Sirius Radio

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Jan 24, 2006
Reaction score
Tabernacle, NJ
I am readying my 05 for a 2000 mile ride at the end of the month. Has anyone installed a Sirius Radio on their bike? If so, any recommendation on Model and installation would be appreciated. Thanks.

I recently looked into Sirius during a dispute (we kissed and made up) with XM. I was settled on a Starmate "Replay" model radio. The same radio is also available in black and called the "GTR". Prices seem to be pretty consistent at about 89.95 - 99.95. Ebay had some slightly better prices. I'm guessing you could mount it in a similar fashion as the XM radio. Subscription fees look to be the same. I think there's more aftermarket goodies like antennas and mntg. systems for XM products. Good luck whichever way you decide to go.

I have Sirius. My main issues are with reception cutting in and out. The sats are located some where to my northeast. So If there is a tall tree or building in the way, I loose signal. Same with canyons, tree canopy covered lanes and inner cities. Buy the least expensive unit you can as none are waterproof or resistant (that I know of) and all are susceptible to theft (not that they can be used, but it'll still cost you a new radio). I recently ran mine in some pretty heavy rain and the unit held up fine.

I love mine the sporster model you can set it so that even a blind man could see the display plus it has the playboy channel!

The Sirius S50 all the way. I just purchased one myself, although I have not installed it on my bike yet. I've got it in my car for now though.


Removable unit for portability

Built in 4GB of memory

Can be used as a portable MP3 player

Pause, fastforward, rewind and record songs and shows off the radio

Large, easy-to-use knob, which is perfect when wearing motorcycle gloves

Easy to read screen

Voice cues when navigating channels or menus so that you don't have to take your eyes off the road

Can be easily mounted to handlebars on bike

Separate mobile docking stations can be purchased (great if you plan to use it in your car and bike)

Home docking kit available

There is a rubber case available, which will protect it from the elements


Main unit with mobile kit: $329 (rebate is available)

Home kit: $99

Extra mobile kit: $99

Rubber case: $15 (ebay)

The only thing I have to do to get it working on my bike is figure out a way to power it. It has a cigarette adapter, so I figure I'll need to install one on my bike. I will probably need some input and advice from the forum members on this, because I'm not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to electrical systems and doing this kind of thing.

If you want a versatile unit that has controls ideally suited for a motorcycle, this is the one to get.

Thanks for all the info. Is it nessesary to run it though an Autocom type unit, or can you plug a headset directly into the receiver?

I have already installed a 2720 Street Pilot, but have not yet cabled into the Audio jack. At some point, I intend to, but I'm not sure I'll have the time to dig into that before the trip. Thanks again.


I have a new small Sirius Xact Visor and love it. However, the new Sirius model 1 is on sale for $30 & that's an even smaller unit. I had the antenna on the dash but kept losing the signal. After velcroing it to the tail end of the Givi luggage rack the signal hasn't dropped out once. Just to make sure, I also wound the excess antenna lead wire into a figure 8 & tied it that way. I'm told winding it into a circle causes a signal loss.

There may not be enough volume without an amplifier. The cheapest would be a Radio Shack booster @ about $25.

dobias <_<

I love my Sirius! I looked at it and XM. Programming is comparible. Sports differ slightly depending on if you like MLB, NFL, NASCAR, etc.

Basic rates are close.

Sirius offers a lifetime[1] subscription that XM doesn't. BINGO!

I run my audio output through either my MixIt ( or through my cb/intercom (

[1] For the life of the receiver.[2]

[2] But the sub can be x-fered 3 times for a total of 4 receivers.[3]

[3] And any receiver x-fered under warranty does NOT apply against the 4.

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My S50 has a headphone jack, thus, all you need is a set of earbuds. I'm sure the portable XM unit has the same.
