So Sick of A@#holes!

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I would be pissed ! If there was a problem with the drainage, they could have brought it to your attention and worked something out with you.

Damn Keith, zactlly what I went through three years ago. Tore up hedges, cut down trees... All for a 6 foot drain to alleviate flooding of the swamp two miles away!!! an the best part??? My yard floods every time it rains now!!

Good luck fightin City Hall!


Now, admit it, Busta. When you read the title of this thread, you thought it was about you, didn't you? (I did)

Holy crap! I just read about this and realized they probably dug right where you had buried that large strong box filled with cash and valuable coins, you know, the one you buried for the future well being of your young family, with multiple witnesses who will vouch for you, and who also helped you count the money before you locked and buried the box!?... Gosh. I hope they didn't dig that up and remove it!

*soon after the trial his many "witnesses" liberally farkled their bikes using some of the money repaid by the contractor for the lost buried treasure, then booked rooms for NAFO'09*

Just an idea...


Why do so many think it is the cop's responsibilty to document the ditch digger's mistake. Here's the deal Keith. If you had a fence to keep people out of your property and they violated your perimeter, then you probably have a criminal trespass issue (criminal) and should probably call the cops. If you don't have a fence marking your property this whole thing becomes a civil issue and therefore not a cop issue. Basically the cops can't do a darn thing until you provide proof of your CIVIL ownership of the damaged property. Then you want some guy to make a report all about what you said. The report and the cop's testimomy gets supressed in court because it's all hearsay and they dont really have any jurisdiction anyway. Basically you waste your time and the cops time.

Do what you have already done and make sure you take some pictures to prove your damages. If this goes to civil trial (unlikely) you can get the defendent to pay your attorney costs in the settlement. Make sure you have all your deed paperwork to prove the damaged stuff belonged to you. Good luck!


After much frustration, arguing, being on hold, and me just being a dick, the same filthbag that told me, "This conversation is over, have your lawyer contact ours." had to call me back today and tell me, "We are no longer going to use the drainage ditch through your yard." (you know this is the same filthbag who laughed at my bikes and told me all about his sweet Harley that is all chromed out and he won some shows in Daytona.)

I then asked if they were going to fill it and re-sod my grass that they tore up?

"No, we are going to just leave it alone, isn't that what you wanted?"

Stay calm I tell myself, "Well, can you at least fill it, and I'll re-sod it myself. I don't have fill dirt or a bobcat. I mean, there was dirt and grass there before the ditch was placed there?"

"We will fill it when they are out there to dig the new drainage tunnels on the neighbors yard."

Fook, I'll take it. I'm just done. It's been almost 6 months I've been fighting, and I'm just glad the fight is over. Even if it costs me for the sod, it won't be that much in comparison to the next 6 months of headache it would take to get them to re-sod it!

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It is clear that you expect clean fill and the site prepped to the point that all you have to do is lay sod? Sod likes the same soil as grass seed, no clay, no rocks, and not straight sand. From the way the worm contractor has behaved to this point I wouldn't trust him to do the right thing without a written statement of expectations. Just a thought.

Congratulations on wearing him down!


Sounds like you have got part of what you want from the SOB but since your neighbor seems to have some pull with the contractor, maybe you can get his help to get the guy to do the right thing. At least it sounds like he is meeting you part of the way. Doing it right would be better.

...And make sure they don't just fill the hole with loose dirt. It will eventually settle and you will have a nice "indention" along your back yard. See if they are gonna pack and prep the dirt as someone already mentioned. Otherwise, when the thing goes south, if you do try to goto court, he's gonna say he fixed it to your specs and now you are just trying to be difficult. 6 Months???!!! I'd be a mad Mo-Fo

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