Smokin on the FJR

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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I'm not sure why smoking or even lighting the cigarette while on an FJR, or any bike would be a problem.

Now of course if the bike is in motion, that's a different story, but you didn't specify.

Bearly flying has a cig lighter on his skoot. I hated riding with him because he'd light up and I could smell it and crave tobacco. Bastage.

For the last few days at work the wind has been defeating my once mighty bic.

Every evening you guys tease me bragging about your new fangled wind proof lighters.

I have pressed the buy now button on an xikar tech single flame in black to match my bike.

If I don't like it you shall hear from me!!!!


Yes it's not actually that hard at all. The trick is to hold the front brake real firm and then roll on the trottle as you ease out the clutch. The rear can actually make enough smoke you cannot see in front of you at all. YMMV.

I don't smoke so I'm pretty worthless in this thread, but what about one of those electronic Cigarettes for when you ride?

For the last few days at work the wind has been defeating my once mighty bic.Every evening you guys tease me bragging about your new fangled wind proof lighters.

I have pressed the buy now button on an xikar tech single flame in black to match my bike.

If I don't like it you shall hear from me!!!!

I have the triple flame, but I'm lighting cigars with it. Make sure that you take care when using a torch lighter to light your cigarette.

FYI...the Xikar products have a lifetime guarantee

Could upgrade the wiring and put a bigger fuse in for the glove box outlet and watch the lights dim as you push in the cig lighter in the socket, would save fumbling with matches or a lighter @ 70 mph. Course is has CC so you can go hands free to light up, lol
