Thanks everyone for all the replies and recovery wishes. I cannot believe I babbled on that long. But, my 26'er is half empty but I must have been at it awhile.
I am no where near as sore as expected today although I am surprisingly purple already (if you ask real nicely I can post a pic :dribble: ), especially my left foot. My head hurts more than anything

. I'm ready to go for a ride today if I had the bike as this accident (like the deer) hasn't phased my a bit. Just improved my skills if anything.
That really does suck. I mean, the start of a well planned vacation, looking forward to some fun... then this...
Hope you don't mind a couple of questions; you mentioned not having it in gear at the stop, would it have helped to have stopped in first and been ready "to go"?
I'm not really sure what a "shoulder check" would have accomplished? I mean if your rear view mirrors are adjusted properly, shouldn't they tell you whats behind you? Isn't a shoulder check just going to tell you what's on the side of you?
It's great that things were not worse. I teach the MSF classes and we always make it clear why we should be in 1st at a stop. Sadly we just lost a Rider Coach who got hit from behind while stopping... Sadly, it seems that it's easy to become complacent for anyone...
I know what you are saying. I just think the mirrors are a postage size stamp of the reality of what is happening behind you. At the very least, what I noticed in the mirrors should have been enough for me to take a direct look and appreciate the urgency and react. I cannot explain why I apparently did nothing. Perhaps arrogance in thinking "this is my spot - youre at fault - I'm not moving" or maybe just hesitation - I really cannot recall. But, I DID know she was coming.
I also try and make it a habit to NOT keep the bike in gear while at a stop. This is habit from the days when I had a clutch cable snap on me while stopped on a hill. DEFINITELY had I done so things may have turned out differently. Interestingly, the bike was in gear when we picked it up off the ground.
...It's also interesting that you hugged her before you left. Last year some ding dong ran into the back of my wife's brand new van. Similar situation, financially challenged kid not paying enough attention. My wife was fuming, but in the end I could sympathize with the kid a little and ended up shaking his hand when we parted. Amy's still pissed about that. She doesn't understand that forgiveness is the beginning of emotional healing....
Yup. She made a mistake that probably everyone is guilty of but she got caught. And, she is going to be paying for it for a long time. In addition to the gravity of that reality, she had 100 pairs of eyes trained on her for 30 minutes by rubberneckers that easily concluded she the demon at fault. I didn't need to make her feel any worse.
Been there with the fractured tail bone, in a word, it SUCKS! Not a thing to do butt wait for time to heal it.
No pun intended, right?
MajBach, don't be surprised if the bike is totaled. A hit that hard to the rear that the front end wheelies up? Rear subframe, swing-arm, drive-line, possible main frame, not to mention cosmetics?
At least you have a boat and JD to console your wounded butt. Heal up quick, amigo.
I hope youre right actually and I had already considered this a real possibility. Truthfully, Ive been considering buying another 2009 just to have for when I wear this one out because - as we all know - 2009 was the vintage year for FJRs

. My bike is insured for a flat value of $20,000 and I pay extra just to have that no haggle BS from the insurance company. So, that's enough for a new bike and plenty of farkles.
Just curious - did you have Hyperlites installed out back? I'll never own another bike w/o them installed just to give myself more visability back there. I hope you get back riding pronto...
Funny you should mention that. After seeing how eye catching they are while at NAFO, I ordered some. They were in one of the saddlebags and I was waiting for one of those moments of inspiration to install them.
Man, that could've been so much worse... glad that you're relatively okay! Bikes can be replaced... people, not so much.
Particularly someone like me