Nah, not since they closed Astroworld a few years ago... that had a small Bavarian village in it, and the Matterhorn ride. I've always wanted to go to Switzerland... some day... some day...Heck, Groo...don't you have Alps in TX? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Haha...That's exactly what I thought. I didn't open the thread cuz I was sure someone found a picture of a Nome humping a sheep somewhere in Switzerland and they were gonna make us laugh at Scooter's expense. Then come to find out he really went there and rode the friggin mountians.i seriously thought this thread was a joke until the picture loaded! how the hell can skooter be in urup?
anyways, hope you guys had a great time. i guess you can send him back here when you've had enough of him!