So I did this a few weeks ago...

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@Rogdeb and Willie, thanks.

@Willie. I think the color on my bike is the same as yours. The pics just look that way because of the processing. :)

Yikes! I just realized I hadn't finished the third and final installment. Got so busy with work - completely forgot. Sorry about that.

Anyway, This last day, I didn't get that many pictures. Kinda got lazy as the day progressed. But here is what I did get.

So we woke up the next morning and decided to take a stroll on the beach.


There was a fishing village nearby


Wife took this of me getting the sunrise on my iphone


Fishermen out in the sea


Our parting shot with the sunrise.


The chalet we stayed in


Not 10 years ago, this beach was a very popular spot for leatherback turtles to come up and lay their eggs. I was told that you could see hundreds of them come up in the early hours of the morning and watch they dig holes in the sand to lay their eggs. Today, you'd be lucky to see one.


We left the chalet to look for a place to have breakfast. Crossed this bridge as we traveled.


After less than 30 minutes, we stopped here for breakfast.


What I had - a local dish called 'nasi dagang'


So that was actually the last shot I took during the ride back. I never took out the camera after this shot. Wish I had though, as there were lots of beautiful scenery along the way.

Anyway, I'll just end this post with two pictures.

On the final night, I realized that I had not brought a converter to use the charger of my Sena communications device so I couldn't charge it for the next day because the Sena charger is in a flat, 2 pin configuration whilst the plug points in malaysia are only 3 pin, and definitely not flat. Then I got an idea - use the 3 pin plug from the iphone charger, connect the usb charger cable that came with the Sena, and voila! I can charge the unit.


Here's a picture of the FJR as the sun crept higher over the horizon. Thanks for looking. Hope you enjoyed this post.


Day 2.

After the ceremony on the 'pelamin', bride and groom adjourn to lunch with the guests.

OK Nik, good job again with the introduction to Malay Life and Culture through the eyes of a motorcyclist. :clapping: and congratulations to the wedding couple. :yahoo:

Now, you realize that "if" some of the FJR Forumites come to Malaysia in 2014, you will have to arrange a wedding (or a funeral?) for us to be guests at. As a cultural event, these are the best ways for outsiders to get to know a culture outside of their own. Of course you may want to consider/check with whose family the wedding is for, and ask if you can bring some "guests?" first. :D

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What we've come to expect, Nik. Wonderful RR, lots of personal observations; a real inside look at life in Malaysia.

Day 2.

Typical Malay wedding. After exchanging vows, the newlyweds sit on this "pelamin" or stage and the relatives will sprinkle flowers and 'stuff' (I actually don't know what other stuff they sprinkle even though I went through the same ceremony 16 years ago, but it smells really nice)


I hope that's not the wedding cake he's holding on his lap. What with all the unidentified "stuff" being sprinkled around.

As a sign of respect, the bride will kiss the hand of her mother-in-law.


GREAT way to start a marriage, I'm sure the forum ladies will all agree. :rolleyes:

We took our photo with the newlyweds. My cousin is the pretty bride.



So we left the wedding and was on our way. Saw these fishing boats along a bridge and took this shot.


Same idiot again? :lol: