.........

I would never think of riding squiddly.

Capt. Impatient.

Seriously, I just stay away from commuting on the FJR because I get so angry at those around me...that I found myself performing maneuvers to separate myself from the mob of tailgating, cellphone yacking, left lane blocking...idjuts. Those maneuvers may have, if witnessed by other FJR riders, been considered asshatish.

Therefore, I try to leave my riding for the less congested roads like SE Ohio, Missouri and Arkansas...where I can be an asshat by myself.


Capt. Impatient.
I've driven in your area many times Mark... Is it even possible to separate yourself from this pack?

I'm glad you started this thread. Just goes to show you how us fjr brethren are a bunch of douchebag squids on geritol tablets....complaining about cruise control and head lights and batteries and leaking stators and bad abs brakes and etc, etc, etc.
Hey, we are not all on Geritol......
Yeah...I prefer quaaludes

Just goes to show you how us fjr brethren are a bunch of douchebag squids on geritol tablets....
THAT is classic right there!

I would never think of riding squiddly.
That's only 'cause ya can't get outta the parking lot without a flat tire.

Seriously, I just stay away from commuting on the FJR because I get so angry at those around me...that I found myself performing maneuvers to separate myself from the mob of tailgating, cellphone yacking, left lane blocking...idjuts. Those maneuvers may have, if witnessed by other FJR riders, been considered asshatish.
You shoulda seen me on my way home from one of the Tech Days. Michigan drivers tend to be asshats anyway, and when you're seriously hungover and not in any mood for the asshattery...

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I'm glad you started this thread. Just goes to show you how us fjr brethren are a bunch of douchebag squids on geritol tablets....complaining about cruise control and head lights and batteries and leaking stators and bad abs brakes and etc, etc, etc.
Does this mean you will change my battery at the upcoming Owosso Tech Day or are you just going to be another dickhead telling me I should have never bought that Shorai????

By the way, I wash my Geritol tablets down with Crown Royal while down in the ditch passing some cager.

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I'm glad you started this thread. Just goes to show you how us fjr brethren are a bunch of douchebag squids on geritol tablets....
complaining about cruise control and head lights and batteries and leaking stators and bad abs brakes and etc, etc, etc.
Hey, we are not all on Geritol......
Yeah...I prefer quaaludes
I'm 100% with El Toro Joe, after a long and hard day of passing stupid ass cagers on my FJR: Nothing beats a Metamucil and Quaaludes cocktail! Geritol and Gilbey's Gin also makes for a perfect evening after hours drink, so damn delicious!


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I didn't know Geritol came in tablets. I have always just guzzled it in liquid form.
+1, Gunny; I am with you Geezer - Greg, but I just did not feel like getting into an argument with our odot about it! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!


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