So I replaced my FJR

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Hell! I lean over farther than that when i'm riding! :yahoo: Nice image! I thought they looked like "Sonic the Hedgehog" when approching on the highway! :yahoo:

If you like it then it's the right bike for you, Enjoy your New Bike Alexi! Personally, I think it's the Ugliest thing I've ever seen.

But, that's just me. :rolleyes:

I thought they looked like "Sonic the Hedgehog" ...

Groovy bike, Alexi.

I like 'em!

Our forum brother eeksnake (Chris)bought one earlier this year and we're still waiting

for news on the relationship.

Ridin' and smilin"...that's what matters.

You found what youlike for you and your lady. See you on the road.

Sounds like you made a good move. If you "never brought [the fjr] above 4000rpm" you really aren't riding it like it's made to be ridden. Something more relaxed will probably be more fun for you. For pure comfort, I'm sure the Vision would beat the FJR. The trade off is the awesome power and handling, if you are using it. Have fun on the new ride.

Good on ya, Alexi! :clapping:

Ride what you like, and enjoy every minute... It's all GOOD! (unless it's 26 degrees with 10 inches of snow on the ground, as it is here at the moment!)

Enjoy every mile! Sounds like you got a good buy as well.

Old Mike: Love the new avatar! I resemble that!


I've been eyeing the Victory Cross Country, add the trunk with speakers and it would be perfect for my wife.

Good on you for finding what you like and if it makes the wife happy all the better. I do not like to change bikes too often because of the big financial hit you take but I have been eye balling the new 2012 BMW K1600GT. If I replace my FJR it will be with the GT or more likely the GTL given how we like to tour.

If you park on the grass, don't forget a kickstand pad . . . . and leave enough clearance to adjacent machines, just in case! :lol:

On the other hand, it hasn't actually fallen over... is it so ugly the Earth rejects it?

i give Victory props for taking the risks that come with building ANY cruiser that doesn't look like a HD clone. they're still making and selling them, so more props.


Yep, I am in the 90% you guessed, I don't like the Victory Vision. BUT, that doesn't matter, does it. What matters is that you like it. Enjoy it, I hope it's a good bike for you.

Congrats on the new bike. I demo rode one, Not bad, but I like to sport ride too much to be limited by the Vision. Ride safe.

Everyone says they ride sportier/smaller than they appear. I also applaud Victory for having the courage to make something new in a crowded field of much the sames. If I had a v-twin touring mind (and a wad of dough) I would definately go the same route. A new Vision with all the trimmings. Power and handling and many accoutremounts that would make touring nice. The tipover resistant design is too cool.

Nice to see you have the courage too. Nicely made bike and you aren't just one of a crowd. Enjoy!

I recently was part of a motorcycle focus group/marketing study. In the room were a Goldwing (nice) a New Voyager, a Victory Vision and 3 different Harleys. The Kawi was nice for it's genre and the Wing is very integrated. But it is the Vision that catches my, and everyone else in the room, eye. Cool.

mr.paul from Minnesota

still lovin my FJR


Yep, I am in the 90% you guessed, I don't like the Victory Vision. BUT, that doesn't matter, does it. What matters is that you like it. Enjoy it, I hope it's a good bike for you.

If for some reason I wanted a bloated touring pig and I wasn't allowed to buy a Gold Wing, then the Vision would be my choice. :blink: But my opinion doesn't really matter does it? ;)

You know what? I was going to make some snide off-hand comments (as I am wont to do :eek: ) about going from a Fantastic Feejer to a Bozo bike. :p

But on second thought, the world is an incredibly diverse place, with room for all sorts of folks. And none are more "worthy" than the next. You say you couldn't bring yourself to spinning up the FJR to its happy place, and that you really didn't care about it's sporting capability. Then, IMO you absolutely did the right thing in getting a true touring bike. Still not sure I'd have gone with the Vision, but if it floats your boat, then good on ya.

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You know what? I was going to make some snide off-hand comments (as I am wont to do :eek: ) about going from a Fantastic Feejer to a Bozo bike. :p

But on second thought, the world is an incredibly diverse place, with room for all sorts of folks. And none are more "worthy" than the next. You say you couldn't bring yourself to spinning up the FJR to its happy place, and that you really didn't care about it's sporting capability. Then, IMO you absolutely did the right thing in getting a true touring bike. Still not sure I'd have gone with the Vision, but if it floats your boat, then good on ya.
+1, Gunny! Very well spoken like a true Goober, Fred! Peace on Earth and Good Will to All Men! Except for Bustanut joker of course, the Jackass! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011!
