Signs of Spring

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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After being the only one to ride to work over the last couple months, today all the motorcycle-only parking is full of bikes for the first time this year.

We had a scary mild winter and early spring this year up here in the Pacific Northwet. It's been feeling like spring for a while now...

Weather for Today, 3/18/2010:


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Well in an effort to make this an "FJR Specific Discussion". <_< ...

Spring is when my wife goes out to the cemetery to retrieve the wreath stand.

Every year before the holidays, my wife buys a wreath and takes it out to the cemetery. Some years, when we buy a tree that's too big, I make a wreath out of the lower branches and she sets that up. I know the departed can't appreciate it, but we like sharing our tree. It's more for us than for them.

Anyway, before I digress too much and you get the idea that I'm a sentimental fool...

Spring is when my wife goes out to the cemetery to retrieve the wreath stand.

Today, we went for a meandering ride and guess where we ended up:


Must be Spring

Seeing the classic HD riders now that the weather is in the 50s - - no windshield, no helmet. Don't see them on the road when the temps are below 50.
Around here they are hard core. They come when it's below 50,thet just dont go tooo far tooo fast. They jst ride through town and make a little noise with loud pipes then go home.

First come the rains to the desert.

Then the buzzards return

Briefly and ya gotta be in the right place, a robin flies through

There is falcon that roosts on the back wall for about a week, then is gone. Yeah, its cool.

Then the desert turns green

Then the desert turns orange (poppies), then all kinds of colors from the wild flowers

Then, over night, BROWN....

PS - That's me on the left, by the way, in my part time job as a bodyguard, trying to keep the beach hooligans (Bust) from having their way with these gentle young girls.
NICE! If you like older women, PM me B)

:lol: ;) :lol: ;) :lol: ;)

Tourists with maps and cameras everywhere


Supporting the local vendors


Entertaining tourists at the zoo


All you people who want to bitch about ANYTHING come back. HEY Is that BUST?


Tourists learning about the BEST parking enforcement in the Nation (NO PARKING on the 2nd sign with the arrow)


Getting to see the monuments


But then - there are tourists everywhere! (sorry, just a quick Google search)


Signs of spring for me.

1. Snowbirds head home and the roads become safer. VBG

2. Spring Break is going on right now and college kids are everywhere.


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