SkooterG's Tire Milestone

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Here's the lowdown:
Tire 1 - Metzeler - Flat at 5320 miles. Replaced at 8525 miles.

Tire 2 - Avon - Flat at 2810 miles. Replaced at 11,725 miles. :angry2:

Tire 3 - Avon - Flat at 3195 miles. Replaced at 11,150 miles. :angry2:

Tire 4 - Avon - Flat at 6800 miles. Replaced at 7687 miles.

Tire 5 - Avon - Flat at 115 frigging miles!!!! :****: Replaced for free under Avon's road hazard warranty. :yahoo:

Tire 6 - Avon - Flat at 12,754 miles. (Replaced then also) Damn. Thought this was going to be the first without a flat.

This puppy was well worn and about to be replaced. But sure enough, a flat it received. About two weeks before I was going to replace it.

Crap! Soooooo close.

And finally, my last rear, Tire 7. Just replaced with 14,719 miles on it! :clapping:
And people call ME anal....Uh, I think I've put three tires on my bike. The last one wore out, so I got another. Does it void my warranty if I don't document tire changes in the little gay book?
Skooter figuring out tire wear and life.


:dribble: :dribble: :dribble: :p :p :p :p :D :D :D :D

Hey Skoot...

I just looked at that first pic again...are those the 'old' flat tires I see stacked up in the background? You just gotta let'em go................try this:

Fluvoxamine ( Luvox ) are antidepressants from the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor ( SSRI ) family of drugs. This drug is used in the treatment of OCD ( obsessive-compulsive disorder ) but is also used to relief symptoms of depression, eating disorders, panic attacks, or chronic tension headaches.

CLASS: Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. ( SSRI )

Generic name: Fluvoxamine.

Type: Antidepressant, Antiobsessional


The habit-forming potential is none. If stopped abruptly withdrawal syndromes have been reported with his medicine.

Do not take this drug if you are pregnant, try some non-drug alternatives.

Do not take this drug if planning to become pregnant. Do not take if you are breast-feeding.

Do not smoke while taking this drug.

Do not give this drug to children under eighteen. If over sixty only use drug in small doses and with close monitoring of it's side effects.

Aw, what am I saying? -Maybe I should send this to all the 06 owners bitching about their throttle pulleys..... :D

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I ain't bitchin' 'bout the throttle -- seems ok to me.

But that fluvoxamine or whatever sounds like it may be fun. OTC? or perscription? may be good with a Scotch and a cigar... :dribble:

Damn skooter, you're playing with fire on a tire like that. Wear bars showing..... my bunghole puckers as I think about my life, my wife, and my daughter. Nevermind cords showing.
