I have another Sergeant that won't talk to me because I called him a douche bag in front of a chief. This guy was a half-assed officer, and then got promoted. He was an egotistical jerk, and somehow got our last boss' ear, trying to make it an SOP violation if guys wore their hats into a building, or their own car.
He was bragging to this chief about how he was going to use another guy's poor uniform appearance to go after something else. I told him to stop being a douche bag, because most of the guys already hated him for the hat shenanagin. He back pedaled like a mo-fo, and hasn't said two words to me in two years. Just the way I like it.
I can't stand people who get a little bit of authority and suddenly feel the need to screw with people. Actually, if I had learned to keep my mouth shut 15 years ago, I'd probably be a chief myself, by now. Lol...Oh well...
Either way, good luck Digger. I'm hoping Jr. was just trying to flex muscle he doesn't really have, and won't give you a hard time. Little turd. It's always the boss's kid who is an entitled *******.
Because of my dad's business, I saw a couple of machine shops fold when operations got handed to the kid, who started being a dick to the employees. Back then, before everything was CNC, good machinists were in demand, so they would get pissed off at Junior's mouth and leave, en-mass. A machine shop can't run without experienced guys there to teach the kids. Left a couple of entitled, young, bosses holding their dicks.