...If anyone wants more details about these calculations, I can show all formulas used
I would be interested, and in the software you are using to implement it all, thanks in advance.
Crap! I was using that as a scare tactic, but it didn't work on you
I don't scare that easily.
Is there anything in particular that you would like to know about the formulas involved?
My "I can show all formulas involved" was originally related to calculating the drag coefficient from a known top speed, then calculating what the top speed could be if optimally geared for top speed. Is that what you want, or something else? I'm not going to just generally explain all formulas I used for everything, because that would take too long.
For example, here's explanations of the air density calculations that I used:
And SAE dyno correction:
A little easier.
As for the software I'm using:
- Notepad++: Just a fancy text editor that does syntax highlighting for various programming languages and file formats.
- FireFox (the web browser).
- FireBug plugin for FireFox.
My code is written in javascript (all written by me). I currently have no user interface for anything. I have an HTML file that simply includes all of my javascript files so that I can load up the HTML page in FireFox and use the javascript console provided by FireBug to directly run various parts of my code with whatever parameters I want.