Ave U !!!!
Good article in american motorcyclist about loud pipes to sum it up more and more city, states and towns want almost silent bikes for example in new york its a $440 dollar fine if you can be heard from 200 feet away .In penn. $150 bucks if you rev your engine . Ih Honolulu all bikes have
to have stock pipes . In delray beach Fl. they want to close 5 blocks from7 am to 11 pm because of the sidewal cafes . its just going to go from state to state is what i think . I am from n.y.c and i never heard of the 400 buck stuff and how can you enforce it .Thats a very long tape measure
to have stock pipes . In delray beach Fl. they want to close 5 blocks from7 am to 11 pm because of the sidewal cafes . its just going to go from state to state is what i think . I am from n.y.c and i never heard of the 400 buck stuff and how can you enforce it .Thats a very long tape measure
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