's been about a year with my FJR

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2) The windscreen isn't quite tall enough for somebody 6 feet tall with a 32 inch inseam.
I'm 6 feet with a 30 inch inseam. Picked the CalSci tall. No buffeting, and in the topmost position I can see over it or through it.

8) is a GIVI trunk.
Got the V46. Love it.

9) I'm up for suggestions on a better seat for someone that has NAS (no ass syndrome).
Regarding the seat and seating position, you're going to hear lots of recommendations for replacement seats and handlebar risers. Once I adopted the Master Yoda Riding Position, the bike fits just fine as-is (with the bars in the rearmost position). The simple addition of sheepskin made the seat just right.

As usual, YMMV.


John in N. Georgia, heading for Key West the first weekend in Feb.

Get a map of Florida {only} and look at all of the back roads marked in grey. They tend to have numbers like 731, 833, 232, 361 and numbers like that. Now take your map and run a copy of it off, then put it in your tank bag and have some fun.
Just don't assume all of those gray lines represent paved roads!!! Generally, if it's numbered you're probably OK. Some of those with 4-digit numbers might be dirt.

I live in the Tampa area and it sure has been beautiful the last week or so. I disagree on the twisties there are many labeled 10-15-20-25 mph. Have you searched out the rural roads without a traffic light for 20 miles? Maybe you live in Miami. Had my seat redone in leather and memory foam. Wish Georgia, TN, NC were a little closer. The Smokies and that area have some of the best roads in the WORLD. Most of make at least one trip to Robbinsville, NC and/or Helen, GA. We have weekly rides to back roads in Central Florida form Brandon-Tampa area.

I've had my '08 for about two months. Also 6' with a 32" inseam.
2.) Cee Bailey +3/2 Flip screen was my first change. Fixed that issue.

4.) Why on earth are you running premium fuel?

9.) You should have checked back sooner during the group buy for Russell seats. Russells are good. I'm sure others will chime in. Mine should be here anyday now.

Why have you waited so long to start farkling the bike? That's half the fun. Aside from what's listed above I've also added:

Wild Bill Highway Pegs

Back-Off Brake light module and red LED License Plate frame

Frame Sliders

Grip Puppies

Throttle Lock

Martin Driving Lights

Fuzeblock Auxiliarly fuse box

Bag Reflector Decals

Tank Bra

Garage Door Opener (hardwired)

Garmin Zumo GPS Mount

Two Powelet Sockets

Ventura Pack Rack Luggage Mount

I almost have mine ready for this season. Now if my seat would just get here. :rolleyes:
Wow...a boatload of replies. I'll try to respond to everything. :)

The farkle budget has been rather thin as I've spent some (ok...most) of my discretionary money on new camera gear. All kinds of neat toys and not enough green scraps of paper to get them all.

OK...93 octane gas. I get it. Really. I filled up today on regular 87 octane. I'll scan the receipt later and post it as proof. lol

I think I've settled on a Russell seat. I especially like the half moon one they have. Looks like I could plant my bony ass there all day and be in good shape.

Vinni - I live in Brevard county by about 20 miles south of the Kennedy Space Center. Roads in my neck of the woods are for crap. I got spolied when I lived in Tallahassee and we'd pop over into GA and ride through there way back when I owned a Kawasaki ZX-11. The roads were superb and only a short ride away. And I'll be sure to use regular gas from now on.

iliveforcurves - The headlights are a vast improvement over my last bike (a Suzuki C90 Boulevard) but I had a chance to ride a 'Wing where the owner had replaced all 6 forward facing lights with HID's. Those lights could start forrest fires. Of course, on the 'Wing there are separate lights for high and low, so the switch is easier. I'll start with the aux. lights for now and wait until a suitable HI/LOW HID solution is available.

Painman - I did a bunch of searching from some of the suggestions people here and have pretty much settled on a Russell. Looks like the best fit for me. I'm looking forward to being able to spend more than 2 hours on the bike without my butt falling asleep. I did have an Alaska Leathers sheepskin cover and it was somewhat helpful, but not quite enough. I do want to get out and ride more and now that my work schedule has finally calmed down I'll have some more time to do it. First LD ride is coming up next month through GA. I'm really looking forward to it. And I do know about the disease of farkleitis. My finacee is a saint and she knows that I like my toys...but they have to come just a few at a time. I put myself on an allowance to be sure I don't blow it. :lol: I had just paid off my camera gear when I ordered the lights and trunk. I had to appease her with some jewelry. Good trade.

Patriot - The ride you have planned sounds like a lot of fun. It happens to be the weekend before my wedding so it may work out very well since she has her bachelorette party that weekend and I need to make myself scarce. Your list of farlkles is impressive and I have a list of my own that I am working on. For the short term the lights are what i wanted the most since I do ride about 1/2 of the time at night. I'll keep you posted if I can make it to the gathering.

David - I had a set of the beads when I drove a delivery truck in college. Worked wonders. I tried a set on my bike and it just wasn't the same...but a very good suggestion nonetheless. :)

Capt Bob - Cannot agree more. I loved riding in GA which is why I have a trip planned up there.

John - Going to try the Russell seat first and see how it works out. I really like the riding position as is but it is possible the the slight forward position is a result of trying to get my butt out of the seat a bit. If the seat doesn't provide bliss on its own, the next step will be a set of risers.

woofshee - True that! The only time I darn near dumped my bike was on an unpaved road. In a thunderstorm. THAT sucked. And that 2nd picture you posted looks like about 95% of my typical rides. I guess I'll need to venture farther from home to rub the strips off the tires.

Foxhuntr - I am indeed enjoying the bike. And I'll only use regular fuel from now on. Really. Promise. :)

Scotty - I guess the roads are different on the west coast rather than the east coast. Brevard county simply sucks when it comes to twisties. However, I am curious where in central Florida you ride. And I usually rode around the Thomasville area when in GA. The other roads you described sound great.

Everyone...thanks very much for the replies.

I thought from my first ride that if the shield was just one of those hairs taller it would be perfect. Then I took out the plastic seat height adjuster which dropped the seat about 1/2 inch and it was [for me]..

I keep most of add ons in my footer. If you are going to add much in the way of electrical items make sure you get a fuse box like the FZ1 or the Blue Sea added early. I learned this the hard way and had to have all of the wires done over again.

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Alright dude, I was gonna give you some gentle nudging (shit) about the 93 octane gas, but then as I read the thread, I saw someone else mention it right off the bat and you responding right off the bat, so thanks for ruining my fun. :huh: As far as the rest; go ride the thing and have fun. Who gives a shit if your chicken strips are big? Riding a straight road on a FJR beats driving down that same road in a car any day. Besides with the abilities of the Feej, you are never really that far away from curves anyway. You just gotta find them.

I've had my '08 for about two months. Also 6' with a 32" inseam.
2.) Cee Bailey +3/2 Flip screen was my first change. Fixed that issue.

4.) Why on earth are you running premium fuel?

9.) You should have checked back sooner during the group buy for Russell seats. Russells are good. I'm sure others will chime in. Mine should be here anyday now.

Why have you waited so long to start farkling the bike? That's half the fun. Aside from what's listed above I've also added:

Wild Bill Highway Pegs

Back-Off Brake light module and red LED License Plate frame

Frame Sliders

Grip Puppies

Throttle Lock

Martin Driving Lights

Fuzeblock Auxiliarly fuse box

Bag Reflector Decals

Tank Bra

Garage Door Opener (hardwired)

Garmin Zumo GPS Mount

Two Powelet Sockets

Ventura Pack Rack Luggage Mount

I almost have mine ready for this season. Now if my seat would just get here. :rolleyes:
Wow...a boatload of replies. I'll try to respond to everything. :)

The farkle budget has been rather thin as I've spent some (ok...most) of my discretionary money on new camera gear. All kinds of neat toys and not enough green scraps of paper to get them all.

OK...93 octane gas. I get it. Really. I filled up today on regular 87 octane. I'll scan the receipt later and post it as proof. lol

I think I've settled on a Russell seat. I especially like the half moon one they have. Looks like I could plant my bony ass there all day and be in good shape.

Vinni - I live in Brevard county by about 20 miles south of the Kennedy Space Center. Roads in my neck of the woods are for crap. I got spolied when I lived in Tallahassee and we'd pop over into GA and ride through there way back when I owned a Kawasaki ZX-11. The roads were superb and only a short ride away. And I'll be sure to use regular gas from now on.

iliveforcurves - The headlights are a vast improvement over my last bike (a Suzuki C90 Boulevard) but I had a chance to ride a 'Wing where the owner had replaced all 6 forward facing lights with HID's. Those lights could start forrest fires. Of course, on the 'Wing there are separate lights for high and low, so the switch is easier. I'll start with the aux. lights for now and wait until a suitable HI/LOW HID solution is available.

Painman - I did a bunch of searching from some of the suggestions people here and have pretty much settled on a Russell. Looks like the best fit for me. I'm looking forward to being able to spend more than 2 hours on the bike without my butt falling asleep. I did have an Alaska Leathers sheepskin cover and it was somewhat helpful, but not quite enough. I do want to get out and ride more and now that my work schedule has finally calmed down I'll have some more time to do it. First LD ride is coming up next month through GA. I'm really looking forward to it. And I do know about the disease of farkleitis. My finacee is a saint and she knows that I like my toys...but they have to come just a few at a time. I put myself on an allowance to be sure I don't blow it. :lol: I had just paid off my camera gear when I ordered the lights and trunk. I had to appease her with some jewelry. Good trade.

Patriot - The ride you have planned sounds like a lot of fun. It happens to be the weekend before my wedding so it may work out very well since she has her bachelorette party that weekend and I need to make myself scarce. Your list of farlkles is impressive and I have a list of my own that I am working on. For the short term the lights are what i wanted the most since I do ride about 1/2 of the time at night. I'll keep you posted if I can make it to the gathering.

David - I had a set of the beads when I drove a delivery truck in college. Worked wonders. I tried a set on my bike and it just wasn't the same...but a very good suggestion nonetheless. :)

Capt Bob - Cannot agree more. I loved riding in GA which is why I have a trip planned up there.

John - Going to try the Russell seat first and see how it works out. I really like the riding position as is but it is possible the the slight forward position is a result of trying to get my butt out of the seat a bit. If the seat doesn't provide bliss on its own, the next step will be a set of risers.

woofshee - True that! The only time I darn near dumped my bike was on an unpaved road. In a thunderstorm. THAT sucked. And that 2nd picture you posted looks like about 95% of my typical rides. I guess I'll need to venture farther from home to rub the strips off the tires.

Foxhuntr - I am indeed enjoying the bike. And I'll only use regular fuel from now on. Really. Promise. :)

Scotty - I guess the roads are different on the west coast rather than the east coast. Brevard county simply sucks when it comes to twisties. However, I am curious where in central Florida you ride. And I usually rode around the Thomasville area when in GA. The other roads you described sound great.

Everyone...thanks very much for the replies.
I lived in Tallahassee 10 years, out the Thomasville Road in a development called Killearn Lakes Plantation, just an RCH past Bradfordville. My wife was teaching at Florida State (go 'Noles!). That was 87-97. There's a little gas/convenience station out there that collects love-bug swarms in season. Used to ride past that, get smacked with a billion fornicating love-bugs, and be completely unable to see. Fun times.
