Sometimes Being An Adult Sucks

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It can be difficult to understand at times, why we get these attachments to animals. It doesn't matter what kind, horse, dog, cat, bird,etc..

Here's the thing. One either gets it, or they don't. The ones that don't, I find I don't associate with. To me, something is missing in them. The ones that do, I have as friends. I find them to be good-hearted people, trustworthy, having empathy, and well grounded.

I'm truly sorry for the loss of your dear friend. The pain eases, but doesn't totally go away. This is because we loved them.

The love for an animal, is one of the purest forms of love.

I feel your pain. Grew up on a farm, and sometimes you have to do what is best and minimizes the pain for the animal. Doesn't make it any easier, but is the right thing to do.

Damn, AJ. That sucks - you have my condolences.

A cat that I'd had for 10 years got sick in early 2013. Her kidneys were shutting down. We tried the subcutaneous fluid treatment and it helped for a week, but she digressed and I had to make that same decision. Sooze and I were there with her, petting her and telling her we loved her as she crossed the Rainbow Bridge. That kitteh was the most crazy-smart cat I've even known (any time the show "Wild Russia" came on, she would either wake up from a sound sleep on the couch or some into the family room from wherever she was and watch that show with insane intensity - I have pictures) and I miss her every day - we still have a litter-mate running around here that's as dingy as a cat can be. Not looking forward to making The Decision for her as well.

ETA - do ya have a picture of Scoot to share?

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A.J. sorry for your loss, good friends that pass before us are always hard to lose. Great tribute to your horse and to your Father!

Sometimes, just getting it out makes it feel better. As much as we screw off, this place is theraputic. Taking the time to write all that down, and then hearing back from others helps. Thanks for the feedback!

Andy, I looked here last night for pictures of him, but I couldn't find them. I'm such a loser. I'll have to look around.

Sorry boys and girls to make you relive stuff that sucks. This stuff definately sucks. What really sucked was stupid-ass me, thought Scoot just needed a brace and some pain killers until he felt better. So I took my 5 and 7 year old daughters. THAT was a great decision! Now the 5 year old likes to ask me, "Remember that place we went to where you killed Scoot?"

Jeeze...honest to God, being 12 again would not hurt my feelings! That would make some of you like 35, but hell, 30 years is 30 years. Haha...

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You're a good man AJ. I remember how you looked and acted when you showed us that video of you guys riding the horses in the snow. I was trying to remember exactly, was Scoot in that video?

Mrs. Redfish sends her condolences as well.

My wife had to put down her horse this summer, that was a rough week for her.

We all know how tough it is to put down a beloved pet/companion but honestly my goal is to out live every pet I have. Sometimes I think gold fish are mush easier on the heart strings.

All my sympathies.

I had to make that decision with our last dog. After a litany of dachshunds throughout my life Red was finally the one who ended up with a bad back and paralyzed. It was either a life dragging his hind quarters around or going to sleep. All of us gathered around him on that day and wept like babies as he slipped away from us.

It's still not easy to think about. Time simply means that I think of it less often.

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"It is STUPID to be this way over an animal ..." Nope. That statement is wrong, wrong, wrong. If an animal loves you -- horse, dog, human -- and you love it back, you'll mourn their loss when the time comes around.

I'm sorry, man.

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People and animals, and maybe other things too, grow as a part of us. Of course it hurts when they must depart. Wish you well.

We all have our stories, sharing them helps to ease the burdon. Thanks for trusting this community enough to share yours with us.

Thoughts, prayers and JUJU sent for you and your family.


Been there AJ, not with horses but with dogs. We've had our share of joys and heartache too, the last one in 2011. We knew she had defective kidneys when we rescued her but she was the sweetest, most loving creature I've ever known. Vet said she'd live 5 maybe six yrs tops. She was with us 4 1/2 but she reminded us every day how much she enjoyed life and how lucky we were to be with her. She was brown. That's all, just brown, no special breed, an unattractive "all American" with a horrible underbite and a missing lower canine. But that mutt was equally adept at stealing beer as she was at catching a rabbit in an open field. She even latched onto a racoon once, and won. No small feat!

My deepest condolences, we feel your pain.

THAT was a great decision! Now the 5 year old likes to ask me, "Remember that place we went to where you killed Scoot?"
Soory dood but LMFAO!! If it makes it any easier the mrs. and I have been together for 25+ "long, arduous, painful years." She's 53 and still says things like this to me. Good luck with that!!

In 47 years and numerous run-ins where I came out a little bruised shall we say...
'zilla goes in the records books for be being the only cop to ever make me cry.

**** you.
Dammit, I ran out of likes, just on this one thread.

AJ, you're OK. The rest of you guys aren't so bad, either.

For all of us who lose those we love:

Do not stand at my grave and weepI am not there, I do not sleep

I am in a thousand winds that blow

I am the softly falling snow

I am the gentle showers of rain

I am the fields of ripening grain

I am in the morning hush

I am in the graceful rush

Of beautiful birds in circling flight

I am the starshine of the night

I am in the flowers that bloom

I am in a quiet room

I am the birds that sing

I am in each lovely thing

Do not stand at my grave and cry

I am not there I do not die
by Mary Elizabeth Frye


Sorry for your loss A.J. I've been there, but not with the horses, We had to let them go before they broke down. I sometimes wonder how I was able to sever that connection.


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