So we were low on milk…

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Yeah, it's a concrete corn cob. So?
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
Marysville, OH
It’s New Years Day 2009. The forecast high for the day is 30F and clear.

Why not go for a ride to get some milk!

I left home around 3:00 or so with a vague idea of where I wanted to go. This would also be a test run for my new Scorpion Recon gloves.

As I was heading out of town on Route 315, I saw another bike coming the other way!! It was a guy on a ‘Wing. He gave me a HUGE thumbs up! Back at ya, buddy!

I eventually got onto I-71 south a ways to the Rt. 62 / Rt. 3 exit and turned left. I wasn’t really sure where I was going, so I kept a close eye on the Zumo for my destination.

Eventually I got there!


I pulled in and wound my way to the boat ramp. When I pulled up the first words out of my mouth were, “Holy sheet!” The water level in the lake was WAYYY down. I presume this is purely intentional, but what a shock it was to see all the tree stumps revealed by the low water level!

So, I did what is required in these situations: I got off the bike and snapped a few pictures.





In the warmer months, the water should be all the way up to this tree.


There is a picnic bench in this picture. Jeez, it’s maybe 30F and windy as can be… I can’t understand why nobody is having a New Years Day picnic!


Ever see a boat launch ramp that doesn’t make it all the way to the water? I hadn’t.


Warning signs!


For some reason this sticker on the garbage can amuses me.


When I started taking pictures, I took off my gloves and stuffed them into my jacket to keep ‘em warm. By now, my fingers were freezing, thanks to the wind. But, I was able to setup the tripod and get this picture of yours truly.


And a TWN salute.


After that, I packed back up, got my fingers as warm as I could, and moseyed around looking for just the right spot for a couple more pictures….

Found it! Just below the dam.


There were a few trucks parked in this parking lot. I didn’t notice it when I pulled in, but there were a couple of people fishing. In the raw picture, I can just make them out in this picture – they are off to left, and their heads are just visible under the sign. They looked at me like I’m nuts, but they’re the ones fishing, for cryin’ out loud!!


By now the shadows were getting longer so it was time to shag out for the homestead. As the FJR went on reserve, I pulled off to fuel up and actually buy the milk that was the whole point of this ride! The people in the quiky mart gave me odd looks. Heck – I’m just the guy riding the motorcycle. I dunno, maybe they’d have seen a rider in ATGATT before.

Fueled up and I returned home. Total mileage for the day = 98.8 miles. Time for the traditional New Years Day dinner – pork & ‘craut! Mmmm!! Food porn!!!


Gear synopsis:

My Fieldsheer Aqua Tour jacket kept my upper body warm and toasty. Underneath I had on a thin thermal shirt and my long-sleeve cotton EOM shirt.

Surprisingly, my Tour Master Venture Air pants – with the rain / wind liner and thermal liners in place – kept my legs nice and warm. I did have on a thin pair of thermals underneath, but all in all I stayed warm, even though I got a little bit of wind up my right leg now and then.

The Scorpion Recon gloves did a great job and I never used the fleece liners. I think the VeeStrom hand guards helped, but all in all my hands stayed warm while riding.

The only parts that got any chill were my toes through my Sidis. Of course, I only had on thin cotton socks. I think that a thicker pair of socks would have helped, but it was entirely bearable.

Happy New Years everyone!

Nice pics. Thanks for posting them. I like your 98.8 mile ride down to the corner to get milk.

Happy New Year!

Atta boy. Good thing you weren't after something really important, like a nice little microbrew four states over.

Way to go BGeek! Sounds "refreshing." And without electric underwear?
Thanks. That dude on the 'Wing cracked me up.

Nope, no electric britches for me.

Can I ask you what kind of tank bag you have?
It's one of the magnetic jobbies made by Rapid Transit. IIRC the model is Recon 19. I got mine at the Iron Pony, but it looks like you can get one Here. If you'd like to see closer-up pics, let me know.

Nice ride report.

As for the lake being low, don't let Al Gore's people get a hold of that. He will get another peace prize and we will have to listen to it..

Nice little milk run. It at least had time to cool off on your way back.

Another question: What kind of windshield do you have? My son rides a FJR and has added a different screen but it's not as large as the one you have.

Another question: What kind of windshield do you have? My son rides a FJR and has added a different screen but it's not as large as the one you have.
Soooo.... 'Your son' has windshield envy, eh?? :dribble:

It's a Vstream. Bought it used off another member of the forum. When I bought the bike, it came with a Givi flip which is OK, but I wanted one with a little more protection. I was riding with Jagermeister back in October and took a close look at his Vstream and decided to look for one for me.

Very cool, BikerGeek! :clapping: Now, for the important question.. what grade of milk? Non-fat? 1%, 2%, Whole?

Maybe you messed up and should go ride to get the other grade? :rolleyes:

2%. May have to make a run for some 1% tomorrow. Maybe around Lake St. Mary's or Paint Creek....

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Went out to buy milk, eh? Where have I heard that excuse before? Well, if it gets you out of the house. . . Anyway, good on ya' for bravin' the chilly winds. Around here we get the rain and fog, and sometimes it's pretty cold to ride, but all winter long we get these occasional beautiful sunny perfect days that make me pity some of you north-and-east types. Got to get out there when you can. Enjoy!
