Someone hates me!Why?

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Hey man, I know the pain well.

I caught an ear infection a decade ago and the fluid built up so fast behind the ear it finally exploded out and tore my drum clean in half. I was deaf in that ear for nearly 3 weeks as the sucker healed. I was freaking out majorly as I'm a musician and composer, and its just a tad important to hear well.

It will improve, and since you've stopped the cigs, your body will present itself as a much more resilient and energetic healer.

Take a break, do anything you can differently, you'll be fine.

Good luck amigo,


I hope it's only good things that happen in 3's, not bad ones. If that's the case, watch out! :eek: Here's to a speedy recovery!!


O kay, for the kharma clock keeper, where did I run over a puppy? I just don't get, this is among the worst year of all the past20 yrs I can think of! First, I fall down a spiral staircase going to work and getting a lovely concussion and hitting hard enough to break some arthritic calcium deposits off my vertebra, one of which came awfully close to lodging in my c3-c4 space, didn't so who cares on that. Next I wipe the feej out 3 blocks from home. No biggie, learned my lesson went on to heal myself and the bike. Only had one minor glitch w/ the bike and that was the generator cover gasket shifted at the last second when I put the new stator on and didn't notice 'til it was too late and leaking oil! Oh well, ordered new gasket after finding it irrepairable and wait a few days, better than screwing up again because of oil slick or worse, having it start


hospital I was sweating so bad I soaked thru 2 shirts and a towel. Nobody could tell me how that thing landed on my shoulder or how it enede p impaling itself in me, the odds of that happeneing are as good as lotto #'s matching.

Anyone else ever have a ruptured eardrum?

Sorry if some of this doesn't make sense, I can't look up at screen too quickly or else I vomit(twice while typing this) and I'm getting really sick of it! No pun intended :angry: Thanks for letting me vent. 21 DAYS AND COUNTING W/O A CIGARETTE :yahoo: !. I gotta have something to cheer about!
Congrats on the 21 days nicotine free!....That's what the eardrum is all about. Just a little test I arranged to see if your resolve to quit smoking is strong...You passed! :clapping: ;)

I know your pain. I lost my hearing in an airliner, ascending to FL30. Seems the little metal spring they put in my right ear 30 years ago decided to rip open the oval window in the inner ear. Vertigo? you don't know what vertigo is.. try 4 hours of vomiting and 3 months of being able to walk only by holding on to the walls. I still have a problem with vertigo when turning my head suddenly. My balance is only a fraction of what it used to be. Perhaps that is why I've dropped the FJR so many times. :rolleyes: :D :lol:

It could be worse. One of my old work buddies just died after only 4 years retirement. He retired at 62 and got only 4 years to "enjoy" himself.... Bought a fishing boat and I don't think he even got to use it. Oh, that's right I retire next 62. :dribble:

The good thing is its been 63 days nicotine free here.....Keep on keeping on!

:clapping: :yahoo:


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Congrats on the 21 days nicotine free!....That's what the eardrum is all about. Just a little test I arranged to see if your resolve to quit smoking is strong...You passed! :clapping: ;)

I know your pain. I lost my hearing in an airliner, ascending to FL30. Seems the little metal spring they put in my right ear 30 years ago decided to rip open the oval window in the inner ear. Vertigo? you don't know what vertigo is.. try 4 hours of vomiting and 3 months of being able to walk only by holding on to the walls. I still have a problem with vertigo when turning my head suddenly. My balance is only a fraction of what it used to be. Perhaps that is why I've dropped the FJR so many times. :rolleyes: :D :lol:

It could be worse. One of my old work buddies just died after only 4 years retirement. He retired at 62 and got only 4 years to "enjoy" himself.... Bought a fishing boat and I don't think he even got to use it. Oh, that's right I retire next 62. :dribble:

The good thing is its been 63 days nicotine free here.....Keep on keeping on!

:clapping: :yahoo:


3 Months of walking while hanging onto walls?! I go to see our medical director thursday, hopefully they have meds to help w/ the vertigo, I'm still stumbling around even though it seems to have steadied out. Hopefully I don't have 3 months worth of it, and the vomiting continues so no spicy food for Eddie until that crap stops too! :angry:

Next time just kick me in the balls twice, I can handle that a lot easier! :dribble:

+ whatever we're up to on a name change.

When I was a Freshman in College my girlfriend (high School sweetheart) and I were arguing and I said something that I wish I hadn't... "You can't relate to me because I've been through so much and you grew up in the "Cleaver" house and have never had anything bad happen.

A couple of months later (Feb. 5 1988) we were passengers in an car wreck. She broke almost all of the bones on her left side, was in a coma for months, didn't utter a sound for 12 months and was half paralyzed for about 10 months. I left school for three years to help with her recovery. Her father was never the same ending the "Cleaver" household. She has battled with the disabilty of a head injury ever since but never-the-less went on to work regularly and eventualy marry a great guy. He was disabled too so she felt especially greatful to meet someone and wed. Well two years ago at 40 he had a heart attack and died. She and I are very close (like family) and talk at length about how life can sometimes be very unfair and quite random.

Ironically, I even have to remind her about my other friend who has lost her young niece AND TWO husbands in their 30's.

Bottom line, I know that when we are down we don't really need to hear about people who have it worse because that is not necessarily what we are looking for and I purposely waited a few days to reply but.... believe me when I tell you that some unfortunate people have 20-30 year runs with misfortune and tragedy, even some very positive minded people. We all have to count our blessings and remind ourselves that each day is a gift and every relationship is a blessing.

So heal up, cheer up and I look forward to the day when you can look back and laugh about this ****** run in with bad luck.

and really do consider a name change that is positive, healthy and upbeat ... like maybe "The grim death nazi pedophile terrorrist"

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Congrats on being smoke free Ed! I know it sucks, but it will be worth it!

Cheer up! I could have been worse, You could have had my year... :blink:

Congrats on the smoke free thing! If you can get through all of that without a smoke, then I believe you have it licked. Get well soon dude>

Hope you dont have alergies,, like sneezing & pollen count stuff. That might keep blowing out that eardrum while in healing stage.

Alls well so far, I've sneezed a bunch of times since the "incident" w/ no blowouts yet :dribble: . I just cover my face and let it rip so that there's no backpressure. ENT doc looked at it today and said it should heal fine, gotta go back in 30 days for hearing test to see if little ear bones are okay, too much hearing loss right now to determine anything.

Not to mention work's trying to tell me it's not job related :angry2: , if I wasn't working on a trauma pt where the **** was I? This is gonna be interesting to see. I honestly don't care either way, I just want my hearing back, I can pay for everything else my insurance doesn't in the event I lose the fight.

My goal is to be back by june, any longer and I'll be bouncing off walls. The positive side is that I get to stay w/ the pup for the first 3 weeks after his surgery, so that's a little load off my mind.

Alls well so far, I've sneezed a bunch of times since the "incident" w/ no blowouts yet :dribble: . I just cover my face and let it rip so that there's no backpressure. ENT doc looked at it today and said it should heal fine, gotta go back in 30 days for hearing test to see if little ear bones are okay, too much hearing loss right now to determine anything. Not to mention work's trying to tell me it's not job related :angry2: , if I wasn't working on a trauma pt where the **** was I? This is gonna be interesting to see. I honestly don't care either way, I just want my hearing back, I can pay for everything else my insurance doesn't in the event I lose the fight.

My goal is to be back by june, any longer and I'll be bouncing off walls. The positive side is that I get to stay w/ the pup for the first 3 weeks after his surgery, so that's a little load off my mind.

Ed, just continue to pursue your claim. A part of my job is reporting comp claims, it seems to have become standard practice for the comp carriers(Insurance companies) to question any claim no matter how valid. Reading your post about the injury I don't think they will question the claim beyond the first response.

Your claim looks good to me, you have witnesses, you reported the injury right away, couple of things you need to do is make sure your HR person or who ever submits the claims took written statements from the witnesses and if they didn't you should have the witnesses give you their statements. Second thing is follow your doctors instruction.

Not to mention work's trying to tell me it's not job related :angry2: , if I wasn't working on a trauma pt where the **** was I?
Get a worker's comp lawyer. There should be one in your area. They usually work on contingency and I guess they aren't allowed to charge too much either, based on my experience. I just settled a claim that drug on for six years, and they only charged $900.00

Always helps to have your own gladiator when going up against the corporate bean counters. Best to you....

Definitely am staying on top of it. I called the union rep (IAFF Local2) as soon as I left medical and even talked to the nurse that took care of me(she's a CFD medic too) and she stated in the report that it occurred while working a traumatic arrest which should help. Both of 'em were livid at the insinuation that it's not work related because I was somehow at fault <_< , as if I wanted time off bad enough to do this! Idiots!

I have 2 furloughs coming up why would I waste 'em like that? I'll keep everyone posted as developments come in. Plus, I have a lawyer waiting in the wings just in case the union can't do much about it, it helps we've known each other about 19 yrs and have been best men in each others weddings.

Thanks for all the support guys, hope to see you all at WFO-6! Hell or high water, I'll be there! :yahoo:

Another positive is the vertigo is all but gone and I'm starting to get my hearing back at an almost suprising rate, I'm figuring 3-5% is returning a day :clapping:
