Sorry Boss, I'm going...

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I think "owner's son said" kind of tells a lot of the story. I've only met a few "owner's sons" who didn't need a well aimed kick. Most have no idea what it means to work for a living, after their dad (or mom) fought tooth and nail to build something from nothing.

I have another Sergeant that won't talk to me because I called him a douche bag in front of a chief. This guy was a half-assed officer, and then got promoted. He was an egotistical jerk, and somehow got our last boss' ear, trying to make it an SOP violation if guys wore their hats into a building, or their own car.

He was bragging to this chief about how he was going to use another guy's poor uniform appearance to go after something else. I told him to stop being a douche bag, because most of the guys already hated him for the hat shenanagin. He back pedaled like a mo-fo, and hasn't said two words to me in two years. Just the way I like it.

I can't stand people who get a little bit of authority and suddenly feel the need to screw with people. Actually, if I had learned to keep my mouth shut 15 years ago, I'd probably be a chief myself, by now. Lol...Oh well...

Either way, good luck Digger. I'm hoping Jr. was just trying to flex muscle he doesn't really have, and won't give you a hard time. Little turd. It's always the boss's kid who is an entitled *******.

Because of my dad's business, I saw a couple of machine shops fold when operations got handed to the kid, who started being a dick to the employees. Back then, before everything was CNC, good machinists were in demand, so they would get pissed off at Junior's mouth and leave, en-mass. A machine shop can't run without experienced guys there to teach the kids. Left a couple of entitled, young, bosses holding their dicks.

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Assuming that the "Plan B" job is the same kind of work that yer doin' now??? I'm thinking that it negatively affects your credit if the new job is not the same exact kind of work you're doing now. Also wondering if your credit is affected if perhaps there's a little time off between jobs. Just a thought in case yer serious about jumpin' ship. Ya might want to double check with those who understand the ins and outs of the credit rating system on this one before you make your final decision.Dad always said that "Your credit is the most important thing you have, Son." Nowadays, even the cost of your car insurance is based in part on your credit rating. Ya might want to double check all this before making a decision you might regret later on.

Just a thought...


darksider #44
I don't think that is the case. My credit rating has actually increased since I retired and was never affected when I changed jobs. If you manage your finances prudently I don't think your employment status has much to do with your credit rating.

I don't think that is the case. My credit rating has actually increased since I retired and was never affected when I changed jobs. If you manage your finances prudently I don't think your employment status has much to do with your credit rating.
In a way, taking care of your credit is kinda like raising your kids... if you don't **** up too bad at the very beginning, you don't have much to fix or worry about further down the road.

I guess im lucky. I get 10 shifts vacation which equals a month. Ive been there 21years so I get to pick my days 2nd and with having 2 off per shift its never an issue. My only problem is last year and this july i took 3 weeks off for taking trips out west and that doesnt leave me much for the rest of the year.

I think "owner's son said" kind of tells a lot of the story. I've only met a few "owner's sons" who didn't need a well aimed kick. Most have no idea what it means to work for a living, after their dad (or mom) fought tooth and nail to build something from nothing.

I have another Sergeant that won't talk to me because I called him a douche bag in front of a chief. This guy was a half-assed officer, and then got promoted. He was an egotistical jerk, and somehow got our last boss' ear, trying to make it an SOP violation if guys wore their hats into a building, or their own car.
He was bragging to this chief about how he was going to use another guy's poor uniform appearance to go after something else. I told him to stop being a douche bag, because most of the guys already hated him for the hat shenanagin. He back pedaled like a mo-fo, and hasn't said two words to me in two years. Just the way I like it.

I can't stand people who get a little bit of authority and suddenly feel the need to screw with people. Actually, if I had learned to keep my mouth shut 15 years ago, I'd probably be a chief myself, by now. Lol...Oh well...

Either way, good luck Digger. I'm hoping Jr. was just trying to flex muscle he doesn't really have, and won't give you a hard time. Little turd. It's always the boss's kid who is an entitled *******.

Because of my dad's business, I saw a couple of machine shops fold when operations got handed to the kid, who started being a dick to the employees. Back then, before everything was CNC, good machinists were in demand, so they would get pissed off at Junior's mouth and leave, en-mass. A machine shop can't run without experienced guys there to teach the kids. Left a couple of entitled, young, bosses holding their dicks.
I will definitely agree to the second generation 3ffing up a good company. "Zilla, my dad is a retired toolmaker and I have seen several small job shops fail that way.

On another note: I have worn a Moonshine Lunch Run shirt to work two days in a row. Not worried about a credit issue either. Now for the Drs. note.....

I love a good challenge at times. Regardless, I'm going......

In their defense: It is the busiest equipment dealer I have ever seen. We are understaffed and really have no room for additional help anyway. The whole place is busting at the seems with product, parts, etc. I was hired to take care of the construction equipment part but I never know whats next. Right now it is mowers unless something more important comes up. I get 90% of electrical issues. I usually assemble new product as it comes off the truck. Nice clean work. This could be a tractor, hay baler, mower, utility vehicle, mini excavator, snowplow etc.

I am 56 and a skilled mechanic. I got my first tools when I was 11. Skilled mechanics are hard to find. Fewer people entering the profession. and most of those are blacksmiths or simply untrainable. So if push came to shove I have no doubts about finding employment. I have a couple of standing offers now.

Trade schools are only good if the student has mechanical ability and is trainable. I could read all the books on brain surgery but that don't mean I am qualified to cut some poor guy open.

I'm still going.......

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good mechanics are very hard to find, especially ones with a broad enough skill set for electrical. Some folks just cant grasp that whole positive/negative thing. I've been wrenching for as long as I can remeber. Dad taught me how to use a multimeter and solder before I was 9 years old. I have worked in all manner of mech/tech jobs. Last car place I was at, I got all the electrical, airbag and driveability stuff, ck engine light stuff. I was the cleanest most well paid tech in the operation. The job I have right now,,,, they called me looking for someone qualified. The owner at the last place told me that he would fire somebody if he had to if i wanted to come back.

50 weeks notice for vacation time? LOL

ENJOY THE RIDE. and lock your toolbox before you go.

50 weeks is not normal. It came up in conversation when he bitched about me taking off this year. My comment was "Brace yourself, I'm going next year too"

At nine I discovered an old blower motor and a battery. Ran down every battery I could find. I was amazed that switching the wires made it go backwards. LOL

50 weeks is not normal. It came up in conversation when he bitched about me taking off this year. My comment was "Brace yourself, I'm going next year too"
At nine I discovered an old blower motor and a battery. Ran down every battery I could find. I was amazed that switching the wires made it go backwards. LOL
So, are you not supposed to call in sick? Can't attend a funeral? Can't make doctor/dentist appointments? Go to Hawaii on vacation (let alone the one day ride)? This almost sounds like involuntary servitude rather than a job.


He's just an ass. Which means we will have a spirited conversation eventually. I don't do "can't". I will just remind them in advance and go.

This is a small family operation that moves a hell of a lot of product. I doubt that there is a printed policy. I get along good with the old man. And he is not even slowing down at 70. The whole situation just annoys me.

It would be involuntary servitude if I gave a rats ass what Jr. thinks, says or does.

But I don't.

I like "mental health day".....

This is a small family operation that moves a hell of a lot of product. I doubt that there is a printed policy. I get along good with the old man. And he is not even slowing down at 70. The whole situation just annoys me.
I hate to say it, but based on what you have said, that place is doomed. The old man is running the place properly but lil' Skippy doesn't know is ass from a hole in the ground. Once the old man is outta the picture, lil' Skippy will run the employees the old man hired right out the door. I've seen it happen many times.

And this is coming from a guy who, at one point in my life, was the boss' kid. (The old man sold the business - I left many years ago but one of my brothers is still there.)

In 2010, I was working for a very large company. Huge. As in Fortune 20-ish. Luckily, I was working for a terrific boss. I met my wife there, and she still works there. We wanted to take 3 weeks of that year and ride across the country. We started the conversations with our bosses in January and took the trip in July.

Loyalty to the old man and the repeat customers is the only reason 80% of us have stayed. And you are correct on lil" Skippy. Other than the moron it is a good place to work. Besides, collectively we outvote the ass. I have worked for 4 family owned businesses. I could return to any of them if needed. They all have an idiot relative. probably so does most jobs.

Me, I'm retired. And I can only think of the one person who has the power to control my time.

And she could do that before I retired anyway.
I'm with you there on that, Brother!

Just a question, Feel free to dog pile if you must. If you quite, I'm betting your current level of vacation does not follow you to your new job ? For the record I too have 21 years in my profession and am considered a senior to the company. There is no seniority to the time off request, basically first one to request usually gets it.

We can request up to five months in advance. Approvals usually take 2 to 4 weeks depending on what the other 150 employee's are requesting.

I've been a manager, done that been there.... one of the reasons I will not be one again.

A smart man once told me a good boss works with his employee's not tell them what to do.

Guess I was not a smart boss cause I approved what ever any employee requested.

I find if you remind your idiot boss of the favours you have done for them in the past the more flexible they become...

Just a thought....

My boss is a slave driving sob who jumps on my case way too hard if I make a mistake and laughs at me when I request time off.
Sometimes self employment can be a real bitch.
Your boss also sexually harasses you. I'm betting you have a good case!
