So what with these choppers?

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Hardley Ablesons make lots of noise, But don't seem to move very fast.

This is not an optical illusion! I'm not surprised you rode up behind them.

The HD crowd thinks you cant afford what their riding.

Mainly due to the Kool-Aid drinking. "aka" buying an image and a sound.

Performance has nothing to do with it!

You did fall smack dab into their ignorance and attitude!

We all have been their my friend, Personally I loved what you did sans the finger

and horn thingy, but I understand.

When dealing with the hard core bandana wearing asschap knuckleheads,

"Go your own way" Its the attitude that make you angry. Most are alright and wave.

I had one of those types pass me in a no passing lane on a curvy section of

mountain road that weaved in and out for miles. He followed me for miles on the straits.

Once we he hit the mountains he decided to pass. WTF, Mistake! Just watching this

guy was scary. Held my distance for awhile "amusement purposes" then had enough,

You know the rest!

Guess you should change your handle to old and tough. <_< If these guys are not just wanna be's like you say and are a little on the antisocial side they might just get your plates and decide to make life a little bad for you at some point. We have wanna be's shooting or knifing each other every year up here in Sturges. Something to think about.
No ,,, not tough ,,, I don't look for trouble ,,, but I'm probably to Old & Slow to run from it either....

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These group therapy threads are fun.

"You poor simple ass" that's ******* classic.

You acted no different then I have in the past, so I don't find anything wrong with what you did, I do try to keep my cool but can't guarantee I always will especially when seeing/dealing with that goofy chopper type rider attitude, I know my FJR is very capable and one reason why I bought it was to help chill me out, you should see what I use to do with my prior 06 FZ1 and so on, I think having a bike should be fun not just a bunch of noise and chrome, but these are public streets and we should try to control our behavior, JUST MY OPINION


These group therapy threads are fun.

"You poor simple ass" that's ******* classic.
Yeah, Ray....I dunna unnerstan!?!? :blink:

Yesterday I was riding South on Hwy 99 and was being overtaken by another bike (at a high rate of speed). As he got closer I saw it was a Road Glide with ape hangers. No problem, I moved right and flagged him around. He waved and, with a blast of noise, he was "sharing" lanes and passing the cars ahead.

It isn't my job to label him or hold him up since I wasn't riding the speed he was. I've had cruiser riders do the same for me. It's all part of the experience.

Woooo Hooooo can we have a big group efn hug now!


Ha ha ha .... <_<

It's not about the bike, it's about the rider...


Today riding home from work I decided to take the long way. Temp is 65, partly cloudy, my CPA said my business is doing OK, I have a productive meeting today and it's Friday so life is good. :yahoo:
I'm driving almost side by side with a Ninja 650 and a yellow Goldwing behind me. I don't know them but we're just friends for this ride as we met at stoplight. It's almost a ten minute ride with them when we parted ways for my final leg when on the next light, these two choppers with, what you call it, ape hanger handlebars? Pirate looking riders with big hankerchief as helmets (I'm ATGATT) and I can see the hairs in their armpits. I swear these choppers front wheels is as thin as a road bicycle and it's rake, I don't comprehend how the bike can negotiate a turn.

They are on the front row and I'm right behind these two apes and I'm sure they noticed me because the other guy glanced at me, looked at his buddy and nodded at each other. I thought, hmm, they are about to show me something. Light turned green, the other bike swayed around and accelerated and tried to blew me off. I follow at a distance and catched up on next stop. I am supposed to turn right to our subdivision but what the hell, I have to show these apes the modern ride.

They accelerated as hard as they could and I followed them safely closely then maybe realizing they can't shake me off they decided to really slow down and blocked me from passing them. They occupied both 2 lanes and riding at 40 on a 55 limit. So me and the cars are piling up.

Now I'm really ticked off and wanted to split lane and blow them off :angry2: . I held myself to the next stoplight (I'm already way passed my house) and these two pirate apes giving each other high fives and looked back at me. I'm a cool guy they said but this time I decided I don't want to end the week behind them so I decided to just blew them off. I accelerated so hard I am leaning forward but the bike wheelied about an inch I can't barely them on my mirrors but on the next light they decided to sit beside me and started yelling. I gave them the dirty finger (also my first) and blew my Stebel Nautilus horn. And off I go, turned the next light to go home.

So please tell me guys, on my way home I felt so bad about myself :ph34r: I never done that kind of behavior. I didn't even expect to react that way but it happened so fast. Is it because I know the capabilities of my bike I have to show them? Or maybe if you're in the same situation you are going to do the same thing?

I don't even have a traffic ticket on record after 20+ years riding but I'm afraid if I see these kind apes again it will happen before I realized it. This is my commuting bike I don't even go rides with other bikers because they usually show off, and I always ride in a way so bikers will be respected. I'm deciding not to ride to work next week because commuters might recognize me again and I need to just cool it down.

Sorry for the long, late post I have no other place to vent it.
The problem is they think they are way cool and can ride the pants of anyone in a straight line!!

I would add, "be careful" out there and don't become involved with pathetic types like this.

Ride safe,


Only two choppers blocking two lanes of roadway? Any F J R rider worth his or her salt should be able to shoot the gap on those two bikes and go on your merry way. That's what all that power is for.

Now go out and practice that **** till you get it right.

Was at a surprise party for a 70-YO mother of a friend Saturday night. Friend's brother was telling me about his new 110 c.i. Iron Horse chopper he just bought. How fast it is with its hundred horse at the big fat rear wheel, how it's only good for riding around town, etc... Lot's of bucks for a shiny loud town toy.

I already feel as cool on my FJR as he looks on that thing, but if I didn't, I'd buy a new V-Max, and probably spend less than he did. I guess I'm just different that way....

You can ride them things anywhere......he just doesn't know it yet.

Was at a surprise party for a 70-YO mother of a friend Saturday night. Friend's brother was telling me about his new 110 c.i. Iron Horse chopper he just bought. How fast it is with its hundred horse at the big fat rear wheel, how it's only good for riding around town, etc... Lot's of bucks for a shiny loud town toy.
I already feel as cool on my FJR as he looks on that thing, but if I didn't, I'd buy a new V-Max, and probably spend less than he did. I guess I'm just different that way....

You need to check out the new Motorcyclist Issue..they have a head to head comparison of the B-King and V-max. Although they dont like the handling and ergos of the Vmax, it "wins" based on the cool factor.
