Son has an accident

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Builder Bob , don't blame yourself for a wreck caused by a cager. Accidents happen and it's all a part of life. My brother got me envolved two years ago , and I would not dream of stop riding even after the broken wrist last year. Just recieved my new 08 FJR after the wreck and can't wait to put some miles on my new toy.

It's water under the bridge at this point. Could'a, would'a, should'a, you can't go back in time. (and no way to look into the future). Wishing your son a speedy recovery; don't blame yourself.

Haven't heard from the boy yet this morning. It was looking like they were going to keep him over night yesterday. There was some mention of possible surgery on his hand, but I don't know what the final decision is on that.

Yes, we all assume the risks involved in motorcycling. Some more aware of them than others. A valuable, yet expensive way for my son to learn, but I'm sure that he will be more weary of all the possible dangers when he is eventually back in the saddle. As Toecutter stated very well, you have to assume that EVERYONE is out to get you while on your bike and stay alert to the possibilities. That's been my philosophy for quite some time. I'm sure that it will now be Doug's (my son) as well.

Sorry to hear about your boy's accident.

I was glad to read he was wearing the appropriate gear.

Here's hoping for a speedy and full recovery.

Haven't heard from the boy yet this morning. It was looking like they were going to keep him over night yesterday. There was some mention of possible surgery on his hand, but I don't know what the final decision is on that.
Yes, we all assume the risks involved in motorcycling. Some more aware of them than others. A valuable, yet expensive way for my son to learn, but I'm sure that he will be more weary of all the possible dangers when he is eventually back in the saddle. As Toecutter stated very well, you have to assume that EVERYONE is out to get you while on your bike and stay alert to the possibilities. That's been my philosophy for quite some time. I'm sure that it will now be Doug's (my son) as well.

Any update on the condition of your son? I hope his recovery is going fast and smooth.



I'm feeling somewhat responsible for his bad fortune. If I hadn't kindled that desire to get another bike (his first was stolen), none of this would have happened.
Bullshit Bob,

unless you have some special powers to forsee what alternate realities could have been, you have no way to claim any responsibility. And bullshit for thinkin he wasnt going to get another bike and sooner or later end up in a similar situation. Everything could have been different but this is life and you son is a big boy.

PS I am glad he is ok. I could never forgive myself if My boy got hurt on a bike :unsure:

That sucks, I wish you both the best.

Not your fault at all. However, I do understand the feeling. Simply truth is you raised him well and he became a military man. This says to me he is a driven individual and with or without your input he very well may have ended up on a bike any way during his time home.

Any update on the condition of your son? I hope his recovery is going fast and smooth.


Yes. He was released from the hospital yesterday (Sunday). He has a cast on his right arm/hand and some sort of a removable brace on his right leg. Doc says six weeks for the knee and up to 8 for the hand. He sounded good on the phone, handling things well.

Today he'll talk to his command about what they want to do with him as he can't get around. He needs to get a copy of the police report from the accident and get in touch with the insurance company.

Thanks everyone for your interest and encouraging words. This is indeed a great community!

Good news on his recovery.

When I was in one guy got an Article 15 for getting sun burned so bad he was on limited duty (hospitalized for a couple of days). Something to do with abuse of gov't property (as the rumors ran). More likely something to do with failure to take adequate precautions.

The police report will be a huge help for him if they try to hassle him. If so, get it and him to the JAG office most ricky tick if his commanding officer(s) choose to push.

In the mean time encourage him to get signed up for a riders safety course (MSF or base equivalent). Most bases require it before you can ride on base. Prevention is the best medicine and training is the strong foundation on which prevention is built.

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In the mean time encourage him to get signed up for a riders safety course (MSF or base equivalent). Most bases require it before you can ride on base. Prevention is the best medicine and training is the strong foundation on which prevention is built.
He did that over a year ago.

Yes. He was released from the hospital yesterday (Sunday). He has a cast on his right arm/hand and some sort of a removable brace on his right leg. Doc says six weeks for the knee and up to 8 for the hand. He sounded good on the phone, handling things well.
Today he'll talk to his command about what they want to do with him as he can't get around. He needs to get a copy of the police report from the accident and get in touch with the insurance company.

Thanks everyone for your interest and encouraging words. This is indeed a great community!


That is good news! Thanks for the update and I am sure his recovery will be fast.



In the mean time encourage him to get signed up for a riders safety course (MSF or base equivalent). Most bases require it before you can ride on base. Prevention is the best medicine and training is the strong foundation on which prevention is built.
He did that over a year ago.
renewal time!

i do an ERC every other year. helps to break bad/lazy habits.

In the mean time encourage him to get signed up for a riders safety course (MSF or base equivalent). Most bases require it before you can ride on base. Prevention is the best medicine and training is the strong foundation on which prevention is built.
He did that over a year ago.

Nice to hear he is doing well...

Good thing he was ATGATT.... If you're in an accident and you're military and NOT wearing gear, they can and have denied payment of medical bills.

But dont' blame yourself...

Short list...

Me... got sideswiped by a car when I was in the military...she took her lane out of the middle of the road....I got a broken elbow

Caddy- driver's side wiped out

Honda 350 - totalled

Too many years later....

Youngest son, now a college student...

Honda VLX 600 traded for a VTX1300 Retro-

VTX- a small get off, slipped on some wet palm leaves and mud. Bike got one small scratch,

Chris got two small scratches.

Mom...lecture to child.

Next, Chris slid into a car when they pulled in front of him on the freeway and hit the brakes, and it was raining. small dent in the bumper

Chris... ride to the hospital in an ambulance, bruised and shaken after a fly thru the air. Good thing he knows how to land, thanks to jujitsu.

VTX -totalled.. Two huge dents in the gas tank, Chris went thru the windshield, downtube bent .

Mom.... not polite to say what I said here.


Suzuki 1200 Bandit (My bike!)- 4 bocks from his dorm, car hits him, hit and run..... about 2 blocks, then came back. Lots of witnesses.

Another ride to the hospital, missed his jazz concert, broken foot. damage, the other driver (another 19 yr old kid) was cited for no license, no registration (car was not his) no insurance.

Eventually the state took the driver to court, but since he was had no job, was not worth while suing.

Bandit....totaled because of one very small dent in the side frame, also had a couple broken parts like signals and levers. I ended up fixing it for about $300.

Because there is no shop in Hawaii that fixes frames, even a scratch on the frame will total a bike there.

Now the funny part.... I'm on my way to the college, he's got a couple of solos and the weather is beautiful for the first time in three years, outdoor concert.

I get a phone call, don't take it because I'm pulling into the school parking lot, wondering WHY there's an ambulance right in the entrance....


Hop out, run up to the ambulance.... cop at the door asks me what I'm doing there...

Hey, it's my kid...

"Hi Mom!"

The cops cracked up.....

Oh yeah, this is the same kid that figured that he if jumped from a certain 3rd floor window at the school, and landed in one particular tree.....

NO way is he allowed to try that..... plus a few additional demonstrative words for emphasis.... :angry:

Anyway, don't feel bad, you son will learn. Hey, it even took us a while, right? ;)


Bob, it is good to hear that he got off with minor injuries. He won't have to worry about the Navy coming down on him. He was in the right, he had taken the MSF Course and was following the rules for ATGATT or as the Navy calls it PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). He did as a good sailor should and followed the rules. They will work with him and insure that he gets the proper healing. And don't go beating yourself up, it is all part of his learning process. When he gets back on, us San Diego folks can take him under our wings and check up on him from time to time, especially us x Navy types.

Hey BB, Glad to hear things are smoothing over a little. As a current parent and motorcyclist and ex-Navy, I am very proud to see you raised him right. My son(23) also rides and I'm honestly not sure what I would feel in your position. I DO know my Dad will kick MY ass for ever turning him on to the sport, he absolutely hates my FJR and makes me park it in the street when I go to see him...he hates all motorcycles...actually thats not fair ..he hates everything! :rolleyes: but I love him still.

Please try not to beat yourself up too much over this...I'd trade one day on a bike for 10 years in a cage and I'm sure most of us feel the same. Blessings to you and your family.


I DO know my Dad will kick MY ass for ever turning him on to the sport, he absolutely hates my FJR and makes me park it in the street when I go to see him...he hates all motorcycles...actually thats not fair ..he hates everything! :rolleyes: but I love him still.
I had to laugh. My Dad turned 81 on his last B-day. Still going strong, and when I say strong, I mean a bigger pain in the a$$ than ever! LOL! Love him as well. Despite the the boogers, he's the greatest man I have known.

Anyway, don't feel bad, you son will learn. Hey, it even took us a while, right? ;) Mary
Quite a story! Had to edit most of it out of this reply to save bandwith (interested parties see above).

Yes, we all have had our accidents, whether on a motorcycle or somewhere else in life. Thats's where good stories are born. I'm sure that my son is enjoying relating HIS story to his buds in San Diego. Part of his history now.

Funny, the longer we live, the more HISTORY we have!
