Sincere Thank You to Two SportBikers

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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
Reaction score
Creston, CA
Riding home from WesternFjrRoundup.. Hot. As in 113F hot.

..finally hit 'home turf'.

every corner, known.

Wick it Up, Baby!

At well past a buck20, round the sweeper,

two serious looking sport riders (full leathers, knee pucks, you know the look)

are BOTH giving me the *frantic* tap the helmet **** doode, slow down, LEO ahead!

The first sporty must have grinned as he saw me grenade the brakes..

typical behavior - front fork dive, headlight dipping...

The second sporty - he must have been giggling in his helmet as he saw my thumbs-up;

"I get it, THANK YOU!"

Let's just say these two fine riders saved my Candy Butt Bacon today.

So, whoever, wherever you live and or ride,

Thank You.

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Amen, Brother. It's a beautiful thing when an unknown rider helps another rider. I do it all the time when I can. It's good Karma. :)

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My wallet has been saved a couple of times since I first started riding and only once have I managed to actually bump into the warner. Pre-diabetes days so I shared a couple of beers at the tavern just two blocks away from where I was living then. Turned out the guy lived about 1/2 mile from me and we ended up riding together a few times. I couldn't keep up him on my best day but it was fun trying and learning.

...are BOTH giving me the *frantic* tap the helmet... slow down, LEO ahead!
I don't recall ever seeing this "signal," nor would I have known what it meant if I did see it.

Guess I lead a sheltered life.


darksider #44
This is a fairly standard signal. One of a number included in this list (it's still Friday, isn't it?)

Had a similar situation just the other day! I wasn't "yet" travelling above the posted but as I was about to increase my speed a Harley type went by and I thought he was tapping to top of his helmet? It seems sometimes that the Harley crowd don't like to wave to anything except other Harley's? Anyway I thought he was indicating radar ahead or ?. A little while later a passing sport bike rider gave the raised middle finger rotating in a circle which here in this part of Canada has meant the same thing as the tap on top! Either way I was the benefactor! Thanks to both!

I always ride and drive with a radar detector, so I am usually more aware of speed traps than other riders and drivers. I have the habit of warning other riders of the traps so much that I found myself tapping the top of my head to warn a Harley rider last week while I was in my car. I was in my convertible and the top was down, so I know he saw me. I don't know what he made of it.

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I am glad that your bacon was saved. I was raised with the helmet tap as the "cop" signal and it surprises me that most of my friends that I ride with thought that I was high when the conversation came up.

I always ride and drive with a radar detector, so I am usually more aware of speed traps than other riders and drivers. I have the habit of warning other riders of the traps so much that I found myself tapping the top of my head to warn a Harley rider last week while I was in my car. I was in my convertible and the top was down, so I know he saw me. I don't know what he made of it.
Would love to know what he was thinking.
