Small air pump for emergency tire repair

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Prince Frederick, MD
A while back I started getting a small magazine that caters to motorcycle riders called Motorcycle Consumer News. They do not accept any type of advertisments from any manufacturer and they are un-biased in their approach to any add on's, tools, and motorcycles. link This magazine also deals with safety issues that plague motorcycle riders every month.

In one of their issues they gave a review of several types of emergency air pumps that are compact enough to fit in small areas. They ran these small compressors to find the best buy for the money, and will produce lots of precious air when stranded on the roadside because of a flat tire. The best in this catagory is made by a Company called SLIME! This one is very small, has it's own zippered case and many addaptors that are used to attach to any 12 volt supply. The unit are so many addaptors supplied in this kit, I can't think of an application they won't fit. It is a whopping $29.99 and available at Auto Zone or just about any other auto parts store.

This little unit measures in it's case, 6"X6"X2". It can be run continously for 8 minuets before it needs to be stopped (but this unit will run a flat tire back to a useable range in 2 minuets) and can provide a pressure of up to 300 psi if needed.The number for this unit is 40001, and the name of this unit is Power Sport Tire Inflator. Check it out on thir site.

I don't think it's a good idea to introduce any fill product into your tire when it's flat, this may cause an unbalanced condition that can never be fixed properly and rendering the tire unsafe or useless. This small unit may provide you with air enough to fill the flat and get you to a repair facility or home without getting killed in the process. Just a thought <_< Oh, I have nothing to do with MCN or Slime, I just thought these are two very good motorcycle related items, but I do carry one of these in each of my bikes (two) along with tire plugs and o2 cartriges.

Ride Safe, clutchless1

I bought one that came with a bottle of slime. If a plug won't seal it, I'm going to use the slime to get home. There are 2 kits, I opted with the lower pressure, makes it easier to see the marks on the pressure gage. It's accurate with my other tire gages.

I got the small SLIME compressor kit for my birthday, to replace the CO2 cartridges that came in my previous tire repair kit. I also got their sticky string patch kit, to augment my mushroom plug setup. I've got the power wired through my bike so all I have to do is plug it in and let the pump do it's thing. Since I've got Smartire installed, I don't really need a pressure gauge... but oh well, can't really hurt.

About the only reason I don't want to put anything into the tire if it goes down is I did that once. The slime I guess didn't get all around evenly on the inside of the tire (happened during winter and was extremely cold), but boy talk about a balance problem! I tried to have it fixed, it was so bad I just threw the tire in the trash and got a new one. No big loss though, I was going to need new tires soon as it was. The end result was, I got home in one piece. I do agree with you, if a plug won't get it, use the Slime. :clapping: I bought one that came with a bottle of slime. If a plug won't seal it, I'm going to use the slime to get home. There are 2 kits, I opted with the lower pressure, makes it easier to see the marks on the pressure gage. It's accurate with my other tire gages.
I carry a sticky string plug kit and the stripped down walmart cheapo air compressor from that article that MCN published. It has worked twice for me. It'll get you home, and you dont' have to replace any CO2 cartridges.

