So long!```

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
Hey all,

Well, I did it! I sold my 08 for a 2010 GL1800 (new leftover). I will miss the speed of the FJR but not much else. I do have a Bandit 1200S for the speed thing anyway. This is a great forum with alot of knowledge and a great attitude!

So long for now but who knows, if Yamaha finally changes the FJR, I may be back when it's time to replace my Bandit.

Peace to all,


The big was just not comfortable enough, even after risers and larger shield. The Wing is like a magic carpet!


I've been looking at advertising for the leftover 2010 Goldwings myself for the past few weeks. I'd be interested to hear from you which model you selected and what kind of incentives they provided. A local stealer has a GL18HPNM available for an asking price of $19,799 with low financing from Honda and $800 in accessories. I'm a bit reluctant, since that model does not have ABS.

What say you?


I have a really comfortable couch and a really great bike. One makes me look forward to getting off the other. However, I could NEVER combine the two.

But I do wish you the best.

And I sure am happy for the fella on the other end of your FJR sale.


darksider #44

Good luck!! I've got a friend who has an FJR and a Gold Wing. He likes both, just depends what the ride is!

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I also bought a GL1800 back in 07, as a stablemate for my FJR. The GL1800 is in my opinion an engineering marvel in regard to it's weight under power. Take it on a twisting road and you will be amazed at how nimble it is. The weight just seems to disappear. You almost forget that your on the back of a 900lb bike.

That said........the FJR is the steed to go exploring the country on (for me). It's not cumbersome in city traffic and once you get it out on the road, the way it can let loose is like nothing else. And with my Givi trunk attached I can actually pack more on the FJR than the wing.

Comfort is a personal thing. What fits one so well may not fit another worth a darn. Enjoy the new bike and check out

Have a great time with the 'wing. When you feel the need...Traxxion makes some spiffy suspension pieces that really transform the bike.

