South Florida Ride this Sunday, 8/12

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
South Florida FJR riders,

Dana (wpbfjr) and I are going to meet up this Sunday 8/12 at 7:30 am, go for a ride, and grab breakfast along the way. I personally will be looking to wrap up at around 1:00 to avoid the heat and rain, but certainly others can go longer.

Depending on who is interested and where they are coming from, we will pick a meeting place and ride itinerary. Generally speaking, we would like to meet in the West Palm Beach area. This way, folks from North Palm and Broward can join, too. Any suggestions are welcomed!

Hope you'll come out this weekend.


[NPR Pledge drive voice]

please, attend and help BD break the ~5000 mile threshold...

it is only ~200 miles for BD, your support is crucial in his FJR breaking this important milestone...


[/NPR Pledge drive voice]

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[NPR Pledge drive voice]

please, attend and help BD break the ~5000 mile threshold...

it is only ~200 miles for BD, your support is crucial in his FJR breaking this important milestone...


[/NPR Pledge drive voice]
Funny guy! You know, it was a long time ago that I updated the signature, so it is not exactly accurate...

... The ODO really reads 4851 miles, so :bleh: .


BD/DanaI would like to join you for the ride, its been awhile since we took that ride around the Lake. I am leaving for Orlando on Sunday for work. Maybe next time around.


if we ride north foist, will you ride with us on your way to woik in mickey town?


and bob-st suggested, in a pm:

meet at the old gas station 1/4 mile south of moroso on 710... then ride to okee city and have a true southern b'fast...

i counter suggested:

how bout meeting at the gas station 1 mile further south on 710 at the entrance to the industrial park north of caloosa? at least early birds could get coffee and shoot the shit with other sportbike dudes.. then ride to okee city and have a true southern b'fast...

either way, lyle is included...


how bout meeting at the gas station 1 mile further south on 710 at the entrance to the industrial park north of caloosa? at least early birds could get coffee and shoot the shit with other sportbike dudes.. then ride to okee city and have a true southern b'fast...
either way, lyle is included...

Okay that works for me.

So unless something changes I'll meet you guys at the gas satation 1 mile south of moroso at 7:30 Sunday.

We can then ride to Okeechobee for breakfast and then ride ALL of the good roads there (both of them).



but when bd has exactly 5000 miles on his fjr, we all stop and take pictures!!!!!!

NORTHERN FJR riders meet 0730 at the gas station on 710 in front of the industrial park....

CENTRAL / SOUTHERN FJR riders leave 0700 from ifo starbuks on forest hill, 1/4 mile west of 441, southside of road...

bring your sunpass for the turnpike... we can go from southern to bee line exit (sunpass only, no cash), west to the meeting point...

or, cut thru royal palm to northlake to bee line to the meeting point...

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I'll be riding from Key West to Arkansas that weekend and might be able to join the group if I can figure out where you plan to meet. Unfortunatly my FJR will be ar home and I will be on a Suzuki 1500 cruiser if no one minds. :assassin:

I'll be riding from Key West to Arkansas that weekend and might be able to join the group if I can figure out where you plan to meet. Unfortunatly my FJR will be ar home and I will be on a Suzuki 1500 cruiser if no one minds. :assassin:

The Suzuki wont bother me (can't speak for the other guys :) ). We are meeting this Sunday 8/12 at 7:30 AM at a gas station at the corner of FL-710 and Park of Commerce Blvd (GPS coordinates are N26 53.635 W80 16.666) in North Palm Beach County.

Coming from the south take the FL Turnpike to Exit 109 Palm Beach Gardens (PGA Blvd.) then go west on PGA blvd about 3 miles then north on FL-710 about 5 miles.

If this is not clear or other questions feel free to PM me.


Coming from the south take the FL Turnpike to Exit 109 Palm Beach Gardens (PGA Blvd.) then go west on PGA blvd about 3 miles then north on FL-710 about 5 miles.

exit turnpike at fl-710 / "beeline hwy" exit...

sunpass only...

go west to meet location...

See u at starfuckers at 6:50! Yawn - are they even open that early??
no... lol...

i'm hoping fjr's just show up...

kinda like x-mas, no knowing until it's there... lol...

plenty of coffee at the sr-710 gas station/meet spot... gonna need it for the mind numbing ride out to okee city, unless bob-st has a few detours planned...

hint hint, nudge nudge...

I'll be there, but I won't be happy about it. Zzzzzzzz.

I also PM'd some of the other local riders to check out this thread, but I think it will just be the three or four of us. That's cool, less complicated!

